Ranx and Mogo marketplace bundle?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FearBringer, Aug 10, 2021.

  1. FearBringer New Player

    I'm going back to get some daily quest feats from metropolis battlezone and Ranx.
    This got me thinking that there could be a Ranx and Mogo themed base item pack in the marketplace. I don't have any heroes or I would show mogo, but I would love to see these items usable and would pay for them in the marketplace. This is just an idea and I would love to see them in a vendor, or in the marketplace.

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  2. Eve YouTuber

    Yes please. I would love more Lantern base items in general that aren't Christmas themed. More Charge Consoles, etc.
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  3. AKXC Well-Known Player

    Fully agree. Selling assets everyone wants for base items is a win win
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  4. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    always up for more tech, & there's plenty in your choices there that I could use, even if none of my toons are lanterns. all for it.
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  5. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I think it time we got some iconic bases like Oa or Ranx .
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