Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Slug, Dec 7, 2020.

  1. Slug New Player

    So there has been a few posts already, but come on please fix the drop rate. This is ridiculous. I run dailies on 5 toons and have seen 1 damn ionized gas since the nerf. Honestly at this rate i will be able to finish the op face in a couple years, unless i buy them on broker which I cant afford, they are 50 mill on broker ......because the drop rate is broken. I know others are having the same issue. I know you guys see the posts on the forums. Can you PLEASE FIX THE DROP RATE ffs. If this isn't fixed soon i will be taking an extended break as im sure others have. Rant over.
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  2. SheJust New Player

    This. 1000% times this.
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  3. DrakenEmperor New Player

    Drop rate started out good, but now it does really suck. For Shards and...Ion gas? Ha! What's that? Haven't seen those in a week or two! Btw, says new player, but I do this so rarely that I have to start new. Been member for years.
  4. The Con Dedicated Player

    I don't know what the devs are thinking with this "Let's give everything an evil casino's RNG"...

    Unless they are the ones really behind the "CASH FOR MONEY" sites.

    It's the only thing that makes sense...
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  5. Tarn Level 30

    Since my last reply in similiar thread about Ionized wasnt posted at all (hmm, like my history professor on university did say: "censorship is tool of weak and small minded ppl , who mayby have power, but dont have any arguments" ), i will say that drop rate is where they wanted to be.
    Answer yourself how many times you reply daily missions in previous DLC's?
    Its their way to force players to reply those daily missions.
    First-lock players in phase on bounties, second - lower catalyst drop as low as possible, third - watch players going to reply missiobs to dont get crazy because of being bored of bounties (ther's literally nothing else to do when you stuck in Spam phase), forthly - make evil laugh that plan works, and start counting money.
  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    It is soooo rare for me to use replay badges on open world. Like maybe if I need 1 more coin to buy a piece of armor but otherwise, it just ain't worth it when they reset daily and I have multiple toons to run them. Not arguing with the drop rate by any means, 4 since launch now on 3 characters. One was given to me by a league mate since she's missing 4 for breakthru and I'll give her back the next one I get. Hopefully this month.
  7. not_again Dedicated Player

    I took a break from the game and have been back 2 weeks now. I have not seen this drop once. I see where people say they nerfed the drop rate, but my rate is currently 0%. I am not sure how many of these you need to progress the glasses after the first 3, but I hope it is the only 3 needed. I know I could google it, but I am trying to keep everything fresh and go at it blind.
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  8. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I have a friend his brother only saw one and one shard drop since release granted he doesn't play every day but even still it's horrible drop rates.
  9. tukuan Devoted Player

    Personally I have a bigger issue with the quintile shards but both are pretty horrific. Also since I get be asked to grind the alert every single day the augment catalysts are pretty brutal as well.

    I know by this point in WV or BOP I had a good collection of both the OP as well as augment catalysts
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  10. Controller Devoted Player

    We're being "Akbar'd"............

    ...into spending in-game money to buy these things off the broker. lol....thus draining the few "Billionaires" left in the game.

    It is their grand scheme in continuing to fix the economy.

    Of course I'm joking here but still.......

    Count me among the victims. I know - it "IS" my choice but still I think they should up the drop rates on these things.

    Or they need to allow them to drop in the alerts and raids.
  11. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    2 toons over 3 weeks now of dailies and weeklys and have not got a crystal or an ionized gas. Tried a bunch of replays on dailies the other day for giggles just to see (522 replays i think) and not a single drop so yea........ the devs deserve everything they get over this. nothin anyone can say will change my mind on that. If you notice, they dont even reply to these threads. I doubt if they even read em because its negative feedback.
    At least send a message IF they r actually lookin at it so ppl know not to waste replays (or is that the backhanded point here?) smfh
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  12. Perdition Committed Player

    It's horrible.. I've seen one drop after the change. i used to run 3 characters through the dailies. Now just one. The droprate feels like it's non-existent.
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  13. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    I have already reported the drop rate as a bug plz up the votes so they can looking into it.
  14. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    My personal experience with the Cats needed for the OP Face:

    1. Shards: About 1 per 3-5 hr bounty run.

    2. Gas: About 1 every two weeks of doing the open world content everyday.

    3. Cages: Fine. I don't keep track, but by the time I have enough of the other two catalysts, I always seem to have more cages than I need.
  15. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Yeah... without buying any from either the vendor or marketplace.... I've only gotten enough to break one augment to 23. It will be impossible to get all four needed for both your DPS and Support role naturally.
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  16. tukuan Devoted Player

    True dat, every other episode I've been able to level my main 2x to max and my next 3 fav alts to the first tier at least. This time I have both augs on my main at 11/11 but not near enough catalysts to break through either one.
  17. Lara Committed Player

    Just wait as you can see now the price is low people always too greeday at begin from DLC's just chill and get the OP item later
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I started going to a mix of 2 augs only a few DLC ago for this reason. One DPS and one role I set on all builds. Sure you lose a bit of stats, but honestly at this point does a few 100 might/prec, dom, resto or vit really matter? It's not like when you had 5K might and +100 or 200 was a huge deal. As long as I have 2 for the 2nd aug buff, I'm good...move on to an alt.
  19. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    32 toons. I run at least 10 a day. I have 8 Ion gas. This is my total collection since dlc drop. Ridiculous drop rate. Yeah it's borked and they know it. They intended on it being so. You will see them soon being sold for REAL currency by the game. ( which is their true reason for the non existent drop rates )