Which Raid designs/mechanics would you like to see?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by zNot, May 24, 2021.

  1. zNot Loyal Player

    This thread has been inspired by the raid Community initiative started by Obsidianchill which is still going on basically any design/mechanic from new or old raids or content aswell as ideas you have send it to him or write it down below for the devs to see. The purpose is there to help the devs create raids with more longevity and in general more replaybility aswell as difficulty etc.

    What is your favorite raid and why? For me there are a few FOS1,2/ Batcave1,2,3/nexus/Paradox/prime battleground/darksides war factory would be my top ones.

    Which older mechanics aswell as designs would you like to see again in future raids?

    Any ideas/suggestions/feedback write them down below with as much detail and depth as possible. I suggest watching his video first to understand the whole concept of this.

  2. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    This is such a loaded question. Because things I would like to see are things I would only like to see while playing with friends or a mic'd up group. Like the old split the team in 4 and go seperate hallways. Fun. But not in a pug group. Pretty terrible/ next door to impossible with a pug group.

    The prison break raid with a group of friends is fun and all but pug'd, it's just never happening. Like never ever. Because multiple toons need to turn a cog. That's it. But still won't happen. Have been in there recently out of boredom and even with people typing in instructions, it wasn't happening.

    Even running metals in MoM reg was a nightmare in pug land. So as far as what I want vs what I think we need... I just can't think anything I want is good for pug runs for anyone. I've been thinking about it for a bit and unless there's a "free pass" on certain mechanics after a set amount of fails (card game in dm tortureeeee) then this is going to be a tough subject to get right.

    Even things as simple as separating 2 bosses causes huge issues in pug runs. Even lfg runs sometimes lol. I know there's a lot of disdain for how things have gotten in raids lately but I get why they are the way they are. So, are we designing a raid for everyone or for the league/ popular/ knowledgeable types?
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  3. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Not sure I like the concept, I don't think the devs are just ignoring old mechanics or can't put them there if they want. Most of the fun mechanics from old raids are map related. And in the end, It just feels like they didn't have the time to develop detailed raids, I don't think they would just think "hey, let's do a 1 boss raid people are going to farm for the entire episode".
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  4. zNot Loyal Player

    No its just that they will have a big list of requested mechanics which the devs choose from but the list is from the feedback.
  5. Shalayah Committed Player

    I’ve beaten prison break a few times pugged. Have definitely had issues here and there but not crazy bad. You only need like 1 other person to just follow instructions (as long as one of y’all is healing) and the raid should get done if you aren’t one to give up after a single wipe. I wouldn’t dare touch elite pugs after tier 9 though. The pug scene isn’t as bad as you’re making it in my opinion but then again I’m a good healer so my perspective may be skewed.

    I’ll be changing to tank soon so we’ll see lmao.
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  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I have no issues with pug life, I think it makes you a better player to be able to do your job with randoms vs the same old usuals. But was in there less than a month ago. It was at least 20mins of 1 attempt to turn cogs. I was just at 1 so i couldn't see what was going on. Other than the 2 others that kept coming over and turning for no reason lol.

    I'm not trying to say all pug groups are bad by any means just that the more complex the mechanics, the less likely pugs will enjoy. That's not even getting into multilingual situations.

    Some of the issues can stem from griefers also so if there are mechanics like those, some will make it so you can't pass. Happened constantly in DM. Still does. Even things like killing certain enemies in order can lead to huge issues in some groups. Which is basically what I'm asking, is this meant to be list our favorite things or list what we think will work
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    Didn't Mepps already say, this isn't a thing, so why are we doing it?
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    This. Didn't OC try to do something similar with gathering feedback on powersets? Did the devs do or plan to do anything with the feedback?

    This is a great brainstorming idea but that's probably as far as it will go.
  9. zNot Loyal Player

    Watch his video that i linked, he explained that the one with the powersets feedback inititative and why it hasnt been implemented yet, and mepps reply to me was like a response like „nothing official“ i assumed this raid feedback initiative was like the style one a official one but it isnt which doesnt mean that its not gonna have a impact im sure it will help the devs.
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yeah I thought the same, the video title was misleading but the idea is fantastic. I just hope it gets put to good use.
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Tbh, I'm never going to put my feedback to the devs through a third party, especially another player lol, even moreso when we already have a means of communicating directly here via the forums.

    As for the topic at hand, I really don't care what the mechanics are as long as it's not the same ones over and over.

    2 examples recently are reflects and mind control, the two mechanics in particular seem to have been overused a bit as of late.
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  12. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Simply put, a few things....
    1) raid group splits (legit ones that require one of each role)
    Hands down the best mechanic IMO.
    2) who is obsidian chill an why does anyone think we need to go through him for our ideas?

    I get it, he makes videos an blah blah blah but his voice is no more important than anyone elses an hes just a another player.
    Hes not special nor deserving of any bonus respect from us or the devs.
    My feedback will stay rite here on the forum for all to see (including the devs) where it belongs.
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  13. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    I always thought it would be fun to have a spin on mind control and have the group's control of their toons shuffled for a bit. For instance, the healer would be controlling the tank, two dps end up controlling each other, etc.
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  14. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I just kinda wish the mechanics were more consistent from episode to episode. I get the players who hate the same old same old. And the players who want more challenging content, fine. But it's somewhat discouraging that when new content drops we need like seven YouTube vids to understand what's going on. If the last five episodes didn't have puzzles or platforming why would they randomly be in a new episode then. I think if Devs want to experiment with various mechanics sometimes Raids might not be the way. We know very few of players are on Test, watch every Livestream, subscribe to every DCUO YouTuber, see every post by Mepps and Charon, are actually on here on the Forums etc. I dunno but it gets confusing for me I worry about new players. Those if you who run with the same seven people have no clue how it is in PUGworld which is 99 percent of the game. Want old mechanics? Great. Want new and experimental? Great. But can we have consistency too? It's pretty hard sometimes describing to friends and family what kind of game DCUO just is. Saying it's a superhero MMO RPG isn't really fair cause there's a lot more to it than that. And any mechanics that'll make a new player go "what?" and just leave isn't really good in the long run. This just feels like the same twenty guys want SUPER SUPER ELITE PARADOX WAVE 5.0 to the detriment to the rest of the playerbase. I honestly just don't know.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    That's exactly what it is. ;)
  16. Great Architect Loyal Player

    New ones. Every time.
  17. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I'll try to be a bit more positive tomorrow.
  18. Fwames Well-Known Player

    1. Escort and Deliver objective(s)
    2. Capture and Defend a safe point. This would be great if we have DCeased
    3. Group splits similar to the ones found in older raids
  19. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Those changes would have been implemented if Batuba stayed :) can't expect someone else just to automatically pick up the plethora of work he had taken on.

    You aren't, which is why I never posted this on the forums.

    That is the absolute perfect spot for your feedback! keep it up my friend
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  20. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    1) Group Slipts is interesting if done rigth
    - FOS2 (Done right, but warp rally needed to be ajusted)
    - AnB/DMe (Done wrong)
    2) Not a room mechanic, but I love zatanna lighting from oan SM.
    I think this games needs more mechanics like that, where everyone literally stops dpsing, healing etc. and focus sonely on surviving.
    3) Clipping mechanics
    - Having mechanics clip and forcing the group to make choices is what makes elite raids hard. HHe made it right, by allow players to remove parademons.
    4) One shots, I belive every skull should be an 1shot, that's where DMe fails, because is too forgiving.
    5) Big rooms like arenas (ToTDe, Dox, HHe, FOS3, USe, Prime, etc) I think we need more raids like that.
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