Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Control Creed, Jan 13, 2021.

  1. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Solo, Raid, Dallies and Spam.

    Alert, Raid, Dallies and Spam.

    Event, Raid, Raid, Dallies and Spam.

    It's getting to be like a Monty Python Sketch.

    Overall it seems like we had more content with the monthly DLCs, it's getting tiresome.
  2. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Skip the spam? I've been a lot happier since I stopped doing open world bounties. Granted, I did what I had to on my main to get all feats but that was it. Aside from that, not sure what else they can do. Make a 3 player? A 7 player? Make a raid too short, players go nuts. Make it too long, players go nuts. Same with too hard/too easy. Did you have some ideas on what to do since you made the post?
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  3. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    An idea for OP, stop MMORPGs, you'll see it's efficient to have no SPAM ;)
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  4. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Well.. we used to have a solo, a couple duos.

    I personally would not be against the Legends solos for something different every once in awhile.

    My point is, we have done a variety of different configurations of content and perhaps we could mix it up again, not saying I never want to see Boss Spam again in a DLC, but 3 times in a row, it starts to seem all the same with a deferent skin.

    The fact that the spawn times are not so... brutal on the event is a nice variation but the emphasis on amassing currency through doing the exact same thing over and over while trying to find a phase that you can get into leads to a lot of down time vs previous DLCs that were more instance based.

    The gear value vs currency to get say a full set of vendor gear is pretty brutal. People that are ok with 60 hours of phasing and boss spam, more power to you but I believe older DLCs had much more variety.
  5. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Been playing the game since launch... are you saying DCUO wasn't an MMORPG until Wonderverse?

    I don't quite get your point.
  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    The anniversary bounty spam isn't like the open world bounties of wv and LLL. They don't even need to be spammed. The 25 counter can easily be done by doing 1 rotation a day for the event lifespan. They don't drop any currency so no need to farm. A lot of us don't even need much out of anniversary event (or any seasonal for that matter) so I was happy they added some new easy to get feats like that.

    They've already said no open world bosses next dlc and probably never do back to back episodes with them again. We literally have a solo/ alert/ 8 open world dailies/ 3 raids/ whatever else from past dlcs to do per character. I'm thinking we need less stuff to do honestly. So that just points out what the devs deal with, a large player base that has all sorts of different desires/ issues. All anyone can say is if you're unhappy, stop playing. I did and enjoyed a few weeks off since I hate LLL. I'm back, refreshed, and still not partaking in bounty spams
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  7. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Your not being intellectually consistent.
    We had 2 spams in a row of high counter (75 - 100) open world boss’s and this event offered a low counter (25) bounty.
    These are not the same thing, you dont have to spam non stop etc. you kill a few a day (takes 10-20 min topps) and you will get the feats.
    Also batuba already posted that next dlc wont have an open world high counter boss spam so what exactly is it your complaining about?
    If your complaining too much in a row, they addressed it so i fail to see the issue here.
  8. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    These episodes bounties are meant to last several months, that why it has a high total counter.

    It a MMO , start making friends
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  9. Dragon Power Well-Known Player

    Op hates Spam? Guess he wouldn't like Hawaii very much.
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  10. Wildcat Committed Player

    is this game your day job?
    I mean, if you don't like bounties - you don't need to do them? ;)
  11. kingmonkey Active Player

    I don't enjoy the open world bosses too much, myself, so I just don't do them a lot. If you don't enjoy that aspect, just turn your attention to another part of the game. But the game devs have to address everyone's likes in the game (which will always be difficult), so to expect them not to put effort into something that any number of players like is not reasonable.
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    For those who are too young to get the reference. Although this version is kind of crappy. Skip 19 seconds of scroll unless you read Spanish (Portugeese?)

    A better version here
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