Fixed Batsignal Quest bugged.

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Elicoor, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. Elicoor New Player

    In the tech quest like batsignal. Your supposed to go to the watchtower and speak with batman. However when you go to do so you cannot. I have relogged the game and even switched channels. I cannot progress the quest and in doing so cannot finished the story. I even tried doing other quest and coming back to it and it did not help.
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  2. Celestial Mage New Player

    Its the sMe with the last laugh on the villian side
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  3. Jonah Hill Fan New Player

    I am having the same issue (ps4). I think it is because the watchtower has been taken out of the safe house teleporters. Quest says to use teleporter to go to watchtower but you cannot any more, so the rest of the quest is put on hault. Warping there or using any other teleporters (house of legends one) Do not count toward the quest since when the quest was written none of this existed. Which makes me think it could be a quick fix; just add watchtower back into the safe house teleporters.
    Thank you,
    Jonah Hill Fan
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  4. Kemiru New Player

    I'm having the exact same issue
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  5. Trident New Player

    Same thing for me, I even tried going to Batman in the Hall of Legends and that did not work either so something is wrong with the quest
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  6. efig New Player

    Yesterday when I was leveling I encountered a bug with the batsignal mission, where you were unable to talk with batman. I asked around in default chat, and one other person had encountered the same thing.
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  7. 080669 New Player

    I'm having the same issue.

    I'm supposed to talk to batman in the hall of justice. In the watchtower, the compass points toward the hall of justice teleport pad as the quest objective even after I've teleported into the hall of justice and am standing right in front of the big three. There's no interact with prompt when I'm standing in front of batman.

    Without completing this quest, you can't advance to lvl 30.

    Platform: PC
    Servers: US
    Character: '**** Annul'
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  8. Pearsonsgm New Player

    Could the devs fix this as a matter of urgency? kinda bad not being able to get to max level with this bug
  9. Shoqer T New Player

    Same thing happening to me. On Nintendo Switch
  10. Zalnom New Player

    I am also experiencing this issue on XBX EU.
  11. Evanhhs Well-Known Player

    Same thing happens to me and my friends
  12. Evanhhs Well-Known Player

    Is this happening to USPC batman mentor only, coz so far this seems to be the case
  13. TimerDcuo New Player

    I have same issiue account name. K Q. My account stuck at level 29.
  14. FBS94 New Player

    I am having the same problem as well. I am stuck at level 29.
  15. 080669 New Player

    Mine is USPC.
  16. MajesticIcon New Player

    Still bugged for me also on uspc
  17. visuvisu New Player

    there is an annoying bug when you reach lvl 28 and you have the mission to go and speak with batmen at the hall of justice in the watch tower , but you cant interact with him at all so you cant proceed with the mission .

    please help you cant get to lvl 30 becase you dont have anymore mission to do.

    please fix this bug ASAP!.

    Thank you.
  18. Zemfreed New Player

    Having same issue since the latest content update.
  19. Biggjax New Player

    i am also having the same issue as well. I do hope this get resolved soon.
  20. I_MaBarryYa New Player

    First the game didn’t let me teleport to the watchtower through the police station so I just warped there then it gave me two mission waypoints so I ignored one and went to the hall of justice just for me to not be able to talk to Batman