[Suggestion] An "announcement letter" to announce what awaits us each month following the other!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, May 8, 2020.

  1. myandria Item Storage


    That would be nice; however, it would have to be a bit more organized than last time.

    For example:

    It would be nice if we heard from Jack at least twice a year, even if it is just to check in and see how we feel about the game in it's current state and/or give us a ;"State of the Game" speech.

    Quarterly Updates (every 3 months) would be a good spot to be in; it would give the devs time to compile and figure out what you are willing to share with us, and maybe throw in a livestream or two. Of course revamps, balance passes and other important changes would be the exceptions; these announcements would get a monthly update, if applicable.

    Updates should be monitored like the livetreams are; if someone goes way off topic, for example, one person would promptly delete that message while another reads and responds to on-topic feedback/concerns. It's harsh, I know; however, if you are giving us information about an upcoming content launch it would be disruptive and rude for someone to post "FIX PVP!" as feedback.
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  2. Ice master187 Active Player

    A monthly update on the game would b awesome, with these covid quarantine I know its hard running a company atm to its regular standard but can you guys just give us a update on the future of DC, I remember u guys would let us know about your plans for the game at the beginning of the year and it just stopped. Ps5 is around the corner and I have to admit this year might b the end for DC personally for me . I just feel like its the same routine every dlc thats all nothing bad towards the game but maybe asking the community for real feedback do a census idk just a thought
  3. Ekart Committed Player

    I understand you can't announce stuff like future DLC's ot major story arc in advance, but I would suggest, that bonus weekends/weeks would be announced at the beginning of the month.

    Because some of it are announced so late, EU is missing out. Some players do content right after loot restart (2 am CET) and not server restart (5 am CET) and so on doubble marks events they loose marks etc.
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  4. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I think a lot of the “wrath and disappointment” comes when something has to be shelved or pushed back but nothing is ever said as to the whys, whats, whens, etc. Most of the players here react very reasonably when there are explanations to accompany bad things such as delays. It’s when there’s no communication about it that the speculation ramps up and then people react with more “wrath”.

    For example, I remember during a livestream around the anniversary event in 2019 the person who had been primarily working on the larger bases said it had been a side project for a while but that they were at a point where more larger base themes in addition to the Brainiac and Atlantis themes would be getting released. A year and a half later and to my knowledge there hasn’t been any mention of them. I’m sure there was a definitive point at which whatever time and resources once thought to be available to them had to be reallocated somewhere else. And that’s perfectly understandable. But if the community is never informed we have that “any week now!” expectation and the longer that mindset remains but goes unfulfilled, the more it turns to “wrath”. Whereas had one of the developers simply said “we had truly been looking forward to sharing the new large base themes we’ve been working on but with yadda yadda needing a lot more time than initially anticipated, this is something we have to put on the backburner for now. I’ll let you guys know if/when anything changes regarding this.” A message like that would certainly go a loooooong way with this community.
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  5. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    An information of the events announced in advance is for me an important point in any MMORPG especially for the events as currently very busy this month if. If the people involved in communications can't make an announcement for the next month, I find it very worrying.
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  6. zNot Loyal Player

    I prefer more effort and time put into Raids and the amount of raids and bosses in them per episode rather then general Updates.
    Most members want Raids and with Event-regular-Elite version you keep more players longterm interested on episodes and increase sales.
  7. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    So wheres the updates? Scrolling through, its pretty rare to find dev comments on anything. And if they do comment, its rarely an explanation, and it rarely has any info or substance. I appreciate greatly those in the community like chill (even tho we disagree on ALOT) and AV an other who take the time to address an explain but they arent devs an we shouodnt be expected to take what they (or anyone other than dev says) as fact.

    Y’all simply need to communicate (it would go so much further than your willing to admit). Engauge us. Tell us whats going on. Tell us what the status of things is.
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  8. The Con Dedicated Player

    Right now...

    I'd just like to have an announcement what's going on with the current shutdown.
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  9. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Once the Avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote. (yes that's a paraphrase)
  10. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    thank you for bringing up the subject, because at the moment, we have been allowed a maintenance without any announcement information for a maintenance at an uncertain date, not even an announcement for the duration of this one.

    I'm willing to believe that the health crisis may disrupt the service, although in the US the system doesn't seem to care, but we shouldn't push it anyway, we don't know what's going on, not even for when the servers will open again...
  11. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

    I would suggest a news letter every month - Updates, work in progress etc etc I think people get frustrated cause they love the game and want to be informed (not everything) just bits and pieces.
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  12. Aesthete Well-Known Player

    I understand withholding announcements that subject to change in order to not dissapoint the playerbase, but I think we deserve a bit more transparency when it comes to these things. We're practically kept out of the loop about plans until the day of or after it's release, which I find quite unprofessional on your behalf.

    Hopefully we see some improvement in communcation regarding this in the following year.
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  13. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Nope, an announcement letter doesnt solve the communication issue IMO. An even if it did, they wont commit to it. Its simple, whenever anything is happening or an issue is brought up etc, they need to take the moment it would take to communicate rite here, rite in the thread where its happening.
    It only takes a moment to make a post saying “game will be down longer than expected today for fixes, seasonal, whatever”. THEN, if its gonna be longer (like how its been down for hours now) they need to update their communication thread with an ETA. If that STA approaches they need to let us know whats going on AND provide a new ETA.
    Its not difficult an requires min effort really. No way does communicating for the whole 2 min max it takes to do so hold up what they are working on.......
    Inexcusable IMO. Their neglect an silence speaks volumes and only they can change that
  14. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    “Coming this month:

    An announcement letter for what’s coming next month!”
  15. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    By this frankly derisory information system from Daybreak, I am really starting to wonder if it is still worth investing in this market and even to the "access member" for this studio with little respect for its community, sorry to be hard with his few lines, but after a while...
  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are incorporating these kinds of updates into our bi-weekly livestreams for now. I expect we'll have more regular formal letters in 2021.
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  17. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There was an announcement made for today's maintenance made last week:
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