Any way to short circuit the beginning?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AncientSpirit, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. AncientSpirit Active Player

    I've run the opening twice now to get started with the free ally. First time was fun. The second time, not so much.

    And -- silly me -- I have 19 alts. Do each and every one of them have to run the same gauntlet to get the first ally? Or are you guys just skipping it and buying one?

    Anyway, I think there should be the same kind of Skip It button that we had before these changes to avoid the tutorial without giving up its rewards. Does one already exist that I don't know yet? If not, the Devs should definitely consider making one.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It's a quick one-time solo. Unless you really really want Oracle plus the mission rewards you don't have to run it.
  3. AncientSpirit Active Player

    There's got to be a better solution than "you don't have to run it." I don't know how allies work yet, and I don't know how they'll be different between all my 19 alts, who have different powersets and stats, etc.. Would rather experiment with a free ally than a purchased one to learn the answer.

    The devs are a pretty smart group of pros. They were smart enough to come up with a way around repeating the tutorial for every new character you make. I'm sure they could do something similar here. They could make it a low cost feat, for example. Then a player could run it once (or twice or how many times they want) and then juse a replay badge to get it on an alt. I'm sure they can come up with other ideas, as well. These guys are pretty talented.
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Lucky for you people have already tested them.
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  5. AncientSpirit Active Player

    What does your answer mean? Is there a YouTube video where different powersets play off the allies? Or a thread that explains the differences between them, if any? If there are I'd be interested to know. Not snark. Genuine interest.
  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I'm sure Obsidian Chill has done one. I'm sure others have too. Powerset dependent is unlikely tho. And yeah, some allies will be better for certain roles/ powers. I'd expect that is discussed a bit tho just not truly specific.

    I only have 3 alts and I ran each one thru everything same as my main. At least we only have to do it once per toon lol
  7. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Oracle Bot does damage as your primary ally and repairs your gear once leveled up to unlock her support. Nothing about any of the power sets affects those two functions. All of the rest of the allies would have to be purchased off the vendor for source marks or from the marketplace for real money anyway.

    I get where you're coming from about having to repeat the mission 19 times. That does seem unnecessarily tedious. But as far as experimenting with how she functions, there's really nothing more to learn than what I just said above.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    None of the allies do anything special for specific powersets. There is no "best ally" for Fire or for Gadgets or any powerset. There is no "best ally" for healer or tank. There is a best ally for combat which is Cyborg. Obsidian Chill did three videos showcasing allies and what they do.
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  9. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    There are some that have benefits for tanking whereas the rest do not
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If you are referring to Queen Diana I don't suspect anyone is going to pay money towards something they can already do for free.
  11. AncientSpirit Active Player

    Thanks, guys. I appreciate the information.
  12. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I was thinking more Calc Bot for healing when rolling.
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    That would have come in handy during Atlantis and the Man-Bat era.
  14. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    There are still plenty of raids where rolling is essential to tanking. Plus, the Brainiac and Morrowbot guises roll almost as far as the Man-Bat trinket did. I'm surprised more people don't use them.
  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I don't personally do a lot of rolling when I tank and most tanks can self heal without rolling. Does the healing from Calculator justify the real world cost of leveling her up?
  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I can’t confirm this since I don’t have the calc bot but I saw someone say that it’s passive was changed to heal based on a percent of what hits you with an internal cooldown. Maybe I’ll get it to see if it’s true.
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Actually you can't talk to Cyborg and get anything form him till you run it. Same with the Steve Trevor Argus mission and Rip Hunter STU misison. You need to complete the 'guided tours' to get started. I'd also appreciate a 'skip' button if possible.

    Putting a no SP feat that you could buy to 'unlock' the steps would be nice.
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