Artifacts, the gimmick no one asked for.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, May 3, 2020.

  1. Chiemara Well-Known Player

    The reality of today's MMOs are their sustainability via micro-transactions. This is a hard reality to face for those that either can't spend extra money on a game or just choose not to.

    With limited desirable items in the market place, I support things like the artifacts that are not necessary to play the game, but offer another avenue of revenue for supporting the game and giving the player an edge for their extra donation to the game's overall quality.

    Yes, they get monthly subscriptions, yes they get funds from marketplace purchases for things like replay badges... but you must consider that despite having the servers in place and most of the heavy coding done that there is such a thing as cost of living increases for employee wages... content development... server maintenance...increase in costs due to increases in infrastructure expense (like when your fiber host increases their rates)...(at the last company I worked for our fiber was hosted on timewarner which became spectrum and our VOIP system needed an Adtran protocol for faxing that timewarner didn't directly support so we had to have WIndstream host fiber over timewarner [basically the same cables but now we paid timewarner for the actual fiber and throughput and windstream for translating the faxes to and from analog over that line])

    These are things that we shouldn't really know or care about, but factor into expenses that keep the game running.

    I kind of went way overboard with my reply...

    Personally, I'd like to hope that the extra funds we provide to DCUO gives them incentive to create a DCUO2 at some point.

    Maybe using an engine like Amazon Lumberyard, like Star Citizen uses, and give us the ability to fly straight from the ground into space for some space combat without load screens.
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  2. CCPONCHO Well-Known Player

    I'm with Supreme on this one. Arts are a cool addition to the game because of the added special abilities, but they just need to find a better alternative to level up the arts as well. I personally feel that if they didn't put out a new set of arts every episode people wouldn't complain so much. They just need to add nth metal to the loot drops then the game would be in a better place. It would also add longevity to the content because people would be playing the episodes more farming nth metal. I know I would because I have alts that I've put to the side when they increased the arts to 200.
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  3. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    So it seems we are finally starting to see eye to eye here.
  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    My stance hasn’t changed thou. Artifacts are good for the game. However the path to grinding them is terrible.
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  5. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    What if they never fix the way you have to grind for nth metal? Then how would you feel about it?
  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Same way I do now. That they are good for the game but that it needs to change. I know it won’t get changed because there are people who max out artifacts the day they are released. That much profit will not change in this game. But with that said I am not gonna let one bad thing completely ruin the whole. Overall artifacts are a positive. You don’t need to spend to max them out. Anyone can use them. They open up kore builds and at least still be viable.
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  7. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    What if certain powers benefit better to certain artifacts which causes other powers to get left behind in comparison? Since all powers still aren't quite where they should be I'm sure some start to perform worse while compared to another.
  8. Totisantana New Player

    These artifacts has helped me as a Controller, even with all the tweaks applied to the game itself, it let me get back to rhythm as a I am a returning player. There still people power-swallower.

    One thing is true... if you don´t want to use the artifacts, its up to you. I am happy to see that there are still good people around even tho all the changes recently.
  9. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Yes arts are a great addition, they just need to increase the nth drop rate, or add nth to loot tables. Arts have added a lot of variety to the game
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  10. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player


    5 pages of the same posts by the same people. They arent going anywhere anytime soon, if ever. For the record, I agree with most about them, but is no one else tired of the constant running around this mulberry bush?
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  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    If some powers benefit more than others that’s fine. As long as said power has different artifacts that fit it more. And if a power can’t do good even with artifacts than buff the power and don’t blame artifacts.
  12. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I made a thread on artifacts a while back and try to point out the flaws of artifacts. Then you got the same talking heads saying either they are not design to level to up 200, or it's a grind fest..blah blah. It's a non realistic grind, then you are talking about 6 artifacts, 3 for each role, if you play both roles. Can't try them until level 80, but don't really know the full benefit until maybe 120 or even higher to 160. Amount of xp requires to level up each 20 levels, the breakthrough percentage. There are plenty of problems with artifacts, it's more of a job, makes the game less enjoyable. You can play without artifacts, but the way the game was design, there is a big difference with and without artifacts. I don't like them, myself, too many problems, devs refuse to fix those problems, so they will become more and more of a head ache as time goes on.
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  13. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Yep. That's what scares me the most. I'm currently at a point where I'm watching a game I once enjoyed (in my opinion) start to fall apart before my very eyes. Oh how I wish I can turn back the clock.
  14. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    One more question. What about in regards to people getting kicked from groups because of this new meta wave of Artifacts? If you don't have over 160 or 200 some groups WILL kick you. This is another issue I have with artifacts and what it has done to the community.
  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Then don't pug. When people don't pull their weight they get kicked, that's nothing new. You don't need artifacts at 160/200 to play your role and complete content.
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  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’ve never had a group kick a player because of artifacts. I’ve had groups kick people because they were not doing what they were supposed to do. Dps ignoring mechanics to change the scoreboard. People getting others killed in CTe and not listening. Healers not healing. Trolls not giving power. But I have not seen someone kicked cause they have low artifacts.
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  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That kind of behavior has been taking place since the start of the game, well before Artifacts were even a passing thought in the mind of one of the devs. Way back in the beginning, it was gear checks. It just evolved from there, with Artifacts being the latest tool used by some to judge "worthiness" to enter a piece of content.
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  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Unless you work for Daybreak and personally handle finances and budgeting, don't present speculation as fact.
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  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  20. dcuotoo Well-Known Player

    DCUO2...the next big thing they have been working on...already started...they said they were working on a next gen title super related...I would hope they wouldn't milk a bug fest like dcuo...and all its dc fans...just to make a next gen game with the highest level being Thor himself inviting you to join The Avengers...!!!???or even better...whos that guy in CHAMPIONS!!!...he invites you become a CHAMPION...I guess???