Ice tank power

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by dannyboy01, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. dannyboy01 New Player

    I really would like a response from devs on this asi feel it is important. I have been an ice tank a long time and I understand we are a shield rotation tank. However more situations in raids etc are creating damage that is totally ignoring shields and just do solid health damage. This wouldn’t be as big an issue if Ice had a better health regen/healing or a better core damage mitigation. Sadly ice tanks have been relegated to one of the worst tank powers. Please no response from people saying you need to know how to play ice tank because I do. The facts don’t lie when most people go rage/fire or earth tank these days and I see rage doing awesome tanking .Would just like to see some improvements on ice please
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  2. dannyboy01 New Player

    Also I’m not sure if this has been posted before
  3. Radstark Active Player

    I've never played Ice tank, but what about coupling Hibernation with Eye of Gemini?
  4. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    For some time, in this game I have the impression that the role of the tank degrades in many ways this story that you summarize very well sometimes the life of the tank goes down in a hallucinating way, whereas the tank is supposed to remain more easily than any other role and without forgetting also the players who rush without really worrying about the presence of the tank...
    I think there should be something to do to put the tanks back in the spotlight in this game, even if in a way the role is well done compared to other games!

    Moreover I think that we should have more white pockets for the tanks, some powers don't even have the possibility to use pockets...
  5. dannyboy01 New Player

    Yeh I agree I notice there seems to be a shortage of tanks in this game , possibly pointing at the effort and skill involved needed to play tank and how out of touch devs seem to be on this role . Just my opinion
  6. dannyboy01 New Player

    Coupling eye and hibernation would be a waste as you would be overlapping your heals plus it wouldn’t fix the issue with ice’s poor damage mitigation through shield penetration
  7. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I've long thought that some exceptions should be made for ice tanks like exceptions are made for rage tanks/dps. There are certain mechanics in raids that could cause a rage crash if exceptions weren't made, thinks like getting stuck in the cages at the end of FGS. Maybe a similar exception could be made for ice tanks. It might be too strong if none of the damage ignored the shield though, so maybe they could make it so some does direct damage and the rest can be mitigated by shields.

    That being said, I've personally had some success ice tanking in Elite end game content, and one of the leagues that regularly gets world firsts uses an ice tank in those runs. So its far from completely broken, but could use some attention/special consideration because as the OP says, there are some mechanics that negate how ice tanking is supposed to work and no other power has a similar constant issue (other than rage, but that always gets patched by providing rage crash immunity).
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    These shield penetrating mechanics, are they avoidable by blocking or moving out of the way?
  9. dannyboy01 New Player

    Not always a really good example though would be the emperors eyes in coune . The damage pretty much shreds shields on ice tanks blocking or evading. And yes I use trinkets to help out too .Like I said it wouldn’t be an issue if ice tank had other skill sets to fall back on because once our shields are down we kinda screwed. This post is only intended for devs to have a good look at ice tank skill sets and do a little tweak
  10. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Quite a few are "kind of" avoidable, some are an "impossible feat" blanket mechanic that means moving completely out of AoE range, then coming completely back in to Tank, which is harder to do when you're Ground Zero of Aggro.

    Shield Penetration mechanics really are a little BS - Ice either needs its oldschool "best in class" Defense bonus back, or a little extra Health, or some reclassification of its Shields specifically in order to stand up to the kind of abuse a Fire Tank can take these days, because "Shields are its mitigation method".

    I can see Shield Penetration on my other characters, gotta wonder how I got an Electric Shield in the first place (Pauli Exclusion principle manipulation taken to far extremes, I know) but still: a Tank is a Tank - removing the Shield mechanic entirely would be like coding a scripted throttle to make a Rage Tank's Health cap at 75K or drop a Fire Tank's Restoration to 5000 for a combat segment. It's a highly questionable move.

    That said, for mitigation purposes? Running an Ice Tank with a 160 Mystic, spec full Health (285 SP in Health @ 324 CR = 185K, ish), Critical Healing and Chance, some extra for Restoration, and include a Transformation Card = your background healing effectively becomes 4-8K a second. Add Lasso @ 120 to supplement.

    It's not a solution, but holy crap does it help.
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