The players are starting to ruin this game.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mountie, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Ilunis Dedicated Player

    If you're on USPC, I'm that guy.

    Also, I'm just crazy enough.
  2. Omnilegion New Player

    IMO primarily F2P let the riff raff in , then CR caused confusion of skill or gear and then the replay badges destroyed everything.

    Ive noticed alot of the more serious veteran players have slowly disappeared and we are now left with the "CR/Replay badge generation" who require 80+CR to get through a FOS quickly.

    My moment of enlightenment to this games community was when i got into a themy PUG group a few weeks ago , they all had T4 gear but 6 of them had never done themy before and couldnt get past the 1st boss.

    I miss the days of running content with a group to enjoy it , rather then the "lets get through this quickly for gear/marks" mentality which has infected the game over the last year.
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  3. Cold Fuzion New Player

    I will say it again - Grinding your gear once a week allowed people to learn their role in raids! I am not questioning how people use replay badges, i'm just asking SOE to limit the amount of times they can be used with new content, on a weekly basis!
  4. Ray New Player

    you must be a hero
  5. Itazuki New Player

    I'm a Villain and I agree with this. Have been saying it to no avail though.

    You won't get SOE to limit their replay badges... Ever.
  6. Anhur Committed Player

    It is proportions and percentages, when F2P hit, it brought the good and the bad - unfortunately the quality players are diluted by the bad.

    Find a group of players that share your mentallity, and stick with them.
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  7. Clutch Committed Player

    I started noticing the change after replay badges were introduced. The elitism in this game has gotten pretty ridiculous. You have to be legendary and modded up to get in a lot of these groups even though all of the game's content can be completed without mods and yellow gear. And people who don't allow 2 healers of the same power type in their group are just silly. It really isn't a big deal.
  8. FeelsGood New Player

    This reminds me of some random newbie players (1 healer, other troll) I picked up with a FOS 2 run. We were destroying things all the way though the map. He kept asking if we were playing on novice. No one answered him. Fun times...he could have gotten a speed feat.

    People who shout for Need Non Nature healer or Need 80+ cr players for content are generally bad players. And groups you shouldn't join.
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  9. Antiopa New Player

    Jep this is something that anoyes me too. My chara (magic tree) uses just Skill powers and Iconic powers (I just prefer to to play a "RPG" -Build). The "Cookie cutter gamers" keep telling me that my build sucks and I have to change it, calling me a noob etc. Takes the fun out of the game.
  10. Enubis New Player

    I have kind of a mixed feeling about the game. While there are, like many games, tons of people who just well, ninja loot.. And like many games which went F2P, a lot of bad types flood in.. I have seen just as much good though! I mean, I ask questions in channels such as LFG / Trade, to whch I know I'm not supposed to, but there's no general channel and shout ends with no answer, I sometimes get pointless aggro from people but, twice now, I've met people who stood by to help, even offered to run me through stuff and teach me!
    All in all, I feel that I could overcome most of player based issues on endgame, just gonna make friends with cool people and bring friends along, maybe form a league or something! :D

    All in all, I am new to this game, so I really cannot understand what was changed as well as the fact that I'm still quite newbish! However, I'd look forward to sticking around, learning with friends and stuff! Best bet for any new player that feels overwhelmed, is to get friends and stuff ^.^ Besides, getting to 30 is a cake run compared to most games! Already 29 :D!
  11. Joybird Committed Player

    The main problem is that you're pugging. Join a league. Make friends. Or, at least, start your own groups with your own loot rules.

    Actually, the pugging population here is better than most games I've played. They tend to be reasonably friendly.
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  12. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    I think the key is trying to find players or a group of players who largely see the game in the same way that you do. Tis is not always a easy thing to accomplish. I have been at this game since launch and have Ben lucky enough to have been in two leagues made up of players who approach the game pretty much the same way that I do. This does not mean we always agree on everything, just at we have the same fundamental view. For the record i never forget that this is a game and an RPG. IMO there are only two rules. 1) Build your character how YOU want to and 2) HAVE FUN. Frankly I think it is silly to knock someone over their character build. There are many ways to skin a cat after all !
  13. Wonder Boi Well-Known Player

