Pretty Sure I just ran with a hacker.....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KiraDanvers, Jan 15, 2021.

  1. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    So, I just did both the anniversary raids on one of my alts, and we were melting the bosses. Like, too quickly. They were going down like they were low level adds in Metropolis or something. They were going down so fast that most of use didn't even need to bother attacking.

    In both runs there was the same character in the group whose name was made up of symbols (that I don't know how to recreate on a keyboard) that basically meant they had no visible name. That character ended one raid with 112,742,502 damage!!! (for comparison, I was the 2nd highest dps with only 4,723,477!) On inspection, there was nothing remarkable about their character. They were only CR272, had one artifact (a level 90 strat card), 4 prec augs at 257 and level 0 adaptive augs. No consumables were equipped. They were a PC user too.

    (I took a bunch of screenshots lol. I'm not sure how to put them up here, and I know there are rules against naming and shaming on the forums.)

    Was this one of those 'speed hackers' I've heard about? I've not experienced it before
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  2. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Sounds like it. You can submit a ticket with the screenshots and play whack-a-mole.
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  3. DCUO SmackThem Well-Known Player

    Speed hackers are pretty uncommon in this game. I tend to run into them more in PVP but have had a few encounters with speed hackers in pve content as well. It’s more of a surprise than anything to me. I don’t report them because it’s not worth the effort. I just ignore em and move on.
  4. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    I might look into doing that. I took the screenshots on a PS4, so i'm not entirely sure how to submit a ticket using them, but I'm resourceful lol. I'll find a way.
  5. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    Yeah I can't say I've seen anything like this before in over 6 years on this game. I shouldn't really be complaining lol, I did get both raids knocked out in record time, so it worked out alright for me, but I can see how this is a problem (also, I actually wanted to 'do' the raid lol. I felt like a low level noob being carried again :( )
  6. Fwames Well-Known Player

    The guy is just using a pre-nerf doomspin.
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  7. Eve YouTuber

    the naming system should really forbidden names that are only made of special letters. Put that you must have X amount of letters and X amount of numbers. Yeah I've seen and reported many speed hackers. So far I haven't seen them in the game anymore, but they maybe just got tired and moved to the next thing. [Those I reported].

    To me, they are ruining the game. Instead of getting everything legit and square, they cheat. They go into PvE raids and put other players in risk (I know you can get banned for running with a speed hacker and honestly If you knew and didn't leave you deserve it). They ruin PvP, more than It's already broken enough.

    So I hope EG7 and whatever the Devs are planning to do will also improve the game and not tolerate hacking. Improve security too.
    The game shouldn't be that easy to hack.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    You know immediately if there is a speed hacker you don't even need to look at the scoreboard. I was running the new raid yesterday when we got to the first boss and the boss was dead within 1 second, basically just instant dead. I left the raid immediately.

    Personally if you're staying in the instance until the end when its abundantly obvious that's going on then you're as guilty as the speed hacker themselves.

    You don't even need the scoreboard.
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  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You can upload the screenshots via Twitter, I use a dummy account just for uploading since Facebook was removed as an option.
  10. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Only time I encountered a speed hacker is when I pugged into Crown of Thorns regular (when it was fairly recent and endgame CR btw) and we suddenly got thru King Shark in a few seconds. Oh and at least two people had left during it so we were only six players strong. I went "lol wtf" in chat cause even in Event version I've never seen him get burned that fast I don't even think a group of 321's today could burn him that fast? I checked the scoreboard to figure it out and some PC Rage dps had hundreds of thousands damage. As I had checked two others left so were almost down completely so I just left there considering no one left in group were answering me anyways. Have no clue if the couple left stayed with him as he soloed it but even with three people doing the Thorn Golem mechanics might be difficult. No clue who he was cause I never thought of getting screenshots at the time you really aren't prepared when you encounter a speed hacker lol
  11. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    Oh please......don't gimme that "You're just as guilty" bs. The only reason I stayed till the end was because it wasn't abundantly obvious to me what was happening till halfway through the 2nd raid.

