What can DCUO do to improve PvP?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by MojoDuul, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. MojoDuul Active Player

    anyone with recommendations for the devs on how to improve PvP please post them here. We all know that around 2012-2013 was the golden age of pvp. as far as I am concerned devs just need to put it back to the way it use to be and stop trying to please everyone. a few ideas I would recommend are.

    1) Get rid of counter delays. every split second counts in a fight, when you have counter delays the game just feels slow and sloppy. Timing is everything and delays mess with your timing. it is like playing a FPS and instead of actually having to aim at and hit the other player to get a kill they make it so as long as the bullets land somewhere near the other player it still counts. no one would want to play that FPS. When I BB then Block the BB symbol is still above my head for a second and in that second I get countered in arenas by lunges even though I am blocking. delays were added to give players more time to respond to counters that was not a good idea. Do not change the combat system to accommodate bad players instead it is on the bad players to get better. If a player has bad aim in a FPS then they need to improve their aim, the game does not have to increase the hit box for them.

    2) get rid of the option to focus on weapon attacks or just powers. weapon attacks should be key and most dmg in a fight should be done by counters like it use to be. this makes sure it is a skill based game not a spam based game. This is not warcraft. avoid trying to be a clone of other mmos, stand on your own. this use to be the only skill based pvp mmo out there but now it feels like a generic mmo where you just spam rotations to win and weapon attacks do not effect the outcome of the fight much.

    3) The higher your hit counter is in a fight the more dmg your powers should do. this way the more skilled players who can out counter their opponents do extra dmg making counters more important. this is how it use to be.

    4) weapon mastery attacks should not do more dmg than regular weapon attacks. they should just be extra combos for you to use in a fight.

    5) powers like rage had combos that one could counter. this is very important seeing as the more skilled rage players never had trouble out countering and using their combos in pvp. rage is a power that should be counterable especially when in tank role seeing as they rage crash if you can counter their combos. I personally never had trouble using rage combos in arenas and could out counter people even while using rage combos.

    6) speaking of tanks. tanks use to be able to get debuffed by healers but they took that away and now you can not debuff tanks at all. you have to craft pvp debuff grenades that you can not even use in arenas. imagine if trolls had to craft items in order to debuff people?

    7) do i even have to mention rifle? we all know rifle is broken just fix it already.

    8) PvP gear should always be stronger than Pve gear.

    9) let new characters start off in pvp phase instead of forcing everyone to start in pve. there are new players who play this game that believe there is no pvp in the game at all and even make youtube videos saying there is no pvp in dcuo. If a low level is getting ganked in PvP then can always phase shift to Pve.

    What recommendations do you guys have for PvP?
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  2. MojoDuul Active Player

    when I say go back to the 2012-2013 version i do not mean completely back. i like that we have no no trinkets, no Utility Belts, no League or Base buffs, no Orbitals, no Henchmen, no Sidekicks in pvp unlike in the past. this should obviously stay.
    and bring back the trilogy rock, paper, scissor style back to pvp. healers beat tanks, tanks beat trolls, trolls beat healers.
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  3. PHNTM Well-Known Player

    Create an even playing field where FOTM powers don't matter and only skill does for a start.
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  4. MojoDuul Active Player

    powers were more balanced in the past because most of the dmg was done by counters in a fight. so even if you were the worst power in the game you could still win if you were skilled enough. this way people can just focus on playing as their favorite power instead of having to pick whatever power is OP at that time just to win. When powers do more dmg than counters you just end up with one power dominating the rest.
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  5. FixPvPTho New Player

    They can keep the breakout trink and pvp soder since you could have bought a break out trink at like cr 94 so that’s not a problem for me personally.
    And I already replied to the rest on a different thread
  6. MojoDuul Active Player

    yes the breakout trinket will be needed for pvp and the soders. they should make heal barrels heal less in pvp though.
  7. Operation Failure Well-Known Player

    One thing I would highly suggest is while in pvp phase or toggled, anything pve related becomes disabled. Including artifacts.
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  8. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    This is a great idea for pvp phase only, arts restricted during pvp phase, as well as white mods. pvp phase could be like arenas, just without the clamps and buffs
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  9. BƖack Dedicated Player

    dcuo is a pve ''only'' game now
    old players have long said goodbye to pvp in this game
  10. PapaKola New Player

    Hey with the most respect we're not here for negative energy we're here to fix the game, and create something that can make this game beautiful again. As a community influencer, (Papa Kola) I agree with everything these guys are pushing for the game to be fixed! I also have more ideas that will make the devs money and build the DCUO community and make the game very fun! I'll post this vid next two days!
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  11. BƖack Dedicated Player

    For almost 5 years people have been begging developers to fix pvp of this game, so far no effects are visible.

    But i wish you goodluck! Hope you can do.

    Fingers crossed.
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  12. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Disable arts in pvp, disable roles in pvp and make everyone dps and this would solve most of the pvp problems and make the fights a lot more fair.
  13. Solarbound Committed Player

    No we haven't. We're still here fighting for it -_-
  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    not really - then you'd have a PVP dominated by Gadgets instead of Healers. there's too many secondary moving parts to account for in how people play now.
  15. TheSuperPhantomBoy Level 30

    I am playing DCUO since 2016, I honestly love the pvp of before, since there was more honesty and more creativity at the time of the fights and I identified with my character, for me personally pvp was damaged with the appearance of the ARTIFACTS I feel that the only thing they did was pay to be able to win in a fight OSEA MONEY AND MORE MONEY , I must admit that I have seen videos of DCUO since its inception 2011 and honestly was very creative in the fights, population and was recommended by many youtubers and there was too much population , it is more there was enough population that to enter DCUO you had to wait in a row, I have adapted to do feats , missions and investigations because I do not tolerate paying to improve something or pay to win since the talent in combats it is owned by the player and not by MONEY.

    I must admit that several friends of mine and leagues were destroyed by the appearance of the artifacts. People who loved fights of heroes and villains gave the game the cheerful energy. Many comments on other forums and YouTube that before the game was much better in pvp than currently due to the HONESTY, TALENT AND CREATIVITY of the player in pvp battles and not of ADDING ARTIFACTS.

    They should have improved powers and rotations, enabling more than 15 points and adding the entire branch of powers since before pvp was played in combos and all the old players are witnesses, but they added ARTIFACTS (IN CONCLUSION, FOR ME THE PVP WAS DAMAGED DUE TO SO MUCH ARTIFACT.)
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  16. MojoDuul Active Player

    they just need to reintroduce the rock paper scissors system for roles. tanks>trolls>heals>tanks
  17. FrankZappa Well-Known Player

    yes very good suggestions. it will never happen but i agree with almost everything.
  18. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I don’t see them fixing is honestly no more hope for me
    Pvp has been broken for like 5 years
  19. Solarbound Committed Player

    Gotta keep hope alive. Us PVPers are a part of this community, too.
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  20. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I really envy your persistence and hope, I lost mine a long time ago.