Mister Mxyzptlk’s seasonal

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by coco1851, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. coco1851 New Player

    Having some fun running the seasonal considering I’ve missed it every year besides the first year it launched, but see that it ends this Wednesday. I’m not going to go into detail as to why I never have time please extend the deadline for it. Wouldn’t hurt to have a on duty for it either. Maybe this is just me but personally I think seasonal content should run back to back.
  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Pro tip....run alts. Pro tip 2, take a nap Wed and stay up after 3AM (CST) reset and hit the 14 mark tour one more time to get as much coins as you can. These 2 things will likely get you further than the unlikely chance that they will extend the event. St Pats is always a short one... it's also one of the cheaper ones mark wise to complete.
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  3. coco1851 New Player

    Thanks but no thanks for the advice, now I remember why not to come here, don’t need pro tips when I already have 9 toons and been playing since beta, it’s called I work 40+ hours a week unlike some people, I literally fall asleep sitting up playing. Just figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask for extension is all.
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  4. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    Don’t come here complaining then. Stop playing and go back to your 40+ hour job. He wasn’t being condescending. You’re rude. I hope they end the seasonal 3 days early now.
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  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    With all due respect and everything, if you've been a player since beta then you know the St. Pats/Mxy seasonal event is the shortest one in the game. And unless something goes catastrophically wrong with the servers, there isn't likely to be an extension.

    They've also been taking steps to make things easier for players to run seasonal events in general, such as reduced pricing on old rewards, bringing down the number of objectives you have to take care of in the open world sections and even offering the event currency in the Marketplace. With the Mxy event, for example, they changed it so you only have to run the tour portion of the content once a week instead of daily, and that alone reduced the overall amount of time you need to spend running the content.
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  6. Shalayah Committed Player

    Buy the currency if you don’t have the time to play it. They offer 50 for like $5. Reinheld gave you an alternative to use your alts to maximize the short time we have with this event. The next alternative is to buy the seasonal currency. Just because it doesn’t fit your schedule doesn’t mean that the event needs to be extended all the way until the next seasonal.
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  7. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    If they extended seasonal events because a player didn't have time to run it, the seasonals would be everlasting. It's unfortunate that you work "40+ hours per week" and haven't been able to enjoy the seasonal. The liklihood of extending it at your request is pretty small. At this point you can spend $10 buy 100 of the currency and just buy what you need for the feats.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I also work 40 hours a week and even have a family to deal with. But thanks for the shade. However I'm not psychic and as you didn't establish the fact you were running 9 toons and since beta (seems like you'd have picked off a few St Pats feats in that time) and you are on a 'new player' forum login, you MIGHT have needed the tips. So sorry I offended you.

    However, as your time is so limited that you are obviously only getting a few min of running in a week (9 toons would take about 15-20 min a day and net 54 marks total a day + 126 if you do the tour once a week), the extension would be what? A month? 3? I'd say that's fair.
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  9. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Shame 50 currency isn't worth the money. Maybe if it was 100 and you could actually buy a couple of the expensive things that mattered it would be worth tossing some cash at.
    That's hyberbole. It's far more than 2 minutes a toon. You'll use that in just loading screens and accepting the quest. Then there's travel time to the areas that have a fair number of gold coins, assuming you know where those are. And then there's hitting 3 of those minimum with singular blasts so you don't get flooded with coins you can't pick up fast enough due to the timer. Realistically you're looking at a bare minimum of 10 minutes a toon. Maybe 5 if you get real lucky.

    On a related note, don't forget to accept the completed mission so you don't waste coins by reset.
  10. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    While I agree completing this seasonal is longer than 2 minutes per toon I have been running it on 23 toons daily, from my experience it is maybe 4-5 minutes per toon, and another 3 or so for the Metropolis Tour if you haven't done it for the week.

    The warp menu cuts down on travel time almost completely outside of the missions itself. Load in, warp to seasonal, grab mission, warp to Metro, grab coins, done.

    The only way that coin collection mission takes longer is if someone does not know where the coins spawn or they are having trouble completing the mission.

    Which I can see people having trouble with, as someone that farms seasonals, I find this seasonal to be the most annoying to complete. The timer is quick, the coins can bounce everywhere and you can get interrupted by Mister Mxyzptlk's.
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  11. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    5 minutes is what I just came up with after running half a dozen characters through it. That's with stopping for nothing and no one. No typing in /ignore goldseller or grabbing mail and stuff. Fastest I got was 3 min 42 seconds as I got a real easy set of myx's and I know a place where 6 gold cauldrons spawn within a block of each other and can teleport right to them, as I use the gotham/metropolis warp menu in my base to cut travel time down. Add another few minutes if you have to run around and find them and a few more if you don't have that direct port right to a spawn spot. The longest was 7 min 26 seconds. Got some crappy rock droppers that flung coins too far away to get in time, so I ended up having to hit 5 of them instead of 3-4. Not everyone has teleporters in their base or the gotham/metropolis mod to port right to hot spots, or even knows those hot spots.

