Quintile Crystal Shard Update-3

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Dec 19, 2020.

  1. Black Prime2 New Player

    What I, and probably a good amount of end gamers don't appreciate is toying with the rewards after the fact. Twice in the DLC you all have messed with drop rates. When you toyed with the ionized gas, I went from getting a couple each week to not getting one for over 2 weeks. Now the same is happening to the crystals.

    Those materials turn into in game currency, aka, your messing with peoples money.

    Why not make a choice to before the DLC drops, and leave it? The way the last two DLCs were made. There isn't much time left to do things like alerts or other raids, if your a casual player.

    Here, let me try to paint the picture.

    A normal Tuesday evening. I am able to get on around 8pm. My first 15 to 20min is messing with the broker. This might go faster if there wasn't as much lag, but whatever. Next, the x-mas event. Have to teleport to the watchtower, again super laggy, and pick up a mission that we should just have when we log in.

    Now, instead of taking me directly to where I can start the missions. I have to teleport to either my base to go outside, or go to a police station. Oh yeah, and then teleport one more time out to Gotham. Smh. It takes almost as much time to get out to the missions as it takes to do the missions. Smh.

    Next I have to que for the x-mas alert. This doesn't take long. Thank goodness.

    Now I can finally make it out the the new DLC and start my dailies. I like to do 1 lap a day, to jot burn myself out. This takes about 30min, depending on the phase.

    By now I've been on for over an hour. Now the painful process of making a group for the regular alert, yes just regular. This can take another 10min atleast. If the people I get in the alert are tiktok'ed, it doesn't take long.

    My point, stop messing with peoples ability to make ingame money. I spend an hour and a half plus just doing dailies and 1 alert everyday. Implement a system and stay with it.
  2. L T Devoted Player

    So I think what happened here is that when you made the ionized gas more common, people finally got around to their breakthroughs and used up all their shards. So the price of shards on the broker about tripled, leading them to appear much more rare.

    In actuality, they're not more rare, but they're more usable, so there are fewer of them to be had.
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  3. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Theres so much wrong with what u just said i dont know where to begin.
    1) im not entitled to anything and i never said nor suggested otherwise
    2) the vast majority are experiencing VERY low drop rates. From reding these posts and talking with ppl in game its the vast majority getting next to nothing so the “other side of the coin” is the outlier not the norm and doesnt justify a silence of the outcry.
    3) im fairly sure no one here need you to give us lessons on % chance an drop rates. We r all well aware how it works. Thnx for clarifying it for those who dont but its not the point. How it works isint the issue. I havent seen a single person questioning how it works so your information is useless.
    4) since you claim drop rate s in fact NOT too low, lets see your data to back that up. If u read, theres an o erwhelming ammount of data that says its extremely low. I have seen maybe 3-5 comments total counter so lets see your data otherwise your favorable drop rates are noted in the stream of comments where we arent getting anything an your free to move on or become a productive part of the conversation.
    5) comparing these drop rates to other MMO’s? I never did. But since u bring it up, what are the drop rates of these and other MMO’s since u claim they are “pretty good”. Again, show your data or move along.
  4. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Agreed fully, i dont think a rare drop is too rare, im reading that the majority are getting drops at a rate they cant be 1/2 done before the episode is outdated. Theres a sprinkle of comments sayin they are getting good rates but its not “some getting good an some getting bad” as you say. Its a very very small ammount getting good an the rest of us getting bad. Your verbage suggests is an even split (im sure that wasnt your intent) but its not. May i suggest disclosing the drop rates actual % chance? Otherwise the only real data we have to go on is the comments and sad to say, they overwhelmingly suggest the rates are too low.
    Appreciate the response anyway Mepps
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I appreciate the response. If you say the drop rate for the crystals weren't intentionally reduced in the 12/11 hotfix I believe you.
    It may just be very coincidental bad luck but something is definitely off with the drop rate since that hotfix. And this isn't a 'gut feeling', I've logged several hours of bounty spam across three characters, for me I would see a drop every 30-60 minutes. Since the hotfix I will see a drop every 3-4 hours. That's a pretty steep decline and multiple people are experiencing the same. If it's just coincidental bad luck I'll accept that but is there another factor that could be affecting the drop rate?

