See style on loot choice plz make it happen :D

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nina Nuke, Oct 22, 2020.

  1. Nina Nuke New Player

    Hi any one ells wanna see What Style the item is before u pick it from the loot options?
    I personally find it enoying that u can't see the style on the armor parts before u pick the Role of the item.

    Especially when ur doing old raids and can't remember what style that part of armor is and if you need it to complite the set feat.
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  2. Pat New Player

    Would also love to see styles in armor boxes, before you buy and open them. The process for finding what styles we're missing and where they are is ridiculous and tedious.
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  3. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Totally agree. I'm not sure but it might be hard for the Devs to code but being able to click on a gear box and getting either Not Collected or Collected style would be such a QoL upgrade. As it is if I open a Flashpoint capsule I have to open my Trophy tab look in Styles and see which Enhanced Amazon gear I already have. Lol smh
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  4. Nina Nuke New Player

    That the stuff i woud love to see. I hope they can code it in, but it shoud be possible and it woud make our game time more efficent then browsing wiki page to look after the name on the armor to see what style it gives.
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  5. tukuan Devoted Player

    Agreed, I have a sheet in my speadsheet for that and really I shouldn't have to frantically flip to Excel to see if I already have the given style on character before the loot picker times down.

    The same goes for the boxes on the broker. Again I have my sheet but even then I've messed up and got the enhanced version when I needed the regular and vice-versa.
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  6. Walvine Well-Known Player

    I agree Lootbox & equiptible item box description should include name of style/s optional .
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  7. xtrahigh Active Player

    just showing support
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  8. Nina Nuke New Player

    Thanks for the support.