It’s been said before... but I’m gonna say it again.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrSuperman, Nov 24, 2020.

  1. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I managed to finish the bounty feats this dlc but not for Wonderverse. I think I'm still stuck at 60. Now I've gotten the feats, I only do 1 round, but I do run 5 characters, so going to buy the feats for the others but don't like the raise in price for vendor at all. I did get the geats for weapon neck and rings for my alt, but still cost more then Wonderverse with half price.
  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I did it all on my main last time too, and ground it hard to finish in a month or so (yeah...some did it in 5...a month was fine for me). Meanwhile I was neglecting my alts and they fell behind and those 'Elite' rings and items are all trash now. So I decided to spread it out this far it's working ok. And heck...I might even end up buying the same stuff on my main in the end due to the discount, but as the OP items are my main focus now...we'll see.

    I still need a bunch of WV marks to get the Materials pack and because I neglected my alts who usually buy those and trade them, I'm short and NOT running WV ( 1 bounty pass since Legion came out). I'm aiming to finish it all in legion around the time it goes belly up.
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm guessing it will be next week, as the Xmas seasonal starts.

    Yeah, the DLC needed an solo/duo and a reduction in costs for the Time Beacon items. Reducing the counts for the bounties means nothing with the high costs.
  4. Coldzoom Well-Known Player

    They atleast need to do something to Cosmic Boy guy is always completed in one minute. I feel unless you are there when he spawns best to move on and get ready for Saturn Girl but hey it gives us time to do dailies in between. Also the only raid resticts movement WHY? besides my big problem in there. The best thing is the alert and that's not saying much with the limited adds and NONE between the bosses.

    Also in Wonderverse it felt like there was a storyline reason behind the bounties. In Legion nope.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    For cosmic boy, unless I'm standing there as he spawns (especially on PS4) the only way I'll get credit is if I go after the ProbeTek robots that are coming out. Sometimes on PS4, he never even appears on the screen to register a hit, but even if he does...sometimes you can't hit him enough to get credit. Don't get me wrong, I do like that there is one fast one to allow for doing dailies in between bosses, but maybe have him be 2nd in the rotation.

    I really hate it when I'm trying to do a rotation right after reset. If I grab my daily missions THEN head to Cosmic, likely he'll be dead by the time I spawn in. I try to remember NOT to grab the missions till he's dead, but most times at 2AM I'm running on muscle memory and just get them first.
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  6. IzzyLizzard dcuo Level 30

    Last 2 DLCs were awesome. Everyone is bassicly re running the same raid over and over anyway, this is like an open world raid you keep re running and don’t need replay badges to get your rewards. It’s great and I’m loving it. I am however holding hopes for a new edition to the dlc like a duo or solo since usually they add a new bounty but to many bounties here so maybe....
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club


    Less salty...this community...that's made it an Olympic sport to find fault with anything (even free items)?!!? :D Whoooo...ah, that felt good on this blackest of Fridays. :)
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  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That was likely done in order to give themselves some breathing room to change course for the next episode (people have stated their hate for the current bounty system pretty clearly, so it has to change).
  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    A reduction in costs means people finish everything faster. They need us to stay busy a bit longer as they work to change things up for the next episode taking our feedback into consideration. ;)
  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Yes, they usually add a new bounty. But I HIGHLY recommend you give up hope for an addition like a duo or solo. That is very highly unlikely, and you're only setting yourself up for serious disappointment. Besides, the time spent making a solo/duo for this episode is WAY better spent on adding that content to the next episode.
  11. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    You seem to have some inside info... but I don't think you really do. We're all hoping this trend doesn't continue but you keep saying things like you know it won't. I'd lower your expectations or at least stop giving people false hope because you have a "feeling"
  12. Dazz-252 Committed Player

    I'm not entirely sure that the majority of players understand the concept of World Bosses as you guys on the forums and the game keep calling them "Bounties" they're not Bounties, they're "World Bosses"

    What would make other players enjoy "World Bosses" too? lowering the FEATS? Adding a Scorecard?
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  13. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Lol, be careful talking about talking about a scoreboard. People's minds explode if they find out players enjoy doing damage.
    They're repetitive and grindy. They aren't raid like AT ALL because: 50 players smoke thru them. There's no scoreboard. There's too much time standing around. There's minimal rewards. The vendor prices are too high. There's plenty of other complaints as well, I've stopped listening and pretty much ignore bounties now. Best feeling in wv was being done with them. Worst feeling was them adding that circe stuff. Yay, do more bounties while being turned into an animal but hopefully you aren't in the middle of a mechanic because you won't be able to move for over 12 seconds.
  14. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    The Emerald Eye of Erkon will explode and we'll have to hunt down all 111 of Emerald Empress' dirty socks that are scattered around the zone.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It would go hand in hand with an increase in content. Yes, I hope they have read the feedback on the bounty spamming, which is mostly negative. MMOs are already too much busy need to make it busier.

