Brainiac back

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Thunderstrikke, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

    Where does this drop? I assume flashtastic voyage (which would explain why I haven’t seen it yet), but wanted to make sure I didn’t miss something.
  2. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I think we have to finish the stuff in order which we can't till the 2nd raid is up. Which should be tomorrow
  3. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

  4. Ekart Committed Player

    On elite or normal? Because i did the "in order" quest on alt (normal runs) and didn't get them.
  5. ClowninAround Well-Known Player

    Are you playing on EU? If not you haven't completed the quest in order yet as the 1st raid you have to do isn't available for another 6 hours or so.

    If you are EU and did the duo, alert and both raids in order then you have to go talk to Sarah Charles in Flashpoint Gotham. After you do, you must complete the FF raid again to get the back.
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  6. Ekart Committed Player

    Tnx for the info.