Help The Strategist Card

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by LightningEl_, Apr 2, 2021.

  1. LightningEl_ Level 30

    I need some info on The Strategist Card .

    My Question Now you see it says Heal Critical: Apply a heal over time
    Is this a group heal over time or yourself

    Next Question how exactly does this activate is it with a power hit or weapon hit or both
    Hmm okay it says Heal Critical so does that mean its a heal power criting no hits?

    Trying to decide if this is something i could use as healer for another Heal over time
    Is any healers using this? or do I understand the artifact wrong

    Upon achieving a critical hit on a target, there is a chance to apply Tactical Advantage on that target based on the type of ability used for (4/8/8/8) seconds.
    * Heal Critical: Apply a heal over time.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    When you achieve a critical heal the Strategist Card will have a chance to apply an additional HoT on the group.
  3. Berza Committed Player

    Are you sure the HoT applies to the whole group? I always thought it was on the player that received the crit. I never tested it so I may be wrong.
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    They asked if the HoT from Strategist was a group heal or self heal. I probably should have worded my response better, I meant 'group' as in not just the person holding the Strategist Card. The Strategist HoT can apply to anyone who received a critical heal.
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  5. LightningEl_ Level 30

    Thanks for the info. I was trying to figure that out for a while cause the description does not really tell much
  6. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    I havent used the strat for healing but to be honest you would be better off using another artifact. Its not good until you rank it to 160 & that 160 is better off applied to Purple Healing Ray, Transformation Card, Page Of Destiny in my humble opinion
  7. LightningEl_ Level 30

    Ik I'm just theory crafting builds. Just wanted to know it does what i think it does
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Strategist works best with Nature, the more heals you have going off increases your chances for a crit which increases your chance to proc Strategist.
  9. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    I can use the Trans/Strat combination very well with electricity, using galvanize and electrogenesis as HoTs for multiple mini heals that can proc the Strat card HoT. I wouldn't recommend it for elite, but it's a nice effect to have in open world healing or even regular raids. Whenever I play might electric (admittedly not very often these days), I use arc lightning and ionic drain in my loadout, and while their heals range from mediocre to absolute trash, their heals can crit and proc good Strat Card HoTs. I once solo "healed" CoP alert as a might DPS just using that strategy to heal myself and the others around me. Another time, I out-healed the healer using that strategy.

    Now, I would suggest other healer artifacts over this strategy for more challenging content, but it's perfectly viable in several types of situations to do this type of healing.
  10. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    fun fact :

    The Strategist Card will also proc off of Critical Heals from the Mystic Symbol of the Seven; additionally the Heals produced by both it AND the Symbol are subject to the modifiers of the Transformation Card as well. It's a fun core for a battle tank build.
  11. Charlieboy Well-Known Player

    I use Strat Card, Trans Card and Page of Destiny if I am expecting to need a good solid flow of healing for the group, otherwise I swap out the Strat Card for Eye of Gemini for the extra sc regen. You will find you need the Trans Card levelled up as much as you can as the benefits are clear, and coupled with the Strat Card it procs the healing really quite often making a significant difference. If you healing has lots of dots the more the better, such as with nature or electricity. Plus Strat and Trans are staple artifacts for most dps builds so you save on needing to create 2 specific artifacts.

    I have purple healing ray at 196 but I am not impressed with it to be honest. It takes about 10 heals to trigger and then the next time you hit priority or group heal you activate either a shield or HOT, whether its a useful time for that or not. The Shield only reduces damage by 20% so it wont save a tank or someone in critical need and the HOT is not very strong. I find page of destiny far more useful especially the automatic trigger if a player is below 40% health if you use a power like nature with no decent burst healing.