    I did the Anti-Monitor raid first and although we did it really quick, it's basically just one boss fight so I assumed maybe people were using those Qwa-Bombs or something or maybe we just had a 'good team'. I checked the scoreboard at the end though and one guy (that guy) was miles ahead of everyone, but he'd already left so I couldn't inspect him.

    Then I did the Speed Force raid and didn't notice that the same guy was in there (because he was a no-name). The first boss went down fairly quick and I though nothing of it other than "oh cool, that was quick". However, the second boss' health bar went down so visably fast, that I thought "Oh, that's not normal!? Something ain't right here". In the 3rd room the adds were dropping like flies and the boss died almost instantly and that's when I checked the scoreboard and saw that 'name' again. I started inspecting him and taking screenshots.......and then the final boss died and the raid was over.

    Then I immediately jumped straight on to the forum to report it / confirm my suspicions.

    Like I said, I've never experienced a speed hacker in all the years I've played this game, so it took a (short) while for me to figure out that something wasn't right, but by the time I knew what was going on, the raid was finished.
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    There's simply no way the bosses can die as quick as they do when speed hackers are taking them down, I appreciate that it was the first time you say you've seen it, which is fine, I apologise if I sounded harsh, but, there are people out there that certainly do stay in these groups knowing they can take advantage of them, those are the types of people that I mean are complicit in guilt, if that provides the additional clarity.
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  13. mrcheap Well-Known Player

    You should try playing GTAV on PC. In every public lobby there is a hacker (modder) randomly killing people, changing the weather, making planes fall out of the sky, putting you in a cage or setting you on fire. If there isn't a hacker in a lobby I am surprised.
  14. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    Lol that doesn't surprise me. GTA has always been bad for hackers! Last time I played GTAV was a few years ago on PS4 during the time when hackers were randomly dropping huge sums of money into peoples accounts. I logged on one day and suddenly got given tens of billions of dollars out of nowhere. It was kinda cool for a while because I could buy whatever I wanted, but at the same time it also killed the game for me as I no longer needed to earn money (which is basically the entire point of the game lol). They eventually fixed it and took most of my money (which kinda sucked), but it didn't take all the cars or apartments I'd bought, so I still basically had tons of 'money' sitting in the garage as unsold, high-end cars.
  15. nawanda Loyal Player

    Sadly, this is not true.
  16. TomShepard Active Player

    Snitches get stitches.
  17. Eve YouTuber

    Your comment makes no sense unless you support speed hacking or doing it yourself. Speed Hackers should be reported and banned, and It's not about snitching. The right thing to do is to report and not run with them.
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  18. TomShepard Active Player

    Uhh,i knew this was coming..
    so let me be clear:Im not supporting cheating and No im not one myself.But at the same time i hate snitches.He literally came here crying he had an easier raid for once.If this happens to you you can either be happy about it(that for once instead of 7 mins it was 2) or report it and let the devs decide if he was a cheater or not.But coming to the forum shouting he had an easy run makes no sense.This WAS about snitching.He knows how to report it,so just report it.The whole world dont need to know.
    And i know it sounds like i support it or doing it myself,but im actually not.I just simply hate snitches.
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  19. Eve YouTuber

    I agree on that part. I think if the boss is melting like that you should be aware that It's not legit at the very beginning.
    Even claiming to have screenshots(But saying you're not sure how to post them and don't want to blacklist anyone) is just a waste of everyone's time. Go to support, say it was unusual, let them check for themselves, let it go. The forums can't do nothing about you running with a hacker. We're all players. Heck, I don't even think the Devs can. Just the GM's. Which is support.

    I do agree on the part of not being able to report because of they basically have no name. EU has the biggest issue with that.
    So a system to force you to have letters in place should prevent it so you can see the name and report. Even ban specific special characters from being used. I doubt it will impact the EU server that much. I mean US doesn't have that issue at all.
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  20. nawanda Loyal Player

    Wait, so creating a forum post about an unnamed player is snitching, but opening a ticket and submitting screenshots isn’t?

    Surely I’ve misunderstood your ethical paradigm.

    I’ll tell you about mine, just so we’re clear. I hate cheats.