The OG is back -

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bytecode, Sep 24, 2021.

  1. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Yeah word brother. I'm more keen for the group aspect of it, entering names of all people in group and showing only feats that are needed by everyone. I'll be able to dig this data and figure out if this will be possible soon.
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  2. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Yeah bud, you're definitely not alone in this one. I'd love to have all of this data available in Census. Reality is that we have about 10% of that and only 5% still work reliably at this point.

    As more people show interest like you did, we might be able to get a Census update from the game developers.
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  3. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Yeah confirming what BumblingB answered earlier to you, that info isn't available on Census.

    Cheers for the mention on the good old days!
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  4. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the kind note and glad to hear you enjoy the minimalist design of wavedox.

    Can you try using the search feature at the top of the website for quick character name lookup and let me know if that doesn't work in the way you would expect? Also I just deployed Advanced Search which you can try from the top-right corner menu.
  5. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Hey thanks for sharing.

    Do you know if new DLC feats are added at least with top level information e.g. feat name and description? Not necessarily the breakdown of checklists similar to style feats?

    I believe that might allow for a good enough useful feature.
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  6. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Haha right! I really like my style from back in 2015 which is probably still the best I have given such a long break :)
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  7. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    I think I've caught up with all comments and questions. Please give me a nudge if I missed you.

    Advanced Search is live!

    Fill out all search fields with your character spec. How special do you feel haha? How many similar characters? :)
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  8. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    Before most:3 Thanks for the good work:)

    Regarding my sugestion, I was thinking something more in this lines:

    On wavedox it would look similar to:

    Again, this is a sugestion, just skip it if you tthink is not feasable/worth the effor.

    A few side notes, on the select power there is no rage option: 3
    I also couldnt find an option to sort by a given attribute.

    A few more sugestions. I think most people will mostly care for SP, CR, Power, Role and Moviment Power.
    Gender Alignment Peronsaly Origin could be easy made into a global statisctic. Knowing that for every batman boy there are 3 superman fanboys seems hillarious.

    If i think of more sugestions or you want to share your take on certain parts I should be around:)
    If you also want I can give you diferent statistics websites I use, that may give you some inspiration.
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    They have an EU side as well.
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  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Is there a way we can see it as a number and not characters?

    Also I'm not sure how it's sorted. I chose above 500 sp and above 327 cr and it showed a lot of players not in any particular order I could tell.

    Edit: I noticed the number at the top, but the list confusion question still stands.
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  11. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    They seem to have broken right around the time of the PC/PS server merge. Characters created before that have paper doll images from prior to the merge while those created after have no paper doll images.
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    If only it was simple to say that, but paper dolls always had issues from the initial launch. My paper doll still shows up with the styles I had probably 6 years ago. All my alts don't have dolls. Several leaguemates of mine, who were way before the merge, don't have dolls. I'm not sure what cause the breaking of the dolls, but it definitely was not related to the merger.
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  13. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    The name search being just the exact name typed is a bit of a hindrance if you are looking for someone that may have a misspelling or leet characters in the name or even a similar name. Example, If I search "Golden" I just get that character where on the original (can't remember if it was the original Wavedox or Sore's or both) you would get every toon with "Golden" in the name, active or not.

    I still like the new look and how the results are after searching. I haven't had too much time to play with it like I want to just to see if it can group my alts in some of the searches.
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  14. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Consider that the server merge occurred in 2016 (February/March time frame?). It's been broken since at least that time... as in they haven't seen any updates since then... and may have had spotty-at-best performance before that.
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    Really, the last time anything got updated was when AF3 came out. That's the downfall of this API they have.

    But I'm pretty sure the merger didn't break the paper dolls, it happened before it.
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  16. Luke© Well-Known Player

    It's Decent but IMO DCUOBot is much better.
  17. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    I love that you brought back good ole' Wavedox and a more in depth Advanced search, but Rage isn't provided on the powers select list. Now I am doing this from mobile and haven't tried desktop yet to see if there's a difference.

    Edit: I've checked on the desktop version and rechecked the mobile version and these powers are missing from the Advanced Search:

    * Rage
    * Water
    * Munitions
    * Atomic
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  18. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    If you try to use the census to look up feats now, the only ones that come back with full names and descriptions are those from "Iceberg Lounge & A Rip in Time" and earlier. Nothing in there for "Wayne Manor Gala & Kandor's Central Tower," "Amazon Fury 3," and later. For stuff after that it took the person who did to figure stuff out... and that requires one or more people to update a local database they use to display more detailed information. It now only comes back with a feat ID number.

    The census API desperately needs to be shown some love... whether it's feats, paper dolls, or whatnot... but I'm not entirely sure how high up on the priority list that is. :(
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, it's not be touched since the guy who really wanted it was laid off. (When Sony sold it to whoever that person was that was not part of the Ru... er... yeah.) But the last time it was updated with anything, was AF3, when they added the gear to it. I don't know if they added the feats then.

    As for priority, probably down on the totem pole, just above PvP. lol
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  20. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Hey I'm definitely keen to hear more from you. Can you share the statistics websites you like?

    Search tags - got it now. I'll keep that in the radar for future improvement e.g. quick dropdown from the top search bar directly. For now the same functionality is available in Advanced Search.

    Missing powers like Rage - definitely going into the highest priority at the moment since that's quite... non-inclusive haha. :)

    Yeah 100% agree, once the core functionality is polished I'll look into more data insights that could be fun to observe e.g. mentor personality etc.