Send money

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by catplaysxoxo, Jun 9, 2020.

  1. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I can't send money from my toon to one of my alts. It says my account level isn't allowed or something along those lines but I'm legendary. You see, I opened a mega capsule having 7 stabilizers and I got some items to sell but I can't because I only have around 4k -_- one of my alts has enough downpayment in the broker but can't send money....
  2. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Correct you can not send cash via mail anymore.

    This happened many months ago during the last money glitch and it looks like mailing cash will not be returning.

    Mepps has said they are looking into other options.
  3. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    They should remove that option because it made me believe I had that right as a legendary member.
  4. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Well that's how it goes. Few exploiting idiots *** up stuff for the majority. True in games, true in RL and the sad thing is that actions like these from the devs are necessary and correct.

    If you have a league or a nice friend you trust, you can still transfer money via trade. Give them your cash and they give it to your alt.
    In general I would advise you to just keed like a mil or so on alts to get repairs done and maybe buying some crafting stuff if you're indo soder colas and whatnot and just purchase everything with one toon only and just send your alts the stuff via shared bank.
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  5. dcuotoo Well-Known Player

  6. Superfreq New Player

    I’d think the easiest path to this would to allow cash to be added and stored to the shared bank which your account has access to.
  7. mostlyallaccess New Player

    Well then, how about an account wide bank, for Currency?
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This was suggested and 'sounded' like maybe the option they were looking at. I'm sure before they put it in, assuming its' coming, they are going to test the heck out of it so that a week after putting it in some frigging glitcher hasn't figured out how to turn it into 500 billion dollars already.

    My suggestion was use the 'trade' function we already have, except the 2nd side of the trade is your bank and it auto accepts after the 2-3 second timeout. As 'trade' does not seem exploitable 'yet' it should make implementing it as a shared bank feature pretty safe and straight forward. It would also mean that it would be a paid feature only as premiums can't trade or mail they couldn't trade into their bank either.