    This would have been a great DLC to play catch up on alts or revisit some old feats with the quick alert and raid, but the high prices make it impossible. Another alternative would have been to make the 8-bit keys account bound, so an alt could participate in getting them. The price would not have mattered as much then.
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Let's call them 'potatoes' then....what does it matter what they are called? We've got to kill 275 "potatoes" for the feats and probably 500 "potatoes" to get enough Time beacons to buy the items in the vendor. How does that make the job less tedious?

    Technically a 'bounty' is where you are tasked with bringing someone in or 'taking them out' for pay....we've been tasked with taking out the potatoes...we get they are ALSO bounties. See Websters under definition '4-d' for Bounty

    You are free to enjoy them as much as you want. I'm happy doing 50 hours of mindless 'World Bosses' is in your lane, but to say it gives you 'something to do' in a 10 year old game with 30+ DLCs must mean you already have 570+ skill points, all the styles, all the briefs/collections/investigations, a super nice set of 4 bases and league hall, and some pretty spiffy looking toons. I'd guess that most players do not fall into your league and would have other things to do even if they did not force this grind on us.
    SIDE NOTE: I was doing Legion rotations the other day on an alt and someone was shouting for TOTD feats. Totally random group, totally something I didn't NEED to do, but I said I'd help. We got all but a few of the count feats done (vases and statues) in like 4 or 5 runs. It was a group effort...I got Nth a few styles that the alt needed and I saved a few replays NOT having to buy the feats. Most fun 60 min in the game I've had in a month. WAY more fun than 2 additional rotations down in the Legion area. It's more fun to do what you WANT to do, then being forced into something.

    As far as them being great for earning rewards and feats, they are all count/currency related...either the actual count feats or the fact you need a TON of beacons to buy the items for other feats. It's just propping itself up with artificial rewards/relevance. And you get Nth metal in timed drops. Doesn't matter if you are doing these bounties/world bosses/potatoes or if you are running T2 duos or a T6 Raid.

    BTW...No one who does not like the forced grind is saying people can't keep grinding if there were no feats or high prices. If you like the mindless for it. I always like asking people though, assuming you are done with the WV grind, how many times are you going back to hit those up each week? Fun is fun right? I'd guess most do NOT go back for a few rotations a day...cause they aren't that 'fun'.
  17. Dazz-252 Committed Player

    They're called World Bosses. ;)
  18. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Next dlc bounties will be ran in counter-clock wise motion.

    Then the dlc after that will be an open world survival mode situation where wave after wave after wave of adds and bosses and adds and bosses and adds and bosses and bosses and bosses and adds and bosses and then multiple bosses and multiple multiple bosses.... 20 rounds for full phase hounds.
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  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    My inside info is called past actions. Despite the numerous negative feedback received about Wonderverse and the bounty system, there was not enough time to fully change course from the next episode (Legion), but they did hear the feedback because they made changes to the following episode. Back when they were doing Small Group Content alternated with Large Group Content it took them a few episodes to alter things. And it took them a little longer to try and come up with something different, which was the monthly episode thing. That didn't work out so well either so they changed that...again, and thus Amazon Fury III came along. Same thing here, they tried open world bosses, and people gave their feedback (the majority negative for a variety of reasons). History says they have taken all of this feedback and are in the process of changing things up yet again. That's a pretty safe bet i'm willing to make. This isn't a "feeling", this is watching them carefully over the past nine years and seeing how they work.
  20. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    I think my gripe with this grind is that if you are going to require that I do 75 (this DLC) or 100 (previous DLC) times as wins, you should be able to complete specific purchases once all of those feats are complete, assuming you have both head augments at level 4 where you get the extra secondary currency coin for each plus you gain the top tier award. By the time I finish the cycles I should be able to buy:
    1. One elite weapon at full price
    2. One elite neck at full price
    3. Two elite rings at full price
    4. 12 generator mods
    5. One complete set of the enhanced style pieces that grant you the style feat at full price
    The bosses pay out in this formula... X for the minor, 2X for the big one. So for a given cycle, would receive X+2 for each minor boss and 2X+2 for the big one. In the current DLC, that’s 3(X+2) + 2X+2... or 5X+8 per cycle. So the items I listed are 800+600+300+300+1800+208... or 4008 Time Beacons. The full feat cycle then becomes 75(5X+8) = 375X + 600 = 4008... 375X = 3408... X = 9.088.

    if you want to just go with the base payout, then it’s 375X = 4008, or X = 10.688.

    In short, to accomplish the basic feats that everyone should be able to do they don’t pay out enough per cycle.