Up-Votes Needed Lerneae's amulet bugged

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by OG Betray, Aug 21, 2020.

  1. OG Betray New Player

    No damage to self or might buff, also oddly when equipped gave me a feat for 2 elite rings (which I already owned) so not sure what thats about either.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    What rank is the Amulet at? Also the feat for the rings was just added today so you could have popped it by switching armories.
  3. OG Betray New Player

    Its at 190
  4. Humbled servant New Player

    I’m having the same
    Problem with mine and I don’t know why or how to fix it.
  5. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I have a report on this in the Gotham section, my mistake but essentially for me my art is at 120 and as a tank mind you. My atomic powers and combos do show me taking self damage when using those powers but not when using iconic powers. I show two videos in that thread of mines demonstrating such. At first I thought it was just HV but then I tried Frost Breath and then Batarang, Amazonium Deflection, non took self damage. It seems the iconic powers aren't activating the amulet effect but when I use my atomic powers it does.
  6. OG Betray New Player

    Thats odd as quantum my rotation only uses hv as iconic but it still doesn't add buff or self dmg for using gravitonic field einstein ray and expulsion. Its as if the artifact isn't equipped at all.
  7. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Weird so then as Quantum your Quantum powers aren't activating the amulet?
  8. OG Betray New Player

    Only thing that its giving is the base stats at 190. The 1020some odd might etc
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  9. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I feel so sorry for you lol have you tried taking the amulet off and switching roles? I have since I'm a tank I switched to dps and removed the amulet and equipped it again but in dps role and it didn't fix it. But you say not even your quantum powers are triggering it? LOL damn you're having it worse than me lol
  10. AV Loyal Player

    This just started happening after the last hotfix afaict. It has stopped proccing off of Iconic and Movement powers, making it pretty much unusable.
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  11. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    the hotfix was merely for the new alert how did this artifact get touched to point of being useless?

    Edit: Nevermind, it was for elite rings and vendor discount and the PURPLE HEALING RAY artifact. Still, why did Lernaea's Amulet get affected and to this degree?
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  12. Batuba Developer

    I'll take a look
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  13. OG Betray New Player

    As you can see no damage didn't show might but its not doing anything either
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  14. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Well now that's three things that are wrong. Iconic, Movement and now Quantum powers aren't activating. Not sure why atomic works. Anyone else other than quantum and atomic have the amulet and can confirm if your powers are also not activating?
  15. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Atomic works because its working correctly. On Rage, Nature, and Electricity (my recent powers playing) it works as well. Amulet is designed that any Ability that uses Power, the damage will be done to the player. If an ability isnt damaging the player when it does use Power then its a bug. Well done!
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  16. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Okay we need help from the community. I'm atomic, you play Rage, Nature and Electricity and it works. However, quantum isn't but there are still more powers that haven't come to light on this matter. Batuba can breakdown where the problem is. At first I thought it was just iconic and movement powers but a quantum user own quantum powers aren't activating the amulet. What's to say Earth, or celestial, mental etc.. aren't activating the amulet as well? But yes this is a big bug for it to affect a great deal.
  17. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    What's your power if you don't mind me asking and are your powers not triggering the amulet as well? So far only quantum powers aren't triggering the amulet besides iconic and movement powers. Would be helpful if others can chime in to see if the rest of the powers are also not triggering it.
  18. Batuba Developer

    Only thing that changed was a check that I put in to make sure it was a player ability that triggered the Artifact. This is in case there are mechanics now or in the future that drain power, which would cause you to take damage.
  19. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I'm no programmer so i'm just speaking naively here but this started with the hotfix. Would it be wise to check the data from the hotfix to determine what caused such a drastic change unless that's the check that you put which you are referring to.
  20. OG Betray New Player

    As of an hour ago its still not activating on quantum