Idea for new artifact

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cyro, May 1, 2020.

  1. Fwames Well-Known Player

    How about an artifact to increase IQ for the simpletons

    Anyways, I would like to see an artifact that augments the "after-WM crit" mechanics. Currently there are no artifacts that rewards the DPS hybrid player. It is either go might or prec a.k.a. flurry-shot spam or heat-vision. It would be refeshing to see other playstyles flourish in the future.

    Nonetheless, there are current artifacts that are becoming close to obsolete as the meta evolves further and further. They might want to have to take note of those first and make appropriate changes.
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  2. RoBotkin Well-Known Player

    There are artifacts that are just as beneficial for the 5 people who play as hybrid dps though- transformation card, grimorum, strategists card, etc... They don't really need to make hybrid-specific artifacts in my opinion because the 4 hybrid spec dps (me respec'ed as I was typing) can already use any other damage artifact. They might not get the same amount of use out of some but that's part of choosing hybrid.
  3. AutoBot Rage Active Player

    Sure Jacob I'll simplify it for you..People are having to chose right now how to spend their money because of Covid-19. Some are lucky to still have their jobs and while they do still worry whether or not they are next to be unemployed. I'm in no way suggesting how people should spend their money. The Virus is not political it's a pandemic people are dying from nor is the Vaccine.
  4. AutoBot Rage Active Player

    You're right Trex so maybe stay quiet...I never said they work in Healthcare nor assumed they was more of a timeline to fix the game and then add new things and have people spend more money. To add to what the OP stated I think they are great ideas but other things need to be done first.
  5. AutoBot Rage Active Player

    Anyways guys I respect your opinions and thanks for the conversation. It's time to concentrate trying to make the most of what we have and being safe at the same time. We need to support each other more than ever. Whether or not you work the front lines like some of us be safe and take care.
  6. inferno Loyal Player

    You can work it like the rage SC: click to turn, click to turn off.
  7. Cyro Committed Player

    So i was going to respond to you but what i would say keeps on going through my head plus im bored so

    I think you are unaware of a few things the first they work on things month in advance when they were putting the finishing touches on the latest dlc they were already working on the new dlc. I bring this up because i didnt suggest to have them put a new artifact out now, i suggested it so they have time to put it into the next dlc if they like the idea of it

    The second thing is and they baffled me at first, you brought up money a few times, you dont have to spend money as soon as a new artifact comes out, some will always spend of course but not everyone and most people should have the good sense to not blow money on this game when times are tough(just stick with sub)

    The last thing is im fairly sure all the devs are working at home so no risk of catching the plague. Of course if i am wrong and they are forced to work in the office(big doubt) then ignore what i said because being safe is more important. I hope this clears some things up, im also not typing this in a mean or condescending way even though im sure it kidna does come off that way :p

    P.S. Devs if you do go with this idea how about some free nth ;p
  8. AutoBot Rage Active Player

    Gosh no I wouldn't take it that way Cryo.
  9. Cyro Committed Player

    Thats good, i have a habit of coming off like a condescending a** :p