    I run a league called the JSA Academy. Our Founding Officers would NEVER tolerate this behaviour from League members. The first question we ask is what role would you like your primary role to be and how do you want to build your toon? We then go from there. Our league is a league that teaches others how to run the raids, alerts and duos based upon YOUR desires of the toon your playing. If your having trouble with players like this, then please feel free to find a member of the JSA Academy and we will be more than happy to run things with you without the whole grief you have found. Just remember until THOSE other players pay for your account, play the way you want.
  14. Enubis New Player

    I actually wanted a Batman esque, Gadget/Martial arts build, but it was being said to suck. I am however unsure of how things go. Honestly, reading the guides have only gotten me way too confused, PI, POT, Clipping, Holy hell all these new terms to understand.
    I've been trying to get a good grasp but, damned it is tough! I will do my best though ^.^!And damned server has to go down when I'm 1 level from 30 lol. Either way, I'm still experimenting and looking around for what goes good with Gadgets without being overboard, dual guns maybe, or staff~

    I rarely PUG, in fact, I've done like only one PUG and everyone was needing everything. Annoying, but *Shrugs*, I kind of just move on and decided to wait and do groups with friends or hit 30 and then decide to look up groups in LFG and stuff :D. The game is still ridiculously face paced fun imho!
  15. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with the build you describe. It is creative and you can't rely on just blowing up everything in sight. Some of the best DPS I have seen in the game use your approach. It is also a great controller build. It is the tactician's approach to the game. As to PI that I believe stands for power interactions. How one power effects others. Power interactions are explained in each of your power descriptions. POT is power over time and is the primary controller's duty. It is the power that causes those periodic blue numbers to pop indicating the gradual power replenishment you are giving your team. Clipping is the act of going from a weapon combo, and before the animation finishes popping into an instant cast power for a damage boost. This last takes a lot of practice and aside from padding your scoreboard stats I would debate it's overall usefulness in a fully geared team.
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  16. RackaFrackaMan New Player

    Wow...somebody said, "the rules are imposed for your benefit" or something like that...I mean, I shuddered when I heard that. That's some scary language.

    But yeah, there's some players out there who think that if you don't have this loadout, if you're not using this weapon, etc. etc. etc. that you're not playing the game right. Now some things just make sense. For example why would a Controller use a Brawling weapon, stuff like that. But there's some ridulous stuff going on out there. You see it in the LFG chat...I howled the other day when someone was shouting for Oan Sciencells but wanted you to shout your CR and SP. For Oan. A T2 alert. If you have the CR rating to go in there, you should be allowed to run it. and yeah, if your CR is at the minimum then it's going to be hard.

    And I think the whole "right loadout, right weapon, minimum CR/SP, EXP only" stuff me just say's from players who don't want to have to work at a duo, alert, raid, operation. They want to go thru it, with no hassles, no need for strategy, no need for patience, etc. Take the whole scoreboard watching thing.'ve ended the Raid, it went fairly smoothly, say it's something fairly straightforward like Outer...and people start ragging on someone because of their scores? The group completed the raid, right? So a player has been running with the group, enjoying themself, and some jerk needs to ruin it by rubbing their scores in their face.

    I was running Gates a couple weeks back and I was the backup Troller. And I've been doing this for 2 years, I'm the main troller for the past two leagues I've been in. And we're in the first part, doing the Reaver part. Everyone's got plenty of power, it's going just smooth as silk. And some cretin keeps bleating about how I'm not sharing enough power...he's looking at the scoreboard, in the middle of this first part. Haven't even got the first boss part yet and he's freaking out because a number on the scoreboard is to him, the indicator to judge what I'm doing. First of all, that's a profound misunderstanding of this game. Power out itself doesn't really tell the tale because any player in the group can manufacture their own power by using weapon combos, people's power pools are different, and it's only when players are using their powers anyway to drain their power instead of using their weapons. Because the power bars were not going down and we were doing just fine, that means a troller can do all the other things they're supposed to be doing, like debuffing, stunning, working on adds, etc. Our damage out should ideally be just below the DPS section of the Scoreboard, but as I've advised, the scoreboard doesn't tell the tale of how the mission went. And yeah, I'm sharing power, consistently. It would be different if the healer was running out of power and people were going down and the DPS's bars were constantly low...but that wasn't the situation at all, everything was just fine. So what was this guy's problem? Well, only his psychiatrist can really tell, but he had decided that a backup troller's power out, no matter what, needs to be a percentage of the main troller's power out...because that's HIS RULES.

