My 2021 DCUO Wishlist

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Helios The Eternal Flame, Jul 22, 2020.

  1. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Good Morning All,

    Been a while since I have created a thread, however, I wanted to get an early start on my 2021 Wishlist. We used to get the roadmap from the Dev’s, however, because things are always “subject to change”, they can. The whining and moaning when this occurred caused the Dev’s to stop. I completely understand. However, that doesn’t stop me from doing my own “wishlist” or proposed “roadmap”. Here we go:

    1.PS5 Release

    This doesn’t require a thorough explanation. It’s clear. Porting over to PS5 is essential for the continued growth and expansion of this game. This segues us into a primary reason why…....


    I will preface this by saying we may not have the assets for this currently. (I could be wrong, nevertheless, a Dev can chime in). Therefore, I think we need PS5 to add more powers, which is sorely needed because it adds more longevity, replay value, and can be a “breath of fresh air” to the game.

    Keep in mind, any power added must be inspired by a DC Superhero/Villain.(Not Marvel, DBZ, etc.). Additionally, any power added must not disrupt the Lore of the Comics themselves. Stop jumping on the Dev’s when this is an IP. DC/Warner is very careful not to disrupt or contradict their pre-established lore.

    Therefore, when it comes to Lantern powers, canon wise, Blue and Orange cannot work......period! Blue can disable a Yellow ring and there can only be one Orange Lantern at a time. Larfleeze is so selfish he kills persons and makes constructs to be his Corps. Even when Lex became an Orange Lantern, he stole Larfleeze's ring. And Larfleeze had to steal it back. Additionally, the only way they could do Indigo is that you would need to have a staff as your weapon. For Sapphire,s you would have to make your toon a Woman. I wouldn't be opposed to that, but much of the player base would moan.

    With that foundation (Here are some I posted a while ago):

    Shadow - Inspired by: Obsidian/The Shade
    Vampirism - Inspired by: Andrew Bennett/Mary Stewart or Cain
    Lycanthropy - Inspired by: Mikola Rostov or Warren Griffith/ Lar-On or Anthony Lupos or Kyle Abbott
    Serums - Inspired by: Ralph Dibney (The Flash TV Show is not Canon Folks)/ Bane
    Wind Powers - Inspired by: Red Tornado/Tornado Tyrant
    Necromancy(Please don’t say this is Sorcery or Celestial,'re wrong!): Inspired by: Constantine/Felix Faust
    Elasticity - Inspired by: Plastic Man or Metal Men or Elastic Lad/Blight
    Sound (Sound Manipulation) - Black Canary/Pied Piper
    Light (No not Hardlight guys,....keep up) - Inspired by The Ray/Dr. Light
    Cybernetics (Techno-Organic Replication) - Inspired by: Cyborg/Hank Henshaw
    Magnetism - Inspired by: Cosmic Boy(L.O.S.H.)/ Dr. Polaris
    Infection (Radiation; Toxiknesis) - Dr. Ikon/Chemo or Dolph Marrock
    Animal Control - Inspired by: Animal Man or Manitou Raven/Fauna Faust

    As you can see, we have barely scratched the surface.


    DCUO does great when it comes to character customization, however, this is the next step in that evolution. This was something discussed at SOE Live 2014. We need this. An example of variants that could be added:

    a) Super Jumping – Acrobatics/Super Speed

    b) Tunneling - Acrobatics/Super Speed

    c) Teleportation – Acrobatics

    d) Ice Slide – Flight

    e) Jet Boots – Flight

    f) Hoverboard – Flight

    g) Astro Harness (Orion) – Flight

    Of course, the addition of movement mode accessories has also been awesome. Those can supplement the above additions.


    From the moment we received the Halls of Power Episode, I thought the Command Center was underutilized in the League Hall. I always found it interesting that there were 7 consoles in the command center. Then when we heard Spytle say some time ago that the idea was to have League Missions that correspond to each day of the week, it all made sense. We need this. Proficiencies are nice, but League specific missions are a must. We need League Dailies, and our trophy is having an iconic lockup in our detention area, not those low levels. The bigger the iconic, the greater the prestige. Dev’s there is no reason we don’t have this. I love DCUO so, please help us. I propose Halls Of Power Part 3. We never got this, and we should. (NOTE: DWF is not the conclusion for this trilogy when the other 2 received a proper 3rd ie WOL & AF)


    This is a QOL update that also should have happened some time ago. Allow us to change the generic costume of our “sidekick”. No further explanation is needed.


    Changing from one build, role, or outfit is great with what we have now, but,……it would be nice if we changed based on our powers. Changing armories and seeing a crackle of electricity like Shazam, a pillar of fire, spinning like Wonder Woman, etc. Another QOL update that we would welcome.


    I do understand the amount of work needed to create an entirely new city. Yet, with you have done with Wonderverse, it’s clear you can expand a city or further open up pre-existing assets. Central City needs this. Flash needs this. Although he has been a supporting character in a few episodes, we haven’t had a Flash episode in a minute. Open up Central City. Give us S.T.A.R Labs, Iron Heights, Mercury Labs, etc. Flash has enough rogues (No pun intended) to keep us busy. I wouldn’t remove the instanced content from Lightning Strikes, just do exactly what you did for Wonderverse. I believe in OCEANS!!!!

    This is my wishlist. Hopefully it doesn’t fall on deaf ears. That being said, I would personally like to thank you for all that you have done, and what you are doing. This game means a lot to me. I hope it can continue to deliver in a way that can galvanize the community for many more years.
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  2. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    YES to all!

