Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Balistical Ice, Mar 3, 2021.

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  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but even that can be skewed. Personally I've got 12(16?..20?...ugh I've lost count) accounts and I know people with 2 or 3x that amount. It would be easy enough to get a voting block together to still move the needle your way. Not saying it woudn't be better than twitter, as most of the votes had less than 1500 people voting, and I'd guess out of those it was probably more like 1200-1300 actual people...a small subsection of the player base as a whole.

    A poll was a cute idea for a time. Realistically it was never going to net out anything though other than a popularity contest. Just crown OC and move along...nothing to see here anymore.
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This for-fun tournament was about celebrating our legacy during our 10th anniversary. It got a lot of people talking and participating and, hopefully, reliving a bit of the old days.

    The only people not having fun with the poll are the 12 people in this thread that take the wrong things way too seriously. It's a game. Try to have fun.
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