please add a BASIC DCL with all items neededs for new players.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AruEdu, May 3, 2021.

  1. AruEdu Well-Known Player

    Last noob question... longer Combos = best healing?
    or first Combo with 1 button is enought?
  2. AruEdu Well-Known Player

    Thanks Berza.. helpfull guidelines
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Weapon combos don't heal you, only your powers heal you.
  4. AruEdu Well-Known Player

    oh i see.. i readed Wrong.. just give you a bit power the combos... Power Regeneration... it is enought with the first one?

    ast noob question... longer Combos = best power recovered?
    or first Combo with 1 button is enought?
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It is enough with just one point in the weapon tree. Longer combos does not equal more power.
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  6. AruEdu Well-Known Player

    that is the reply tha i want.. if i put more combos is for get Weapon Mastery = Damage bonus xD... if not ... i not waste any point...
  7. AruEdu Well-Known Player

    SUperpowers focus not give you a bit more to damage ussing Skills? only the power pool and regeneration ?
  8. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Not quite true. There is a hierarchy, particularly in SC regen. Some moves are way superior to the basic moves because they are AoE, CC, regen more SC, simply hit harder, or regen more power with the right setup.
  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Specifically referring to power regen and for the sake of simplicity with someone who isn't an English native, it is not necessary to spec more than one point into the weapon tree. As a fire tank you are only going to be using your weapon to trigger Fire Soul, lunge, block break and counter enemies. Trying to go through a whole combo chain is going to result in the boss knocking you to the ground.
  10. AruEdu Well-Known Player

    SUperpowers Focus and Hybrid Focus is the question now... same Regeneration?? same Healing ?? same Damage?? if that is all the same i will preffer the FOCUS that more regeneration will give to my tank.
  11. AruEdu Well-Known Player

    also If the LONG combos can be interrupted... or crashed by a boss... i preffer use the 1 SHOT combo only... not able to intterrupt if you are fast enought... and having good timming i love it .
  12. Berza Committed Player

    Superpower focus gives 10% might (fuerza) but also does hybrid focus.
  13. AruEdu Well-Known Player

    if that is the only bonus that i will get by ussing superpowers focus based... i preffer use the Hybrid a few time to test it... the only thing why i want Superpowers focus, it is because i supossed that POWERS SKILLS make a bit more damage... THANKS FOR THE INFO Berza.
  14. Berza Committed Player

    You also get 10% power and 25% power regeneration.