Seals on Quark vendor

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lllStrichcodelll, Oct 28, 2020.

  1. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    A possibilty?

    I have lots of them lying around waiting to be spent for actually useful stuff and i can't be the only one feeling that way. ;)
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  2. Marek Committed Player

    I'm fine with seals of completion being in there but I'd have to say no way on the preservations. SOP's should be available in game and and free to get. SOP's on the marketplace is stupid imo when completions are already there. SOPs are cheaper but why buy them when there not a guarantee like the SOCs.
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  3. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Game is such a money grab to remain we pay $16 a month for a raid and an alert? I love this game but it’s getting hard to keep paying a sub for things like this! Seals of preservation should be free in game some how! Catalyst for items should have a higher drop rate. Devs you will still get money as people will always use replays even if we get a higher Drop rate cause some people use them to make in game money. Turned off my auto renewal yesterday....
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  4. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Because they are only a fraction of the cost of SoC.
    Ingame drops would be awesome, but won't happen in the foreseeable future.
  5. Marek Committed Player

    I'm not for sure on the exact cost without looking it up, but the way I see it is this, if I buy a few packs of 4 ... try to breakthrough an artifact ... blow through all those SOPs .... but still no breakthrough, then I just spent more on those packs of SOPs than 1 SOC and still dont have a breakthrough. I know that's some "what ifs" but just the way I look at it.

    I do have a lot of SOPs though, about 60 and like 20 SOCs. I use the SOPs for lower level artifacts and SOCs for higher level ones but yes, unfortunately it dont look like they want them to drop in game.
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Seals of Preservation should be available in game free. Can be through a weekly lockout or heck, add it to the Stabilizer instance in fragments. It doesn't matter. They need to be available in game. When they were launched, you could trade them, so buying from a whale was possible. Now you can't and it's annoying that they aren't any other way.

    Quarks vendor should be related to time capsule related stuff.
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  7. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Once upon a Time-Capsule (pun intended), there were seals dropping in one. It was the kryptonian if i'm not mistaken. So it kinda is Time Capsule related :D. I get your point ofc.
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  8. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    depends on the breakthrough chance tbh.
    there is a chance of 5% to fail rank 40... would you use a SoC? ofc not... Up until level 140 its not worth using SoC unless you have really really really bad Rng
  9. Marek Committed Player

    Lol I know .... I addressed that in post you just quoted. It's all up to the individual whether or not the odds of a breakthrough are odds they can live with.

    But again, I think seals of completion could be added to the quark vendor as a nice alternative to spending more money on the marketplace to get them. Seals of preservation, is a big no for me.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Go back far enough, so did exobits, but they weren't part of the loot table, but on top of it.
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It takes 10 SOP to = 1 SOC. On average you are likely not failing 10 times. So if you fail even up to 9 are still ahead with SOP. Yea, you might hit 12 one time, but another time could get it in 1 or 2, so again....average. SOP still (in my experience) work out up to and including 140. 160 would be a close call either way with one pass maybe hitting 15 or 20 losses (bad deal) then another getting it in 5 or 6. I start using SOC at 160 personally and am WAY under the spend on SOP than if I used SOC starting at 100 as some say they do.

    The only worse thing about SOP is the frustration wise they are a good deal on average until you hit 160...then they are not for the faint of heart. 180 and 200 you are just nutty if you use SOP...that or you should relocate to Las Vegas.
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  12. Dragon Power Well-Known Player

    I've mentioned this before. If they're adamant about keeping the way the time capsules and artifact leveling system is and not having the Seals as regular loot drops then both Seals should be purchasable with Quarks. In fact, everything in the Marketplace should also be purchasable for Quarks. My point is, just make Quarks the new universal currency. It would give the option to make everything earnable in-game for the people that are prepared for the challenge/grind, and in the case of the artifact leveling, not have it feel like you're trying to climb Mt. Everest in the dead of winter. I wish the current situation was otherwise and just trying to find a way to improve it somehow. Give us options please.
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