    I really want Wind/Necromancy/Shadow the most for powers (Also I feel these three have the most potential to be developed into a full powerset), a proper Darkseid story that enforces him as the big bad that spans in multiple episodes much like how they did with Brainiac in the early stages of the game.

    Sidekick Customization/League Missions/Armory Animations are long overdue so it's time to revisit these.

    I wouldn't be opposed to a Central City expansion but I wouldn't expect anything major. The updated Themyscira is great and stunning but we are still confined to the lower levels so it feels like we're in an instance, I would love to be able to fly around in the way we get to in cities like Gotham/Metropolis or those classic alerts (A51, Bludhaven, Oolong Island, H.I.V.E. Moonbase, Gorilla Island, Smallville)

    We definitely need something new and fresh besides continuous episode updates, I love this game as well and I want it to continue for many more years!
    • Like x 3
  3. Sininen Kuningatar New Player

    This is all really REALLY good suggestions! Especially the powers suggestions. I would love to see any of those powers show up. I hope the devs will consider. I recently returned about a week or so ago after having quit in 2015 (I only played for less than a year in 2015)
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  4. Brit Loyal Player

    That's a pretty ambitious list. I wouldn't say no to any of those things, but I also wouldn't expect that anything like that is going to be done by next year unless they were already actively working on it now.

    For me, I go with the lowered expectations with the hopes of maybe not getting disappointed.

    1. We had a Name Purge at Year 5 of the game. I'd like another one for Year 10.
    2. Phase 4 of Style Unlocking.
    3. Fix the "Permission to Move Base Items" permission on the Lair Mainframes so that it actually allows people to move base items, the way that it works for League Halls. It's been broken literally since Home Turf was released, which was like 7 years ago.
    4. Convert Artifacts over to an Artifacts tab, the way that Augments work, so the growing list of Artifacts stops occupying a growing amount of our inventory.
    5. Next Resurgence Capsule, do Power-based Movement Styles.
    6. Merge the empty Nintendo Switch servers in with USPC/USPS so that Switch players have access to group content.

    If they hit even just two of those points, I would consider myself thrilled beyond belief.
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  5. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Thanks for the reply, Mermaid. We definitely need to keep things as fresh as possible. Agreed.
  6. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Good to have you back. Wonder verse is a grind, but I love it!
  7. Apple iPanda New Player

    I want Name color. So tired of seeing Blue.
  8. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    I would love to see Leagues and League Halls get a big revamp!

    League Halls feel pretty much pointless. Outside of sparring targets, league banks and going there to activate proficiencies, they basically serve no purpose. No-one ever goes to them. In all the years I've been playing (around 6 or 7), and all the countless leagues I've been in, I've never seen anyone in them! League halls have always just been giant, dead, empty spaces.
    We need a reason to go there. I want them to feel populated and used. Daily bounties would defiinitely help with that. Maybe add a league specific currency to grind for to buy new style items and league exclusive stuff.
    We should also be able to turn our league halls into our own 'private Watchtowers' too, with a broker, mailbox, personal bank, gear vendors, soder/repair vendors, bounty vendor, catalst vendor (maybe 'Iconic vendors' like Constantine?), teleporters, the lot! Add an option to warp straight there in the warp menu too so it's quick and convenient to get to.
    They could even bring back an old mechanic where our league halls themselves become the setting for a duo or alert, and we have to fight to defend it. That was always a cool way of showing off your hall to other players.

    As for leagues themselves? Recruitment desperately need a major overhaul!

    This game badly needs some kind of in-game 'League Finder' added to allow us to search for a league to join, with league owners given the option to set whether their league is 'open to all' or 'invite only'. Allow us to see basic information about leagues somehow, such as how many members it has, how many are currently online, what proficiencies are active, stuff like that so we can gauge whether the league is a good fit or not.
    I find that currently, finding "the right league" in-game is a complete mess. It's becoming increasingly difficult to find a good one and it is often pure pot-luck if you do find one. For a start, you can only get invited to a league if you're not in a league already. Then you either have to hope that you're in the right place at the right time for someone to randomly shoot you an invite......or ask around constantly in the chats/send PMs to people close to you......and if you do get an invite, you have NO IDEA what kind of league you're joining until you actually join, at which point you can't recieve any other league invites. Then you look at the league info and you realize it's been founded today and only has 5 players in it, all under level you leave because "it's not really the right fit for my 305 cr toon".....and the cycle begins all over again.....

    It's an awful system. There needs to be an easier way to bring people together! (I know there is a thread in the forums for league recruitment, but still.....the current in-game 'system' is a complete joke)
  9. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Good morning!

    Aside from Elasticity these are all do-able -- it's just not because of DCUO's character art and style system.

    Some I think are stronger ideas than others though. Most represented in the IP, best ideas and most popularly requested over the years are highlighted in red.

    I would argue that Super Leaping and Teleportation need their own devoted travel modes while the others only need to be styles for the existing modes. But all of these should be included in the game regardless of how they get included.

    Very interesting idea.

    Definitely needed. I remember proposing something similar but I suggested letting us assign one of our alts as our sidekicks. So we'd control every aspect of it form appearance to gear and abilities. Anything at all would be welcome at this point though.

    Armory styles for the armories themselves AND styles for the transformation/swap like you propose here I 100% support.


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  10. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    this, right here, might be the single best idea ever. I've wanted some sort of sidekick customisation for so long ( even if they just gave us what we have at the character creation screen, I'd be happy ), but that idea? that idea had never occurred to me. & now I want it so bad I can taste it. bravo! this would be awesome!
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  11. Gin0rm4n New Player

    Personally, I'd like to be able to commit size manipulation like Giganta. When can we get that as a fresh option in Powers? We pratticly have everything else.