Inner sanctum was not a pleasant surprise

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Serene, Sep 18, 2021.

  1. zNot Loyal Player

    Oh wow here we go they found another excuse.
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  2. zNot Loyal Player

    Because you guys cant deal with the truth accussing people of making new accounts is most lame excuse ive seen so far while being on the forums it just shows again how toxic the average forum users are vs Elite players.

    Ever thought about people that are NEVER on the forums decide to make a forum account? Oh i forgot the average forum user cant deal with it when Elite players choose to give feedback. No wonder there arent that many that actually are active here when players like you throw lies around since you have no arguments.
    Its reaching a all time low what forum users here accuse peopl of and i hope a dev can sort this out.
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  3. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Very believable performance.
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  4. zNot Loyal Player

    You have no arguments now you have find another excuse,very typicall performance. Do you have proof for your claims?
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  5. zNot Loyal Player

    Regarding what defines Elite difficulty i think pretty much anyone has agreed that it should be a desing thats not DPS centric like currently and thats more difficult towards support rolls and involves 2 Tanks and 2 healers i dont see why 5/8 players in a group in a Elite raid are DPS and ontop of that a buff troller its certainly not a exciting or longterm challenging design and the amount of threads about this topic and even back then when flashtastic was released there were aton of players complaining where charon then responded,hopefully the countless of threads after Episode 41 showed the devs that people dont like the current design of 5 DPS and a DPS centric design in Elite raids.

    I also think higher scaling (higher health generally high damage dealing bosses and adds) would be beneficial aswell even with 2-3 DPS the bosses would still die fairly quick. A battle troller and 2 healers spamming DWFS will have some impact too :)

    now i would say 2 troller-2tank-2healers-2DPS is ideal for Elite raids but im not sure how they are gonna force 2 trollers? The 2 Tanks is very simple to do just split adds or the 2 bosses whatever And if the damage output is large enough people will use 2 healers.
  6. The Con Dedicated Player


    Columbo's instincts just aren't wrong.
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  7. zNot Loyal Player

    It seems like you guys are very delusional then as thats just what happens when people have no arguments last resort they just accuse.
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  8. Lukain New Player

    That’s a very naive and dumb down way of thinking I’m my opinion... just because an account on a “Forum” is new doesn’t mean that it holds less value than one that’s considered a “Committed” account, that might as well have over 700 messages exhibiting Karen behavior. Now, don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to start a battle of size comparison with player with so MUCH credibility, but the fact that instead of contributing facts and actually debating your point of view, you decided to come up with this whole Da Vinci code conspiracy I find it very intriguing.
  9. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    If that was true...... that elite players are keeping the game alive...... why would they even care about the casual players then???

    What is better???

    1 player who spends $1000 on the game?

    or 1000 players who spend $10 on the game??? or even $5???

    At the end of the day.... the Devs do have the numbers...... so if they decide to lean more towards the casual players....... odds are they are the ones keeping the game alive???

    The same when it comes to difficulty.

    Apparently the difficulty of the Elite raid is tooo easy (did not try it myself..... just going from what people are saying on the Forums).

    Again...... the Devs do have the numbers.

    If they decided to lower the difficulty.....
    Could it be that not enough people played/completed the Hard Difficult content??? so they lowered the difficulty??

    There has to be a reason why we have Survival Mode once every 2 years......
    or why they make the Elite content not so difficult........

    The Devs do have the numbers........ odds are....... the Elite players are not really the ones keeping the game alive.

    Otherwise you would have Survival Mode every 2 months instead of every 2 years?
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  10. The Con Dedicated Player

    1) There'd be no way tell the difference.

    2) The multiple posts of "Karens" doesn't help.

    3) It's not that complicated as a theory...
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  11. Serene Level 30

    There are ppl that actually enjoy the game and do not want to spend their time on a forum.
    But if you have any sort of doubt, go ahead and ask a moderator to review the suspicious accounts. So you can stop having this paranoia, just saying :rolleyes:.
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  12. Serene Level 30

    It's not about not caring about the casual player, i've never said that, what i meant was that for so long they've neglecting the players that runs elite, the ones that spend hours in this game. I understand they are trying to get ppl to be more faithful to the game and thats why u have this rewards everyday.

    But they know they have a strong revenue from the loyal players (and most of them usually like doing the elite), if they take from granted that regular income (because usually those playes pay the membership the whole year and spend thousans of dolars on TC, Booster bundles, etc in order to support the game) and focus only on getting those extra, they are indeed trying to piss the loyal players. Because they get bored, at least, me and my leaguemates we were very dissapointed on this last raid, I was looking foward to this, I never had the chance to actually experience this raid to the fullest because when i started playing there was the t4 already, and ppl struggled to finish it, so I really had hopes to try it. also im not saying make it super hard, but make the challenge worth it.
  13. NotMeMaybe Active Player

    Please don't say that you want some difficulty on this forum, the "i want to do elite content by FacerollingMyKeyboard crowd " will jump on you and tell you that there should be no difficulty.

    If you are not happy please remove all your gear your artefacts, stay in front of the tank, like in normal content and you'll have some difficulty.
  14. Lukain New Player

    Like I said, it is a chain of reaction that if you really think about it, it’s starts with the elite players. Or do you think those casual players are spending those $10 in cosmetics? Mostly it is for what you say, an elite player spends $1,000 on the game, casual players try to catch up and end up spending money in the game. I’m not saying that’s the sole reasoning behind players spending money, but it is a big part of it. The wheel functions in conjunction, that’s why if they don’t address the problem with elite raids, at the end of the day the whole community will suffer.

    And I don’t even want to get started with survival mode... when so many people got thru it because of speedhackers and just a part of them got banned. Why? because basically the whole logic behind SM was a burn check, instead of mechanics that brought a challenge, so by default it became a speedhacker paradise.
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  15. Lukain New Player

    In what world does that even makes sense?
  16. The Con Dedicated Player

    I think it's supposed to be sarcasm...
  17. OREOkiss New Player

    I agree the new raid is very easy and the alert too, there is no difficulty in the instances, it passes very quickly and it is boring to play like that. They should add more than a single raid but make it challenging and more entertaining. Thanks greetings.
  18. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    I don't even fully disagree with the OP. I just find it funny when you look at the profile of some people here they are all posting on the same threads, with the same arguments and replying to "each other" every time (and only to "each other", which is not suspicious at all, is it? :rolleyes:)
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  19. zNot Loyal Player

    So replying to someone because it shares the same opinion makes it seem like its replying to himself? Nice logic,the devs can check the data ip adress or whatever and check for themselves and they will find the truth out ,yall are delusional such comments should also be deleted because its clearly a form of blacklisting and accusation without any proof and have nothing to do with the actual topic of OP.
  20. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    How can you make a raid thats been out for 10 years hard? make everything one shot you? We all know the mechanics so of course its going to be easy.
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