Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jack T. Chance, Aug 20, 2021.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    As just announced by Mepps in today's Livestream, Dr. Fate's Nabu's Helmet, THE REAL ONE, worn by the in-game official Dr. Fate character IS going to be available to players exclusively through the new Daily Rewards system!

    Player Character version of the helmet seen here (version on the right):


    To obtain it, you MUST meet ALL of the following requirements:

    1. You MUST be a SUBSCRIBED MEMBER for the month of Septermber, 2021. No ifs, and, buts, or coconuts! If you want Nabu's Helm, you MUST SUBSCRIBE FOR AT LEAST ONE MONTH!!!

    2. You MUST log into the game on at least 21 different days in the month of September, 2021 and claim your Daily Rewards for each of the 21 days! Again, no ifs, ands, buts, or coconuts! If you want the helmet, SUBSCRIBE AND MAKE THE TIME TO LOG IN EACH DAY!!!

    3. When you claim your Daily Rewards for Day 21, you'll get the Helmet of Nabu on the character that claims that day's rewards!

    This is the ONLY way to get the Helmet of Nabu this year, and for the foreseeable future! These Member Exclusive Rewards (which you can think of as a Monthly Reward) will eventually be added into the Dr. Fate Vendor in the Hall of Legends an unspecified amount of time down the road. Expect it to be like the Boo$ter Gold Vendor we have now, as it will likely be many months, and probably YEARS, later, just like the Time Capsule Styles that go to Boo$ter only once the Time Capsule they came from is permanently retired!

    If you want to know more, go to DCUO's Twitch Channel and watch the replay of today's Livestream!
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  2. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Why shout?
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  3. Shalandor New Player

    Thank you devs and thank you Jack for posting this.Will be great to finally get this:)
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  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    To make sure people notice it, because people have been asking for this helmet forever!
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  5. Brandon-richard Active Player

    Hopefully on October 21th we could get Constantine Jacket Style as a reward. One can hope.
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  6. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    That would be cool, there's a great many characters that could be made with a nice update to the Detective's Chest Style! :cool:
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  7. Charon Lead Content Designer

    October has a more Lord of Chaos feel to the item than a Lord of Order. You know, Halloween and all.

    The amount of time for the member only exclusive perk for any given new item in a month has yet to be decided. It won't be super long though (way shorter than things going to Quark vendor). At that point it should be purchasable for Destiny tokens by members or free players.

    As soon as that first time frame of exclusivity is reached then there will be a new thing (from X months prior) on the Fate vendor each month.

    Not all items qualify as enhanced/bling vs regular so some suggestions I've seen of having an enhanced/bling style for members only is not applicable, therefore the entire system for those needs to be regulated. You will see materials, auras, accessories, etc. over time as the day 21 item.

    Some of these items will be polished up old unreleased assets, modern unused assets, or variations of used assets and some will be brand new. Some will tie into DC releases or themes for any given month.
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  8. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Thanks for the additional clarification! I was going by what Mepps and Oceans stated in the Livestream. I'm glad that it will be sooner than the timeframe for items moving to Boo$ter Gold! :cool:
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  9. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Tbh this makes legendary worth it to me. U get all the perks and a style. Im a guy who spends big bucks on first person battle royals just to look cool when someone sees me, i dont even see my character
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  10. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

  11. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Big question, will this finally allow me to have the Guy Gardner jacket with the logo on it, as the original ????? is what I'm most looking forward to for my Guy Gardner cosplay look, I don't wear it much anymore, because I'm sick of being a lantern with no logo displayed on the chest !!!!!
  12. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    DEVS: Criteria ------ PLAYER: NO, just give it to me!

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  13. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    21 consecutive days in a row or just 21 days inside the can we miss a day?
  14. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    21 days is alot ngl imma have to set a alarm
  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    As Mepps said repeatedly in the livestream, you have to log in a total of 21 days throughout the month, so yes, you can skip days! September has 30 days, but you only have to log in on 21 of them, so you can skip 8 or 9 days and still get the reward!
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  16. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Doesn’t have to be consecutive. Think of it this way, any days you miss get taken off from the backend of the month (1st missed day - lose rewards from the 30th, 2nd missed day - lose rewards from the 29th, etc).
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  17. nawanda Loyal Player

    Waiting for the first complaint that it’s members-only.

    I dare you, I double dare you…
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  18. FoolsFire Devoted Player

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  19. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I'm sure they'll happen. But I think they already put in a pre-rebuttal of sorts when they said items like the Fate helmet will eventually make it to the Fate vendor.
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  20. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    I see the Future is Fated for greatness ;):eek::p:D
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