Pet Vendor vs RNG

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Craven Green, Sep 17, 2021.

  1. Craven Green Loyal Player

    The individual pets in the vendor do not contain the words:
    Cannot achieve feat
    No feat awarded
    or any other word combination to warn the purchaser that you cannot get the new feats by earning them by running content for source marks.
    I am fine with them being account bound and not tradeable but am angry that you cannot achieve the feats this way. Some players have atrocious luck and have to rely on having enough money to purchase these pets from the broker.
    I really hope this can be looked at and changed so that players can achieve these feats either by luck or by re-running content.

    Thank you for you time
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It specifically says in the feat obtain by rare drop. If the RNG is bad you could have bought them off the broker.
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  3. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I was just coming back to say I read the feat again and you are sadly absolutely right. Thank you .
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  4. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Please close thread
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  5. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Still a valid point to a degree, locking feats behind dumb luck is poor design.
    Dont get me wrong, we have plenty of it and it is what it is. Just thought i’d add that
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  6. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    You're absolutely right. Putting feats behind ridiculously rare pet drops and rare TC items is an atrocious design. Especially since feats are essential to player progression.
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  7. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Just my opinion but feats should be skill only (even if little is needed like running and clearing enough content to buy the gear etc)
    I specifically remember shouting to get invited to raids an such an shouting my sp. i remember building prime groups or fos2, or wave/nexus etc and every tell i got was followed by “whats ur cr and sp” so i knew to inv u or not.
    Man those were the good ol’ days
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  8. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Agree, wholeheartedly.