    Thank you for adding the reagent to the vendor.
  6. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    in your example you suggest 1 hr per day (2 successful spam rotations) your suggesting 10-12 weeks. That seems fine IF the drop rates backed it up. Reading the comments (im not the only one doing 2-3 hours of spam a day an still going weeks inbetween a single drop), it suggests that if that was your intent, in practice its not working out that way and maybe it needs visited? Maybe some communication about if its being looked at? I dont know, no one knows the actual rates because they arent disclosed an thus we r left to speculate based on what little info is present. Info on hand is theres a couple ppl suggesting favorable luck and a huge majority suggesting next to no luck (that alone suggests its not balanced and to me would warrant a good look see). That data and the info about 10-12 weeks of 1 hr per day should be about what u need is the contrast we have and drop rates overall SEEM to not be living up to the intent.
    Also, if you consider who has completed or not you must consider who did it via natural drops vs bought from broker like myself because it has proven to be the only way to aquire the mats needed so me compelting is in spite of drop rates not a case in favor FYI
  7. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    I totally agree that for the DCUO, the drop rates are terrible (I myself miss 17 ... although I have already killed everyone 75 times a long time ago), but if you want examples from other MMOs in which this drop retes seems like heaven. That in distant times when Lineage 2 was what everyone played. New weapons for one player have been farming for months by a whole league (one weapon, for one player, a whole league !!!)
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  8. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    It is weird how one time I got three shards in a row but now? I'm lucky if I get one every three or five days? And that's running 31st Century Metropolis for at least two hours if not more a day.
  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Just so you know, in the 'warp to' menu, you can warp directly to Gotham. For heroes, the spot is pretty good outside diamond PD with lots of trees For Villains, it's not as good as there are less trees, but as this seems like a major inconvenience for you with 2 or 3 teleports, I'd guess teleporting direct to the city after talking to Hal/Sinestro, then flying/running a bit down the street would be a good option.

    You didn't even mention the fact you have to clear each journal entry, in order...at the right time, or lose 6 marks...10 if you don't clear the mission at all. How about that the 2 cutscenes in the alert are almost as long as the fight? To me those are a bigger hassle. But I digress....
  10. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    • Warning: The DCUO forums are for everyone. Please be respectful, constructive, and kind. Please welcome contrasting views and stay on topic. Do not insult or attack anyone.
    Wow. Complete and utter BS. As usual. I play every day. my son plays every day. We spend at least 4 hours every day attempting to gain shards. Count total since DLC dropped :17. That's for two people x 4 hours a days since onset. That's some REALLY good drop rates. NOT. If you hadn't already admitted to "fixing" the drop rates you MIGHT have sold this hog.
  11. Lexalted New Player

    1) You are here demanding change because you aren't getting what you want. That's entitlement.
    2) you are constantly talking about vast majority but that's just not true. It's just loud minority, you are frustrated for your luck I get it. But do you have data backing up that it's majority or it's just your hunch?
    3) you clearly don't understand how it works as you keep missing it. Maybe you have to be told couple more times to really get the idea?
    4) Im sure you have data backing up its too low, right?
    5) of course it's relevant compare it for other games. It gives parallels and another perspective on your view.

    I suggest you take little break from the game and come back when you aren't so frustrated anymore. When you feel like everything goes against you, people start to get very defensive and narrow minded. And seems like you are in that state. I'm sure devs have more complete data of drop rates than nether of us. And if they really were harmful to players or game, it would get fixed.
  12. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    1) i never demanded anything, you think i did or read it that way but thats not what i said this its NOT entitlement. I simply posted my experience and opinion about the drop rates as have others. No one that i read actually has demanded anything
    try again.
    2) i can only take the sample size present. I never said majority of the entire game. Im specifically talking about those commenting here on the forums on the multiple threads and I have read countless testimony of poor to non-existant drop rate and about 3-5 comments of favorable or acceptable so yea, given the sample size, its the vast majority. Now if u wish to discuss a larger sample size im all ears but dont conflate my statements in an ill fated attempt to make them easier to attack.
    Nice try
    3) no idea what your talking about here? If its rng im aware how it works an how it works was never the issue. Its if its even working and what the rate actually is. Not sure what your talking about but thats what i (we) are talking about.
    4) as stated above, the data im sampling is all the data avialable which is the vast majority in the sample we have to go by are reporting extremely low drop rates so yes, thats my data, where is yours? If theres data that suggests otherwise
    I will wait
    5) its not because you cant compare it. We could IF the devs disclosed drop rates but they dont. You tell me the drop rate and we can take that # an compare it to the numeric drop rate of another game. I dont see the reevance personally but hey, you brought it up.

