Style Unlock Rank Phase 4 (SUR4)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Marrow, Mar 6, 2020.

  1. Marrow Active Player

    On April 26th, 2018, Game Update 82 brought in Style Unlock Rank Phase 1, allowing us to unlock owned Style options from one character to another with Replay Badges up to a certain point. One month later, May 29th 2018, we got the second, which gave us a ton more to work with. After the Summer of 2018, on August 15th 2018, we got the third phase. It has since been nearly two full years since the last SUR.

    With some research, I've found that all styles made after 2017 are currently inaccessible through this system. From Episode 27's Amazon Fury Part 3, all the way to current Metal Part 2, Episode 36.

    That means Fallen God, Gorgon Slayer, Toga, Blackhawk, Riddler, Owlsuit, Quicksuit, Mera, Spindrift, Main Man, Bionic, Armored Detective, Ninth Tride Tyrant, Son of the Manta, Son of Belial, ARGUS Operative, War-Metal, Dystopian Amazon, Battle-Hawk, and Damaged Lantern, as well as those episodes' Collection pieces such as Nabu's Chosen cape and HIVE Master's hood, and the vendor style items such as the Magician's hair and coat from Justice League Dark, and Starfire's hair from Teen Titans Judas Contract. Alongside this is the wealth of the lootboxes added to the game in that time frame, some of which have Enhanced versions in the past that are re-unlockable for free, are still not part of this system, all the way back from the Batman Beyond set. The worst case of all, though, is that of the Batman pack, where one of the sets is unlockable with the system, and the other is not, meaning that the pack itself is only worth half it's price tag, as repeated purchases would have you buying only half of something you can actually use, and the other to just sit around gathering dust.

    It has been nearly two years since this system has been put into place, and a little over a year and a half since the last SUR. There has been no information regarding this new piece. All I want is communication from the developers. Is this even being considered? Is it even being worked on? I'm aware that some people are saying that the Holiday items would be part of this whole deal, but I'd wager that either never happening, or part of a SUR5. I've been in the dark for a year about this and have been asking incessantly in the Discord and several times on Twitter. DCUO's style system is the best reason to play it, and to see it supposedly ignored for this long is starting to raise some red flags.
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  2. nawanda Loyal Player

    The logical explanation for the abandonment of style unlocking is it wasn’t profitable or profitable enough. Although it is of note, for me personally, it isn’t priority, I respectfully take a different view as to the importance of styles. I’m here to play a game so the actual gameplay takes precedence over bells and whistles.

    The lack of communication you refer to is standard. What they do is, they assign all reasonable questions from customers a number, in the order that they are received, and every thousandth question gets a response.
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  3. Marrow Active Player

    So they just cancelled the whole thing without telling anyone?
  4. nawanda Loyal Player

    I can’t say for sure, because there has been no communication, but that and the timeline you summarised paints a compelling picture. Would be happy to receive clarification from a member of the development team.
  5. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    They clearly stopped doing style unlocking because the replay costs to unlock were way to high. Nobody gonna buy that. Ì think they thought hey why we charging them for this we feel bad so let's just stop here. Charging us for styles we already have is highway robbery
  6. Marrow Active Player

    I'd rather pay for a pack of replay badges than pay for a pack of lootboxes. At least then I know what I'm getting.
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  7. nawanda Loyal Player

    I actually disagree with this point of view. I have no problem with monetisation of cosmetic items when the pricing is transparent: you’re not paying money for a chance of something and where there are no implications for character progression or gameplay. There’s nothing in principle wrong with it. Presumably you also think charging for feat unlocking is robbery too. They have to try to make money somehow. It’s optional, if you don’t like the pricing, don’t buy.
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  8. Marrow Active Player

    A part of me believes it has something to do with them wanting to incorporate the Chroma sets in as well, and...if I may be honest, just leave that for it's own thing.
  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There will be a phase 4 of style unlocking.
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  10. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Nah, they already stated, several times, that Materials would not be included in Style Unlocking for [technical reasons].
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  11. Marrow Active Player

    Thank you for clarifying that it's still happening, but is there a time frame we can expect it?
  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Highway robbery was and is a very specific thing. Someone gets in your car and PUTS A GUN TO YOUR HEAD and says "give me all your money." You have zero choice in the matter.

    Please explain how DCUO physically threatens to kill you if you don't buy styles for characters that haven't earned/obtained them.


