Up-Votes Needed BoP: The Clocktower (Elite) Portal and Pulse Bot Bugs

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by AV, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. AV Loyal Player

    Not sure if this is due to the extreme intermittent lag issues we've all been suffering through on US PC/PS but the following issues have been recurrent in lb of BoP: The Clocktower (Elite)

    1. Sometimes players' pools spawn invisible to them. Usually a re-log fixes this but not always. This is a compounded issue in that there are also times where a pool has outright failed to spawn under a player, so it's hard for them to tell until they've wiped the group. We've taken to communicating other players' pools to them as well but this is a very annoying issue.

    2. Erratic Pulse Bot behaviour. Sometimes they'll spawn and instantly dish out hundreds of thousands of combined damage to everyone in the group before there's any opportunity to stop them as they're phasing into existence. Sometimes they seem to be behaving normally then 100-0 the group in a split second while being pulled/cc'd/interrupted. Feels kinda like the server is storing up a wad of backlogged pulses then feeding them to us all at once. When this happens, the Damage In log instantly fills with more pulses than would normally be possible in the same amount of time and its worse than if we proc'd Electrostatic.

    We disband and re-queue any instant where it's obvious we're getting lag spikes until we get a "clean" one but neither of these behaviours seem normal or reasonable, with the latter still seeming lag related.
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  2. KlarkKent Well-Known Player

    Especially 1st option; its like key mechanics of boss fights are not visually there. In addition to that, electric fields on 1st boss fight are being invisible too. Just like dawnbreaker's orbitals and bat swarm on DM and PC raids.
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  3. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Unfortunately, it is entirely due to lag on the USPC, I've experienced the same as what you've mentioned and others in Brimstone Elite but then on the EUPC I am doing 15-25min runs of CTe even after the hotfix with absolutely zero issues with any mechanic not functioning how it is supposed to be. If anything it's too easy and the 5 second pool immunity or the duration of the second pool needs to be adjusted further but that could never happen with the lag impacting it on the US servers

    Whatever Dimensional Ink has done to their servers since April 16th has entirely crippled the game and absolutely ruined the gameplay experience of its player base :(
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  4. AV Loyal Player

    We suspected that may have been the case. The Pulse Bot behavior especially definitely just felt outright wrong and seeing vids on EU side pretty much sealed it. Very frustrating. No matter what we do, the Pulse Bots on NA side tend to just build up a backlog and dish out an explosive deathgasm whether being pulled or not.
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  5. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    The pulse bot behaviour you describe also happens on normal. It’s less noticeable there unless your healer isn’t very good.
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  6. Designated Well-Known Player

    Sorry to be posting this in such a long time, but the 1st option is still happening.
    Usually we have to Guide one person trough pools on last Boss cause is invisible to the other player.
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  7. Staggiie Level 30


    My group did CTe lastnight and the pulse bots were doing 80k plus per second to us as soon as they spawned. We barely had time to say "Hey there's a pulse bot" before we were boom boom boom dead. Tank said the pulse bot hit him for 150k in one of them

    Also had someone have the 1st issue where they cant see the pools spawn.