Base names

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Comixfan, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Msz Kitty New Player

  2. Selena New Player

    Citadel of power
  3. American Nomad New Player

    My Lantern's base is "Recharge Pad"
    American Nomad's is "NotAHome"
  4. Righteously New Player

    "FreeCandy Inside"
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  5. Comixfan Committed Player

    LOL. Yeah that's not creepy at all! ;)
  6. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    2nd Circle ( The circle of hell my toon is from )
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    oh thats a good one. i mad i didnt think of it first.
  9. Nevaborn New Player

    I struggled to think of something to call mine as it was so generic and plain. So I went with Sanctuary .... Guess cos I can run away there when health is low.
  10. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    Mine is pretty simple and classic. When I first started playing DCUO and saw the skyline over Robinson Park, I knew that one day I would have to place my character's home there...
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  11. Eschelar New Player

    I find the "no punctuation" and "only one space" to be a little frustrating.

    I tried to create "and abandon all hope" which was short enough, but too many words
    I tried to create "at your own peril" same deal
    I tried to create "Name's Cave" and couldn't use an apostrophe.

    Now all I have is the rather dull "under peril" which barely makes sense.

    Might also make "The Dragon"...
  12. Nighthawke New Player

    "The Nighthawke Nest"
    Something Simple.
  13. Urthman New Player

    Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous that names like "Fortress of Solitude," "Rock of Eternity," "Sanctum of Fate," "Hall of Doom," "Hall of Justice," and "House of Mystery," are all impossible in a DCU base-naming scheme.
  14. Supremacy New Player

    Sanctuary I ( located in Metropolis ) & Sanctuary II ( located in Gotham )
  15. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Mint Stiletto has 2, Gotham-The Mintcasa Metro-Studio Stiletto
    Haven't bothered with bases for my alts yet, not sure I will really
  16. Silverback New Player

    I named mine Tallywackers.
  17. Baltizare New Player

    Metropolis Base - Icebreaker
    Gotham Base - Icyhot
  18. FrontlineR Well-Known Player

    FrontlineR - "QBase Nederland"
  19. SpaceGhost77 New Player

    My Mains is "The BoomBoomRoom"
  20. Periphery New Player

    Just got the Industrial Lair, so went with Nautilus.