More characters slots, possible?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Dec 15, 2020.

  1. NetworkOrBotnetGoodOrEvil Level 30

    Oh I figure, server space and all that. It'd be a nice pipe dream though to have each powerset on both sides and all...

    Well, there's situations when focusing on one character is what's rewarded and situations where having alt-itis is just significantly rewarding
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  2. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Yes please! I am ADDICTED to making characters and the next character slot I get will max me out. I do, though, intend to make some of the characters I wanna make as armories anyway due to them being very close/similar to one of my existing toons or an elseworld version of them or such, so that'll help for some of them. I have at least one toon of every power and mentor except nature (still really want the animal power, closest I get is an entirely different kingdom, being plants lol) and since I already have plans for this next character to be an Indigo Lantern as I'm making a girl for each Corps (except the new ones we don't know anything about and can't really work with yet) likely using sorcery or the cursed celestial powers for, that means no nature toon lol. Wish we either got an animal power (sort of mixture of Beast Boy type stuff and Vixen type stuff and Animalman type stuff, since my character like communes with animals and stuff) or just made the nature power more like celestial where it had the two sides. So like celestial has blessed and cursed abilities, nature could have plant and animal, but as is it's 99.99% plants lol. There's like a move with bees, a move with snakes, and a few form changes (2, half, of which aren't even actual animals but like creatures like a werewolf and bug person), so I wouldn't really have much to work with anyway for that character (though I do have another I wanna make that is plants that it'd be fine for) lol. Sorry, I kinda get going and ramble lol.
  3. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    This has nothing to do with sever space. We can make millions of characters now with free accounts.

    This is more about using the resources of the legendary account(s) you already own to make new characters and account bound/style unlock/redeem what you already have or intend to buy. None of which can be done by adding yet another account. Some of us (like myself) have been here since the beginning and have the OG Batman Legend, Batman/Joker drone trinket, Back from the Hack items, OG auras, etc. that would benefit by using the account we already have and pay/paid for.

    I already have multiple Legendary accounts that are maxed on character slots. Opening another free account would get Daybreak 0 of my dollars. Giving me access to increase the number of characters on my existing Legendary accounts would - in the form of buying another slot, unlocking styles, feats, etc.