Tank Artifacts

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, May 12, 2020.

  1. dresserball Dedicated Player

    But artifacts were suppose to give us new play styles! You mean it isn't really working?
  2. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Yeah they do. But some playstyles are simply just s*** :)
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  3. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    I didn't indicate my thoughts one way or the other. The real question is the exact one that I asked. Why does this matter?
  4. Cyber Aesir New Player

    I am confused as to whether I should facepalm myself or get a power token to start troll tanking or tank healing.

    Everyone has the great ability to choose which artifacts to use and experiment with. I have seen healers and trolls have great success in using the omegahedron as I find it to be... s** for myself. Also, I have tried the La-Mort Card as a single target DPS electricity and also found it to be s** as most instances are quick. It was fine on the more long term raids. My point is, experiment and do what you think will suit your style. However, there is a fine line between experimenting and just playing crazy. Make sure if you do these kinds of tests it's either in the test server or with your league. As others have already mentioned, you will be ignored or worse get kicked if it negatively impact the group.
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