Episode 40: World of Flashpoint Recap!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Apr 2, 2021.

  1. Eve YouTuber

    Kid Flash's new model:

    OP Item, Brainiac Wings (Back):

    Purple Drop Style:

    Vendor Gear Inspired by Doomsday:

    Pied Piper's Fluet

    Circe's mask (Tank)

    Base Items:





    New quality of life feature: Switch Phase!

    Hope you enjoy this recap :) Episode 40 going on test soon according to Devs
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  2. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    That's Speedforce fast! :eek:
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  3. Eve YouTuber

    I wanted to be the first and only! hehe
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  4. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I'm most intrigued by our new option to 'nudge' the Iconic NPCs into a different role in certain instances.

    Cyborg = Tank
    Batman = Healer
    Me = PewPew?

    I hope this is amazingly successful, and that they expand this idea forward (and even backward) through the whole game (eventually).

    Also: Don't forget the new QoL ability to stack stuff that was previously unstackable! :D
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  5. Stardazer Committed Player

    Zoe back at it again with the fast and awesome recaps! Thank you. :D
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  6. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    What is the minimum CR to access the new area.
  7. Kanniu Well-Known Player

    322 If I remember correctly
  8. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Entry CR is 322.
    There is only one currency, Wayne Casino Chip.

    There is 1 duo, 1 alert and 2 raids. Each has event, normal and elite version.

    First raid's first boss is similar to Paradox Wave, where players can decide whether they want to tackle all bosses at once or deal with them one by one.
    Second raid has additional challenge levels: players can crank up the difficulty for better rewards.




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  9. Beastmaster Well-Known Player

    Wow the doomsday inspired vendor set is definately unexpected wow and unique aswell i'm not sold on the heatwave set but great for others. Phase feature was definately needed though. Brainiac wings definately interesting i like to learn about why braniac involved when it hits live.
  10. Eve YouTuber

    I can tell you but maybe you rather enjoy finding out when it hits live ;)
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  11. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Only one mark? What do we get for beating the bounties?
  12. Eve YouTuber

    one mark - 4 missions, so 4x marks total. Weeklies give 8x marks.
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  13. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I been waiting for a Doomsday look forever but it looks better on a male brute. I like the idea in the new duo where an NPC or Icon character such as Batman healing you if there's no healer in the instance. I would have liked to see that concept in alerts where it'll have more of an impact instead of two players. I'm disappointed in the artifacts and the fact that there's only two of them.

    For instance, not all shields work the same such as Amazonium Deflection. Ice doesn't even have a healing power besides Hibernation. As a DPS I can see it being useful since the shields aren't as strong and will cause it to proc then the healing being increase will in theory make the heal in dps role stronger by said percentage.

    The Pied Piper artifact, look the whole rats thing is just not for me. I don't feel super summoning a swarm of rats lol

    Hmm we didn't see any new emblems in the preview.
  14. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Will there still be stuff like elite rings weapon and necklace that you can get from bounties?
  15. inferno Loyal Player

    There's a part in the stream where it ended up with the new kid flash close up and it really made me pause; it looked really good.

    The doomsday gear, when I saw Charon wearing it; my first thought was trinket. It looked really good and I was just thinking it had to be a trinket and figured it was better than nothing. To then see it as gear, well, I'm quite happy right now.

    I also hope that the optional role of the NPC in instances can be used in walk-ins and earlier instances.
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  16. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I just wish theyd stop giving styles with stripes that connect from the chest to the legs.

    The dlc looks fun! And the doomsday mask gives us a chance to make a non human character
  17. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    Besides that Flash statue, none of the base items would benefit any of my base themes. Actually, the outfit styles are a hard pass for me, too, but if I could get Kid Flash's head style, or his %$&#$#@ hair style, or, hell, I'd settle for that skin style, I'd be grateful.

    Regardless, I can't wait to stop playing the legion dlc, so here's hoping this content is both fun and followed up with another episode sooner than 5 months.
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  18. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    AWESOME The stream was actually one of my favorites in a while so many great things.
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  19. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    a bit early but I'd like to request kid flash hair as a vendor reward pls and ty
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  20. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Thank you, Zoe! I personally love, love, love the open world! I am so sick of looking at the same ol' bright 31st century. :D And finally, we will be able to pick phases and know whether they're full or not, which is awesomesauce! :D
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