    And the OP, I think, is talking about this phenomenom. And really, I blame DCUO for this. Take out the scoreboard...until the end of the mission, at least. This arbitrary "you're numbers aren't this so you have to leave" garbage is ridiculous and it WILL run off the players who don't have personality defects and they'll go play some other game that features sober adults in it. Or make a server where these people can play by themselves. The ones who shut people out of running missions because their CR/SP aren't some arbitrary numbers because the other players in the group don't (1) have to put in much effort and (2) don't want to help less experienced players learn their roles. Yeah, there's a bunch of people who have, like me, been doing this since launch who have all T4, 88CR, over 100 SP who could probably run Outer blindfolded. And there's newer players who need help and some consideration...and there's some of us vets who might want to work on some alts.

    But if some of the "rule enforcers" don't untwist their underwear, players are going to quit DCUO...and when enough players quit, SOE will take away your sandbox...and the toys in it weren't yours to start with anyway.

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  17. Nitefelina New Player


    Name the online game that the players didn't ruin.
  18. Web Well-Known Player

    Answer: Horse Isle

    Things i cant stand in regards to player imposed rules:
    1.CR requirement to join a group and the person who required the high CR is not even close to the CR they requested.
    2. Groups that require a certain CR and the group is made up of a bunch of people with "fake" CRs, aka a hodgepodge of CC, T3, and shady nightclub gear that lets them get into CR 70 content with no gear progression.
  19. Enubis New Player

    It's good to hear from a Vet player that doesn't nitpick or well "Rule enforce" people to be this this or that that, or this is the best build what not. It's fairly annoying, though I'm not unreasonable enough to say I want to play some ridiculously off the point, impossible to setup build for DPS, as far as my understanding for MMORPGs. there's no game that you can put any combo together and expect them to fit to your likes. But that is just how I see it. Thanks nonetheless Solmes202! Though regarding trollers, I may stay away from it for now, at least til I get some good experience with endgame and figure the game out slowly, it seems very, very different kind of a role. On one hand, some guides are saying that trollers now should be focused on giving the group power, instead of ccing, then again I'm no one to say which is right or wrong.

    To me though, each role has it's task to fill and their own responsibility. As to what you claim in regards of the guy QQing about the scoreboard, I'm assuming he is whining that you aren't giving him enough power. Like for me, as a DPS, I see myself going to manage my own power pool, reasonably. Seeing how much Power output the troller is giving, and then managing my own dps to fit that. If I get hit, block and the likes, giving healers sometime to manage, 8man/4man or what not, grouping is about team play and not what you are doing on your own, if it is so, than why have groups? That is how I think stuff should be! ^^

    As for the whole CR SP thing, well I don't know what SP is but, CR I know at least. As what I've read, DCUO without CR was filled with ridiculously undergeared people taking on high end raids they queued for to their regret, but that is only what I've read and it sounded logical to put in a buffer, so that people are at least geared, though the backlash comes with "Rule enforcers." So to speak. It's going to mess the game up with or without CR rating imho. Regardless of it, F2P brings in the crowd of horrids in EVERY game, without CR, you'll have a buncha newbs queueing for stuff or LFGing and end up causing chances of success in a run to become very, very slim. With CR, you get "Rule enforcers" or "Elitists" so to speak, who just want to get a 99.9%, 0 wipe, successful run. All in all, I guess the only solution would be, friends, guilds/leagues. Speaking of friends (Add me! Sera Blood! USPC PVE) ^^

    Speaking of Guilds/Leagues, what annoys me the most in these games are players who are basically trolls, nitpickers. I once asked if there are any "Roleplay guilds", and I get the kind of response which goes along the lines of. "LOL roleplay" or "Guilds? This isn't WOW."
    Techinical terms for each game changes per say, but most MMORPGERS should know the generic terms anyway, there really isn't a point in making such a fuss. I guess, we all get these people everywhere anyway.. The whole "I'm cooler than you." group, which laughs are roleplayers or anyone who plays differently. As well as the whole "This isn't WOW" Anti WOW group, seriously, get over it, I don't enjoy WOW anymore, but sometimes people get accustomed to certain terminologies. Oh God, I went ranting again!! However, yes, I guess this would be my greatest issue with players, which I usually ignore.
  20. Web Well-Known Player

    I still say guild all the time instead of league.