    Oddly I find this seasonal one of the easier and less annoying ones to complete due to clumped coin groups, no foes knocking you back (outside of the rock but that's usually easy to avoid), among a few other things.
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  12. Shalayah Committed Player

    If it takes you 10 minutes to beat it. That’s moreso on you lmao. I can finish it in under 5 minutes solo
  13. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Always do your coin grabbing in Midtown guys. It's too congested and busy in Chinatown with ADDs. There's almost a ghosttown of NPCs near the Daily Planet with a decent amount of Pots spawning so I'd hang out there. As a villain you only gotta avoid STAR Labs in Centennial Park for the tour and on the townhouses and for a hero avoid Trigon's demons at the hospital (pots don't spawn at the park and hospital respectfully so just go to the Superman statue and skiddaddle out of there). Oh and when going on the tour avoid the War of Light GLs and Sinestro Corp, just use your movement mode to stay up on the roofs. You should always use your menu warps to go to Mr. Mxy in WT or HoD, then warp to Metropolis that will take you near Centennial Park and head to the downtown DP area. Just ignore the goldsellers and toxic chat in Lil Boh too, putting them on ignore probably takes time just grab your coins and get out lol
  14. nawanda Loyal Player

    Why not leave the crappy attitude at the door? Other people have full time jobs and run alts through the seasonal. Why respond like that to well intended advice?

    You’re right, it doesn’t hurt to ask for an extension. You’re not likely to have requests looked upon favourably by being toxic.

    Playing since beta doesn’t entitle you to look down your nose at other members of the community. This is also well intended advice: Get off your high horse.
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  15. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Read above (the times I posted) and don't be an idiot. Get 3 rock ones in a row that throw coins far away and you'll not be doing it in under 5 minutes. Get some yahoo who comes when you're in the middle and blasts your cauldron so all the coins spawn and they don't pick any up or fail at picking up half of them. Try thinking before firing off your mouth.
  16. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    While I do have the teleporters and mods on all my toons, I just use the warp menu from the map screen.
    Once I log in, warp to seasonal, get mission, warp to metro and grab nearest objective/coins. Warp back to 31st Century Metro(for free marks next day), switch toons, repeat until finished. :)

    I personally don't find the mission itself difficult, it is just more annoying to me than the other seasonals. The coins often bounce or roll away too far and the timer is pretty quick. But I have done it so often, the majority of the time I get it done with just 3 gold pots.

    I more so meant for newer/less experienced players I can see it being a problem which could cause it to last 10+ minutes to complete.

    It could also be just me having to complete it on 23 toons, I am always in a rush, so I just get annoyed much easier. I probably complain the same during other seasonals, just that this one is the current one. :D
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  17. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    it's the one seasonal where I get genuinely cheesed off if anyone joins in. I always do it around Chinatown or Little Bohemia. there's a couple of nice little clusters in both & never anyone else doing them around there. left to my own devices, I can have it done in three, maximum four, pots in five minutes or less. other people just get in the way. ).
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  18. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Yeah I use to travel/teleport to a spot that I knew was rarely visited and had like 6 pots within a block of each other. But as I got more and more alts and they added the teleport menu I just started using that and never really went back.

    But yeah other players, especially the ones that just force all the coins out at once and don't really help can slow down a run for sure. Thankfully I only run into it like 2-3 times a day out of all my toons and because I run the basic route there is usually others running it with me to help in those situations.

    But I honestly don't mind that compared to the people in the seasonal events that just queue in and do nothing at all.. luckily I know what I am doing so it is usually not a problem with just 3 players. But I still find it really annoying..

    Once I had horrible luck I guess as I got 3 people doing AFK, then finally after like a minute or two the healer started, but the other two did nothing the whole time. I wanted to leave early on, but I also thought can I solo this on this toon, lol.. :D
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  19. coco1851 New Player

    Lol to bad the seasonal has nothing to do with my attitude much less anyone on here. He wasn’t being condescending? Then please interpret for me when he said “pro tip” it implies that he’s a pro... Btw no need for a response that was a rhetorical question. Have a great day!
  20. coco1851 New Player

    Now if only he could have spoke the way you spoke there would have been no offense taken. All of what you said is true, and I never said I didn’t know that I just didn’t want to have into grave detail why I didn’t have the time but since I’m already here wasting time, the reason I didn’t have time is not because the seasonal takes to much time per day, per toon it was because I didn’t know it launched until 3/18/21 so that only gave me a week, & I thought maybe because they extended that one event that was going on last month I think, then maybe they would for this one.