Anyone here good with editing the Wiki?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Imaginos, May 11, 2021.

  1. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    I'd like to get some help/feedback on how to edit the wiki as it's a bit more confusing than others I've done many, many years ago. I'd like to add some categories to the base items for various collections, like a list of all the wall/divider items so people can find them in one place. Perhaps all the vases, jugs, pots too. Stuff like that. Just need some help setting up a template and going from there.
    • Like x 3
  2. Eve YouTuber

    Talk to Anak Panah here on the forums, he's the guy in charge of the wiki and can help you, really cool guy. Also It's great to see that people want to contribute honestly!
  3. Great Architect Loyal Player

    The DCUO wiki s not user-friendly. If Anak is still here, I'd love to talk.

    Meanwhile Zoe, I was thinking that the first article could be "Things You Don't Know"?
  4. Eve YouTuber

    Sure! Sounds like a great subject for first article ;)
  5. TheBatmanFanBG Well-Known Player

    Do you people have problem to enter DCUO Wiki Fandom page? Everytime i try to enter it gives me NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
  6. TheBatmanFanBG Well-Known Player

    The same thing is for Twitch! I can enter from the mobile app and see everything but on PC it gives me the same message as DCUO Wiki Fandom...
  7. Berza Committed Player

  8. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    After seeing your bases I would BET you know where the "shineys" are! :p
    • Like x 1
  9. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Thanks! Glad you liked them.
    Ok I'll see if I can message them directly.
    Yeah It's a bit more convoluted than wiki's I've dealt with in the past and hence me asking information on how to, or a good template I can edit for those pages. It's a nice resource and very helpful.
  10. Anak Panah Well-Known Player


    I absolutely agree that this an area which could use some wiki editing since the official base item in-game categories have basically been abandoned by the devs and everything is copy-and-paste decorations/freestanding now even if there are more fitting official categories. The same is true for the icons btw. There are dozens of icons for base items (can be seen on , but since a couple of years all new items have the blue (or purple) middle-sized crate except for - again - a few copy-and-pastes from existing ones.

    Anyway, it depends a bit on what you want to do exactly. So far we did not categorize (wiki categories) the base items on the wiki much other than their official in-game categories like floor, wall, ceiling, decorations etc.

    The groupings other than that have been compiled into in image galleries like e.g.

    Overview of existing groupings:

    This would be the preferred way.

    To get started with this you would just need to open an existing page in "source edit" mode and copy it over to a new page filling in the base items you want to have in that group.

    However additional categories would also be possible, though those should be easy to distinguish from the "official" in-game categories. Thus you should not use something like Decorations/Dividers since Decorations is an official in-game category. Best would be a category name which clearly states it's a user-made category like e.g. Overviews/Dividers, Overviews/Vases etc. pp. You get the idea.

    I am not sure what you mean with template. Do you mean page templates or nav bar templates? Could you give me an example?
    Nav bar templates like the "Weapons" nav bar on the bottom of

    could be nice additional base item templates. You could have templates like "Base Items: Dividers", "Base Items: Vases" etc.

    Still the image gallery solution would be the preferred way since you get an idea how those items look like.

    I will gladly help you to set up any template, but first I need to know what you want to do exactly (in terms of visual outcome).

  11. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Yeah That's exactly what I want to do. Make more base item groups so people can find stuff easier and see similar items. I'd meant a page template and a bit of explanation on it's setup for the Category Base Items Group. So that I can just plug data into a blank template and save it to the wiki page. I'm worried about messing something up. I'll keep in mind what you said about player categories compared to official categories.

    I also have a few, like 2, images that aren't on the wiki that I took pictures of so I need to upload those too.

    I too wish the categories ingame were more thorough, and that there were more than those big box, small box icons for stuff. Too many items are just box icons :(