[Request] Free the UI

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Magician, May 3, 2021.

  1. Magician Dedicated Player

    To whomever may be watching: Free the UI

    Problem: The last change that was made for the rewards to drop on the lower right of the screen doesn't catch my attention and I often don't see what I have looted until I have to go into my inventory. Which means, items with timed expirations, such as Promethium lockboxes and the such have the risk to expire if I'm not opening up my bags.

    Solution: Allow player to customize the UI in order to place their chat boxes, loot notifications, etc where they are comfortable on the screen.

    It's difficult to make this change after 10 years in the game where its hard to find what you looted since eyes typically aren't accustomed to looking on the lower right to see what they got.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter
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  2. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    I second this
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Agreed on the customization option, but promethium boxes are the least of my worries. If you don't notice one in your inventory for 30 days, you might want to re-think your inventory management. My bigger issue is if you were to get a rare drop, something like a manbat trinket or sorcerers supply drop. As they all look the same, if you don't know you have it, you might apply it thinking it's one of your other trinkets or SDs...binding it to yourself vs being able to broker it instead.

    Either way though, yes...such a big change should have come with either an on/off option or at least a selectable top/bottom/left/right option.
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  4. Heywiar Committed Player

    So many other MMO's have this feature, why not DC?
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  5. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    mmo vets, familiar with mods. Uses a PC also. /glare at console users.
    UI update, living on since the UI update project was ended before PS4 launch.... in 2014. Which owner will decide to do so. again. and not stop it. It's essential to user experiences. It's F'd up. It's launch version, throw on some other tabs.... no DLC order or colors per DLC, except in augments, that everyone is like... is this warframe, what the hell is going on? Your systems are too complicated. ... and i have to rank them up? FU. I'm out of this repeating instances with "skill points" awarded from purchased access to time capsules with RNG rewards. PvE has absurd numbers of systems to ponder the existence of balance attempts. But when PvP has no systems, and untouched for years, to me, it seems, ya lost the original intent of the original game creatives, to make PvP help bridge the PvE gaps of content. with fun gameplay. Not quite Mortal Kombat. But something that promotes gameplay used in Pve combat. I see so many CR300+ users never lundging at the right time or at all. /sad. CR skippers, trying top catch up, while vets save up replay badges and stuff from memberships sparingly used at opportune times, play for a few days/hours and are done for a while. other hobbies and all to see to.

    UI update? Shirley, I'd luve it. Remember to make select one item from the list automatic. It's one item. There is no selection made. I have but one weapon selected, and it has no new visual options in many years (staff). :oops::rolleyes:

    Unattuned gear.... SERIOUSLY?! Include the style. Make it Green or Yellow text. Is that an insane proposal?? It's because you have not done this that I dislike the administration of the company. I do not think the executives are considering quality of life aspects that lend itself to more enjoyment of alts. Creating alts leads to more use. I wish the upcoming new membership perks respect making alts which are beneficial to longevity of online gaming experiences of an mmo launched in 2011. plus other considerations i had not thought of yet.

    the Feats UI.... needs to be updated. There has been a few threads about it since 2011. ya know. they've got suggestions. man.
  6. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    the launch UI for DCUO team/execs, decided to use scrolling text in a Feat line description.... it's still there!!!![IMG]

    u had the whole screen! Not even the text are the same scale! Some text taller than others. It's a horror show of a UI.

    omg, new consoles. I had an Atari 2600. Once ya realize PC does that and so much more, without the high risk of discontinued relatively shortly, wtf, console users and makers?

    Who bought a game boy/Switch expecting to play games online???? yall are not aware of history of the purpose of mobile gaming. it would seem. No mobile gaming system deserves wifi access. Nobody use them for online access. It's something rarely bought or used for road trips without access or ...meanwhile
  7. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Genuinely asking, not digging on anyone

    Is it so hard to check you inventory and delete whats not wanted/needed after each loot drop? Thats what i do. Doesnt hurt the raid or damage out it seems either as i generally am top or top dps in spite of this.
    Get the drop, manage it w/in my inventory, then continue.
    After the raid, straight to bank/broker to handle it then Q the next thing.

    Just asking
  8. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    The problem right off the bat is, DCUO is a console game to begin with. Not even PS4.... PS3....

    If only DCUO was a PC MMO, good lord we could have the UI as flexible as in SWTOR or FFXIV.
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  9. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    Free the UI? How about ditch the current UI and give us one that is responsive. Like, maybe one that doesn’t dupe items while trying to place something in the broker. Or a UI that can handle making more that one exobyte at a time without glitching tf out?

    I’d be totally fine with keeping the current UI and just fixing the things that need fixing, such as the above examples or letting us read the entire feat instead of one............ word........... at............ a............ time.
  10. Igote New Player

    - Nice prices for all countrys, and make tiers like bronze, silver and gold.
    - Upgrade the characters slots to create.
    - Acess to all powers and give 500/1000/1500 SC
    - Give to the Replay Badges for the tiers 150/300/500
    - Exclusive Skins/Materials/Bundles/Bases Skins
    - Discounts for Legendary Memberships all time
    - To the people with have +1 character, give to low cr a gear with auto levelup, like inheritance wow gear.
    - Extra EXP and % to the artifacts level up sistem or remove the artifacts system, many times... its frustrating dont enter in the raid beacause the low level.
    - Loyality Sistem to membership, we can buy old hard feats, like farm rare collections in the olds dlcs, or buy things with this points.
  11. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    Please, and I may be in the minority, I dunno, but please do not get rid of the artifact system
  12. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    This isn't the "Better Membership" thread.
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  13. Igote New Player

    Wrong thread lol
  14. myandria Item Storage


    Console games have always had issues with UI customization, in my opinion. I agree that it would be nice to have; however, I think it would only happen on the PC side. I'm not sure if the console companies would allow the DCUO devs to tinker with the UI of this game at this point, as they haven't given the green light on crossplay, either.