They got rid of episodic currency?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Helderman, Sep 13, 2020.

  1. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Originally replays were a counter to weekly/monthly loot locks on raids. People were complaining and that's when developers implemented replays to allow people to rerun content more times after the 1st initial run. This was back in T3/T4 days iirc.

    Now the game is based around people spamming replays to obtain anything in a reasonable amount of time it seems.
  2. TheNewGuyonDCUO New Player

    There's something quite not right here. I don't have the slightest clue how frequently you play, but I've got 2 toons with which I run current content and I get a minimum of 150 source marks a week on each of them. And I don't reset any dailies, bounties or raids
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  3. Saami Loyal Player

    You mean PAY to play the way you want? :)
  4. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Dont see how I run both alerts run wonderverse dailys in morning, then in afternoons I go do BoP daily's(usually the ivy and Harley missions)
  5. TheNewGuyonDCUO New Player

    oh boy, I'm still too sleepy to do math, but here we go:

    BOP: 2 raids (16 sm), 1 weekly (8 sm), 2 bounties (16 sm). so far that's 40 sm. let's say you do 3 dailies 5 times a week (15 sm), solo 5 times a week (5 sm), vmf 5 times a week (at least 20 sm). total: at least 90 sm out of bop.

    WW: 1 raid (8 sm), 2 weeklies (16 sm), 4 dailies 5 times a week (20 sm), solo 5 times a week (5 sm), cop 5 times a week (at least 20 sm). total WW: at least 69 sm. I forgot to include the sm you get when talking to Stev-o (5 times a week) 5 sm. 74 sm

    all together: at least 164 sm. now the fine print: this is with a legendary account. this doesn't take into account sm you might get from loot chests, promethean lock bo xes, vault or any other content. perhaps there is some benefit to being legendary
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Personally I agree with you, farming is easy, but the one factor you are not including is that if you are over 299 you won't get source from event runs and LIKELY alts won't get scooped up into reg (definitely not elite) runs without decent gear artis and 23 mods. Yes, you can queue in, but that now throws in the 'time' factor as many runs will be fails in queue groups.

    I prefer my farmers to be lower level...low enough that Doomsday is still a thing (quick/easy daily marks down there) but high enough that people still run the open world. 253 is personally the sweet spot I think. You get DD, JLD, Atlantis and Titans. All of which have quick open world dailies and bounties that you can get done every week. I don't like to rely on the alerts/raids...if I get them, I get them. Steve-0 coin and 1 run of Wonderverse bounties too..event raids as well...quick and dirty. Problem with this is CR creep....eventually you will fill up your inventory with that one piece you NEVER apply to keep your CR low...then you'll need to finally open those pieces and the CR goes up.
  7. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I’m always surprised to hear people say farming source marks is hard. At this point I just use mine to buy catalysts to sell on the broker but I’m always surprised when I look and see that I have 200-300 when it feels like I just dumped them all in to those catalysts a few days prior.