    Oh, otherwise you might want to withdraw the charge and note that the comparison is ridiculous. Self-entitlement does not actually conjure up non-existent justifications for false claims.

    It's also not "charging us for styles we already have." We have them on separate characters. Nobody ever ever ever claimed that styles automatically are useable by all your characters. You're simply making up that claim out of whole cloth because you want it to be true.

    That's not how reality works.

    If the character already has a style, you're not being charged for it. If you want a new and separate use for the style on a *different* character, you'll have to pay replay badges. Why that would be illegitimate, I have no idea. Again, no guns or threats of violence actually force you to buy something. "I want that" does not turn out to mean "someone else is forcing me to do this with credible threats of violence."

    It's useful to distinguish between "things offered for sale" and "attempted murder." Otherwise you might encounter problems in later life when you're arrested in a department store screaming that someone is trying to kill you by offering you a chance to buy something.
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  13. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    It would be pretty surprising for Mepps to suddenly announce a time frame for something not in the next two weeks, wouldn't it?

    You may have missed the fact that the devs won't give public deadlines that they can't guarantee in advance that they'll be sure to meet them. Which is only sensible, given the way they're accused of "lying" if they don't meet a deadline set for months from now.

    I mean, I'd love to know the roadmap and plans and estimated dates for future stuff as much as possible.

    But if you've ever worked for a creative company, you'll know that it's just not realistic to expect tentative dates to be treated as hard deadlines -- unless you prefer guaranteed extra bugs -- and these forums have demonstrated repeatedly that too many people don't understand the difference between "this is a guestimate" and "this is a firm deadline we promise you can counton."

    If the folks in these forums had demonstrated past maturity in treating an estimate as an estimate, the devs wouldn't be shy about releasing estimates.

    But the children in the forums have made it clear that that will never happen, and that they will instead constantly make personal attacks on devs, scream about being cheated, demand their money back, create endless conspiracy theories about how Daybreak is deliberately cheating users, and similar nonsense that it's entirely reasonable for adults to say they won't put up with such abuse any more.

    Maybe if forum members spent a year or two not doing all these unreasonable things, the devs would change their mind, but that's never going to happen. Barely a day passing without crazed accusations of dev conspiracies against players is the actually routine here.

    The only way the devs would feel safe in giving tentative dates for months-away initiatives would be if this community of forum contributers largely grew up.

    Ain't gonna happen. Even if some members learn maturity and patience, new kids will come along to scream abuse.

    This is why we can't have nice things.

    Personally, I wish seasonal outfits were style-unlocked, but I can see how that would cut into the sales of Seasonal Marks on the Marketplace. Sigh.
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  14. Marrow Active Player

    Nearly two years later after the last SUR, while all of the previous ones happened within 5 months total. I'm asking for a time frame as a guestimate. Like, if they said 'by the end of this year' I'd be satisfied.
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  15. hoaxone Committed Player

    Thank baby jesus, lastczarnian wasnt about to run all that doomed metropolis for that lobo gear...
  16. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Unfortunately, if he said "by the end of the year", there would be people out for blood if it was later announced that it would drop in the first GU of next year.

    Much as I would like to see the next phase (and have even asked about it a few times in these forums) I'm not going to demand a date. On the whole, I'm moderately happy with confirmation that it is going to happen.
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  17. Kuno Loyal Player

    Hope its coming soon, after almost 2 years is time.
    Why you guys always abandone features and leave then unfinished?
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  18. Kuno Loyal Player

    Of all styles you listed, we can buy almost every vendor style with marks (non-briefing/collection reward styles) since we have 2 styles on vendor for years.
    But Gorgon Slayer is the UGLIEST sister ever, since it was the last of the dropped styles, depending solely on RNG, non buyable-on-vendor style and was left out of style unlock ever since it was released.
    Also its the last one I'm missing. This was a low hit...

    They discontinued rare vendor because of style unlock, then discontinued style unlock for over a year. Its been a bad decision after another, I dont know whats going on with this game development, I truly want to know why they do things like this and I try to be empathetic and understand, but I cant lol
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  19. Starblast Well-Known Player

    I applaud you Marrow for your detailed list of styles not unlock-able! Although....I really wish we could add the Holiday styles to this as well. even if it is from the previous year and not the current ones. also...i tend to not replay content so my replays i get from being a subscriber is a perk.Plus you can buy the feats already right? I mean this would make them money.