"Reversible" Cape?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Thunderstrikke, Jan 5, 2021.

  1. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

    Is there a cape style out there that you can color the inside one color and the outside another? Cruising through all my styles, I haven't seen one.
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't think there is, although with some capes and jackets if you use a material you can have the outside of the cape be the material and the inside be a glowing color.
  3. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    The Developers have stated repeatedly for years that there is a technical limitation in the game's engine that prevents them from doing that, which is why all the game's capes are identical inside and out, even down to the built-in emblems being visible on the inside of the cape.

    BUT... there IS a "happy accident" that allows you to do what you want to do only IF the character in question has the Void Material, which is available from the in-game Boo$ter Gold Vendor in your HQ for 4,139 Quarks, as seen in this screenshot:


    The Void Material will always be the deepest, darkest black, with an aura or "sheen" of the color you set in the appropriate color slot. But when applied to a cape, the black is left OUT on the inside of the cape, and you only see the color you specified, as you can see here on my Rebirth Batman:



    So, the caveat is that the outside of the cape always has to be black, but the inside can be whatever color you wish!

    Maybe someday we'll get other colors of the Void Material so we can have a different exterior color, but for now, at least we have this. I've never seen it explained what's going on in the game's engine to make that Material work like that, but then again, I haven't pried, because I don't want them to "fix" something that isn't "broken"! ;)
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  4. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    The batman beyond back can be collored on both sides,but that is more wings than cape.
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  5. Megzilla Developer

    I did not know this. I'm going to ask why this happens to see if there is a way we can replicate this intentionally.
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  6. ShadowTheHunter Well-Known Player

    This is something I've always hated about the Void. Super frustrating when trying to go for a consistent look and the inside of not just capes but any style with loose flowing parts like the War-Metal legs glowing lighter than the actual material. It's also not just the Void. Phoenix, NSF, Cosmic, Cosmic Chroma (the cosmic part, not the blackish part), Furious Material/Furious Chroma, etc. It seems most materials do that. There's a few exceptions though. The Tungsten Metallic, Stealth Material, and Black Neon Chroma colors the inside the same as the outside. I for one hope you guys will come out with a dark non-chroma material like the Void or Black Neon that doesn't do that, haha.
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  7. Jaelia Committed Player

    Yes yes yes yes yes replicate it
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  8. MrStoob Well-Known Player

    Dunno if it's a technical limitation - Superwoman's cape is black on the outside and yellow on the inside.
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  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    NPC models are custom built and painted, they aren't limited in the same ways as our character models.
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  10. Megzilla Developer

    Thanks for the feedback!
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  11. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

    Thank you for the responses everyone!
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  12. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Some of the other recent wing-based back styles also have one color slot set on the outside, and a second color slot set on the inside. The "Beyond High Tech" Wings were possibly the first, but I'm not certain on that.
  13. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    As I already mentioned before your post, you can duplicate that with ease by using the Void Material. Start saving up your Quarks! ;)
  14. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    This game is using unreal engine 3...early ue3. The ps3 couldn't handle a lot of cpu intensive stuff so cutbacks had to be made. One of them was likely with regards to cloth physics and the mapping /coloring of textures applied to those objects.

    The Batman beyond wings can have two tones because they are solid and have no physics applied to them . It's also why metallic surfaces don't have real time physics. Maybe in the overhaul later this year, things will change.
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  15. Megzilla Developer

    This is correct, the reason being that the Batman Beyond back item is not cloth-simmed so it's not beholden to the same tech limitations.

    EDIT: Didn't see this, but I am +1ing!
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  16. Vulpar Well-Known Player

    Cloak of Hades and Cape of the Renegade are invisible on the other side when a mat is applied.