Improving the Queueing process would increase old content use

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Critical Massacre, Dec 4, 2020.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Most if not all Raid loot choosers have a source mark option, and everything drops the gear still (for styles). I doubt they will every put 'full' rewards back in as it will cut down on Catalyst sales and eliminate source mark sales altogether. Who would ever buy source marks if you could get 100's of source just from just one run up the raid tree at 10 a pop?

    While I think they should extend the relevancy window, I'd doubt it would ever go back more than 1 more DLC. As it stands if you don't drive all the way to 'top' CR, staying at 310-321, you can still get full loot from BOP, WV and Legion content. What people want is the ability to go to content they can do in 5 min and get 10 marks from it. Not going to happen....unless...

    What about a 'source' the XP/renown boosters? Have it for sale for something $1 or $2 and for a time while it's active... like an hour...relevancy is removed or extra source is added (2x maybe...3x?) on existing drops, meaning you could pop one then go farm some older content. It's a pay item (which I hate) but it would be 100% optional vs a game changing/breaking update that 1/2 the community will hate. It would still allow for cat sales and source sales, and would replace that revenue if those sales dropped with booster sales.
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    So, I know you guys are hiring an UX designer, does this mean a new UI is in the works?
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  3. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Our relevancy window should always be atleast the past 3 DLCs in which episode specific currency is still needed.
  4. Tokens210 Well-Known Player

    oh i wasnt asking for or saying fully restore everything, they removed each mission dropping tons of marks for a reason like i had stated but that reason is currently not an issue anymore, most styles to buy just the style from the vendor is 70ish marks per piece, armor itself used to scale where i could buy entire sets for 70 marks, if you have a fresh character you can still see them buying armor from the mechanical supply officer or whatever their name is, ive seen the source marks as a reward option but its totally hit and miss, literally the only time i ever see source mark as a choice is also when both other items are items i also need, otherwise its heres a list of 3 things you have had for about 7 years now

    relevancy window extended i could totally get behind cause thats what newer dlc are doing their cr bracket is further apart, older ones the cr ranges were so close together youd have what i was talking about where doing a few days of your dailies then landed you above the new content cr bracket, with no way to go back down as its all going by the max cr possible, which also doesnt help that armor for other roles even if not in your inventory also count towards it

    i actually really dig the sound of a mark booster, altho it would have to be tested, i currently think the plain XP boosters are a straight up rip off, you pop 1 that says an hour then do 1 single mission chain and the booster is 100% gone before the hour mark as well as all the videos and such you cant skip consuming time for no reason, plain xp boosters should be bumped to like 1 and a half maybe 2 hours and source boosters could then be the hour ones, or even better ill pay 900 db cash, let me have the booster for a whole day
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, it kind of is, however at 321, you lose source marks from BOP. I guess you could argue it should go all the way up to 331 (which I believe is 'top' now) but as you are getting Lex marks still, which will soon be source, it is kind of paying out.

    But yeah...+10 CR would cover the whole range possible.
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The only issue I have with the main complaint against relevancy is that we can slow our progress but most choose not to. Hold on to boxes for a few days or don't apply the optimal gear and milk source marks for a bit longer. Personally when Relevancy was first applied I was around the 115-116 mark which is a super sweet source milking spot as it's chock full of raids which (at the time) were popping right away. I purposely stood at 116 for over a month, not opening any drop gear and not buying any vendor gear. This is when I knocked out all my missing 70 mark styles. Only after that vendor 00 and 22 were empty did I resume growth. It was annoying as it put me behind some of my running mates, but I quickly caught back up. There are a few other sweet spots like that that MANY of the newer players can take advantage of (a 255 jumped up toon can stay below 262 and get JLD, DD, Titans and Atlantis full credits), but most blow right past to get to endgame and then price themselves out of Metal 2 or even BOP. While a bigger window would be nice, in the end it's the players fault if you charge to endgame. DBG is a bit responsible as you HAVE to eventually open held gear, but you can still slow things down a lot by doing it right.

    But this has nothing to do with the queuing issue. The resolution for that is still to make matchmaking optional, or allowing for a set lower number to enter the older content. The marks are there...we just can't get in to go claim them easily. he feats, styles, collections, investigations...etc...are all there for the taking, assuming you can run the old content.
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  7. Panderus Senior Producer

    I would love to explain more when and if we get closer to such an update. But, yes, that is what I meant about "useful" specifically.
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  8. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    Thanks, you da man. Critical component, queue and stay queued to everything. Awesome that this is even a thought of improvement. Love you guys.