Bonus Week 16

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stranger, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. Stranger Well-Known Player

    "Double PvP Marks" could fit in, your guesses ? ;)
  2. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Well they have had double (or even triple) weeks for just about everything else so why not? Of course not all players even bother with PVP so some may gripe and moan.... but Hey that just did a week involving Metal Part 1 and not every player could take advantage of that either. It is still a "special" week for who ever benefits.

    That said.... to be honest? They have not paid a whole lot of attention to PvP for years now so devoting an entire week to it as a bonus seems like it may not happen. hey I never PvP so it doesn't help me a bit but then I have 7 ALT all above CR 300 that already had a complete set of armor from the vendor in Metal Gotham and I never went near the zone .. But for those it helped .. WHY NOT?

    like I said it is getting to the point where they have done just about every thing else so why not treat the PvPers for a week? :)
  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    It is 92.5% without a doubt "Double Lex Coins", because it is the same day on the 3rd month of release (BOP was released on the 16th). It's the same pattern every episode (with exception of Metal Pt1&2).
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  4. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Doubtful we will see
    2x Lex Coins..We JUST had a 3x Week.
  5. Berza Committed Player

    I'm not going to bet on this one as I did on the last ones, but I seriously doubt we will have an event named only Double Lex Coins. Or Double PVP Marks. Mainly because Mepps usually refers to them as Bonus Lex Coins, Bonus PVP Marks... Just the wording doesn't match previous events.
  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    It was two weeks ago. Week 16 is in 2 weeks. 1 month difference.
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  7. Berza Committed Player

    Bonus week 15 could be Bonus Catalysts. If I wrote it right.
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  8. Dub T Well-Known Player

    I would be just fine with this. It would help trying to the artifacts up...Amazo legs or Bat God Forge as well.
  9. Samantha Christiano Active Player

    Hangman. I'd like to guess with letter P.
  10. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Except that they wouldn't call them "PVP Marks"... they would call them what they are... Marks of Valor.

    What fits in there is:
    Double Lex Coins
    Triple Lex Coins
  11. Berza Committed Player

    Also they won't call them Double Lex Coins or Triple Lex Coins. Mepps use the form Bonus Lex Coins.
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