    Seems ur biggest issue is sample size so can u get us a larger sample size to work from? As it stands theres about 3 threads going on this subject i think and most are reporting abysmal drop rates. Mepps has said the items are suppsoed to be “rare” but didnt disclose how rare or what the rate is or what “rare” even means in respect to expected drop rate. Then mepps said as an example if u ran it 1 hr a day for 10-12 weeks you shouod have what u need. Obviously some would get it sooner an some later as rng is a factor but seems to me that the drop rate should be high enough that u should be seeing something drop at least every few days per mepps own model he gave.
    Some if not, alot of us are reporting weeks an weeks of nothing dropping. Thats worth bringing to devs attention or do u disagree? If u disagree then why? Weeks w/out is well outside the normal statistical likelyhood of expecting a drop (per mepps’s own model). I concede fully the sample size is limited as the forum does NOT represent the game as a whole but u have to be fair too here. I never referenced the game as a whole just our current live sample.
  13. Lexalted New Player

    1) You are demanding higher drop rates. You are dismissing your own words as they don't fit your argument.
    Nice try.
    2) I can also only use sample size I'm presented with. And by that it's definitely not vast majority. You are just closing your eyes from people that say they've got drops and keep pushing your view. That's not how you should use the sample size, tampering it to fit your agenda.
    Nice try.
    3) you seem to not understand that even with high drop rate there still is probablity to not get one drop in long period of time.
    4) again your "data" is what you _want_ to see. Inspect players in bounties or take in account the ones who have said they got drops and you would see it's just vocal minority. Your claim about majority is really grinding my gears as you miss everything that's not supporting your claim.
    5) as you said, you can only use sample size you are presented with. And according to that and how I have felt it, the drop rate seems fair.

    You are once again missing the ones who have had multiple drops per day. Some may go weeks without drops and clearly some get many drops in one day. How do you think that is possible if it's too low? Stop disregarding everything that doesn't fit your narrative. That's all. Seems like I'm arguing with my kid that you can't eat candy everyday. No logic will work because you just want it to be like that.
  14. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I already addressed most of that and dont see the need to counter much again as its unproductive.
    What i will say is you do not get to infer motive. I have demanded nothing. If i did, show it to me or stop inflating what i said to fit YOUR agenda to make it easier to argue. I have posted my drops an my results an formed an opinion that w/in the sample size present to us all the vast majority are finding extremely low drop rates well lower than what mepps himself said they should be. I as are others, pointing this out so the devs take a look. Thats not demanding anything as much as you’d like it to be. If you take issue with my sample size i dont know what to tell ya. All there is to go o is whats being reported and asking players in game. No one but the devs has a larger sample size than that so show me a better one and i will listen. As far as inspecting ppl to get a feel for who has completed.... that provides false data. Completing is does not mean u got the drops and theres no way to know who bought and who got the drops so thats not an indicator that holds water.
    I genuinly cant fig out what ur issue is. You think drop rate is fine, cool, good for you. You said it. This thread as well as others is about us letting devs know what we are seeing and you’ve done that so whats your prob?
    I think your wrong an you think im wrong an thats fine but you dont get to conflate what i have said and blow it out of proportion to make it easier to attack as said above. I re-read all the threads going about this issue that i quickly found and have found a small sprinkle of comments sayin rates are favorable and the majority saying they are not favorable. Also, i only found a small sprinkle of ppl demanding anything so go find those an attack them an conflate their words but leave me out of it as i have demanded nothing.
  15. Kid Quark Level 30

    Since this episode launched, I have had ONE quintile shard drop. That's it. To the point where I just decided I wasn't going to bother with leveling the Static goggles. I've sold off all my Ionized gas (made some good coin before the fix) and written it off.

    Slightly off topic, this episode is one of my least favorites and I love the Legion. Baffled why they didn't reskin the Titans (Shadow Lass for Raven, Chameleon Boy for Beast Boy, etc.) so that there was a LEGION of SUPER HEROES rather than just like, five of them. Also, unless the story line is further explored in the elite alert, there's a disconnect somewhere. What's the multiversal tuning fork have to do with anything? Feels like there was content linking the alert and the raid that got left out.

    Also, If repetitive spam bounties and daily missions are the direction the game is headed, I can't see myself sticking around once school starts back up. Validus once a week? Ok. Once a day? Maybe. Five times a day to earn enough coins to buy generator mods, catalysts etc? No thanks.
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  16. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    Question....When was the last time you been on the broker? Seriously? The broker use to be a second option if players played the game to try and earn themselves but having no luck? We could turn to the broker to help out. We no longer have that options unless you have Billions of dollars of in game cash.

    This statement just made me think of that State Farm Commercial with the oldman with a fishing pole dangling a dollar off of it. As soon as someone goes for it, it's yank away.
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  17. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    lmao@ 10-1!:D
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Thanks for the suggestion. We'll consider it.
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  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    ...so you got lucky when you got three shards in a row. And you didn't come to the forums complaining about the issue and demanding the drop rates be corrected based on that evidence.
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  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We did make a decision prior to launch. There was a math error. We corrected the issue and then went a bit further to be more generous and help make up for the lost time. That's it. The rest is the human brain.

    It is always possible there is another error in the math somewhere, but we have thoroughly gone over it and don't see one. I think what LT suggested above is likely what happened.
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