Impossible to start a second character in this game.

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by metro2k, Jul 21, 2018.

  1. metro2k Well-Known Player

    I'm happy with all these updates but it becomes impossible to start a second character today.
    The feats are too important and the contents are many.
    I would have liked to create other characters with other powers but the game never ends and I can not start a new character.
    I believe that a singling character must reach the end.... sooner or later.
  2. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    What? Who said you can only start a new character when the first one has 'finished'? o_O
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  3. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    I've got 14 characters in various stages of the game. I like all of them, and while I don't play all of them every day, the variety means I always have something fun to do and never get tired of the grind.

    No character will ever be "complete" so it's pointless to try. Just have fun, that's what games are for.
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  4. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    MMOs dont end. Not unless it gets shut down. Might mean you're playing the wrong kind of game to be honest. Although if im honest, this is probably the first time in the history of DCUO that I've seen a "Theres too much to do" Thread rather than a "Theres not enough" Thread. Theres no time limit on these episodes, so you can take your time and level multiple toons equally, or focus on one at a time. Its definitely not impossible, not even close.
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  5. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    Man, I got a villain to 170 when they had the free bump. Of course, I had hardly any skill points, so I've probably sunk $20.00 into replay badge to buy *most* of them (across my villain and an "alt" who actually was my 2nd character back in 2011). Brutal.
  6. metro2k Well-Known Player

    is better to say "There's too much to do that you can not do anymore."
    There is not much on the EU server that does the older things.
    If I do not play a year I would never recover every feat and Imagine if I start with a new character.
  7. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Unfortunately im proving that theory wrong every day, started a new toon 5 weeks ago. Have it at CR158 already, and without any "Skips". Didnt even use Feat Unlocking yet either. EUPS4 server too. You just need to know what you're doing, and which content is necessary/unnecessary.

    "Nothing is impossible, even the word itself says I'm Possible"
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  8. myandria Item Storage


    Many types of games today seem to have no end; a game that never ends will always provide a way to make a profit. Online are designed to keep you playing, whether you make one character or dozens of characters. You have to decide when it is time to make a new character, since there will always be content released to take the game even further.

    Think about "Everquest"; the name is very obvious...your quest never ends, no matter how many characters you make or how many servers you utilize for your characters (ahh.. too bad this game does not have that anymore). That game is on its 24th expansion and its 19th year, so the "quest" continues...

    So, don't think you have to "finish" one character to start another. Create another or create a few and see how you do with them. The forums/youtube/wiki are packed with advice and information about character creation, set-up and leveling.

    Remember, just have fun!:)
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  9. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    for a while i was juggling 18 characters with all but two being up at end game. since the revamp the number has dwindled considerably to three but its more because i hate what theyve done with my powers and how awkward jerky and generally crappy the whole revamp is and i want everyone involved in ruining my characters to die a nightmarish and painfully slow death...

    but that aside you have to look at your characters as an assembly line. i mean you don't have to but the way i do things is i have my main character. he does the most, he gets everything first. from there it goes down the line in order of importance. my primary alt holds slot number two, three and four belong to my healer alts.

    main character gets all the collections and styles first (unless theres something specific i want for another character) and from there it trickles down. it helps you keep track of things. for example if my primary at gets a collection she already has I automatically know my main doesnt need it (as he gets everything first) and i can send it to character #3. if my primary alt gets a collection thats green i know to check to make sure my main has it before she collects it.

    when it comes to feats i try to focus all the grindy feats onto my main. things like the exo node feats, kill or run something thousands of times. this way it doesnt dilute the number or amount of time i need to get them, my alts run content without pushing for anything, lower number grindy feats are easy to achieve on alts and when the time is right ill unlock feats on them.
  10. bernierjanet New Player

    The choice is less about who is best and more about what's interesting to you. Unlike in most roleplaying games, you can't win by simply being better or more powerful. If your level is high enough, you'll just be one step ahead of everyone else, which isn't particularly exciting. Also, you can try to have some fun on There are also a lot of interesting characters, and you will meet a lot of new people. I am very delighted with this platform, and I spent there a lot of time on socializing.
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  11. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    I'm on the EU server, with 27 characters. Have a full time job, so only get limited play time. Even so, all of my characters are Cr 170 or higher, sixteen are in the Cr 200-299 range, and seven are at Cr 300+.