What is going on with PS4 Prices?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ANNlHlLATOR, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. ANNlHlLATOR New Player

    Not talking about the broker.
    Yearly memberships have increased by $40, and marketplace cash used to give you a premium on large purchases with $20 being the middle ground. For example, you used to be able to get 10,000 Marketplace cash for $84.99 which was giving you 1,500 at a premium. Now you pay $113.49 to get that same amount. I live in Canada and assumed that maybe this was a foreign exchange thing, but I checked my PC account and the prices there are what they've always been. Can someone please explain to me why a 10 year old product is increasing it's prices on only one platform?
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  2. myandria Item Storage

    Sony has raised prices and added tax to purchases across the board, the U.S included. The Playstation Store is not console generation specific (except for those consoles that did not have the store) so it will be there for every Sony console that will be released, thus giving Sony the ability to raise prices when the company feels necessary.

    The PC version is directly tied to Daybreak and therefore the PC prices will remain what they are until Daybreak decides to change them.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Ive seen other people talking about changes on Canadian stores in particular, there was talk it was a tax correction, but who knows.

    Are the prices on your PSN store in Canadian dollars or U S dollars?
  4. Mazahs Loyal Player

    It is a PSN thing and yes it has to do with exchange rate and (possibly taxes, but the numbers are almost exact to the Canadian dollar to USD)

    Since PC does not use the Playstation Network, they can adjust when or if they see fit.
    This came up a while ago & Mepps was unaware when it happened. I
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  5. ANNlHlLATOR New Player

    Thank you, I was confused/concerned until I read this
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Our base price has not changed at all, but it looks like currency conversion rates are being updated more frequently or accurately with our partners.
  7. Walvine Well-Known Player

    Last year Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo sent tariff warning to the usa trump administration over the video game industry , Maybe it's related !!! Unsure why that would effect Canada though.
  8. BumblingB I got better.

    I'm assuming that is not something that can be fixed on DBG end?

    That's going to hurt your Canadian PS player base a lot.
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  9. Coelha Well-Known Player

    I think PSN updated all prices for many in-game purchases, (game prices are the same for every game I checked) based on currency and taxes. The only DCUO price that remained the same in my country is the 12 month membership (For some reason high cost in-game purchases received different treatment, not only in DCUO). 12 months now costs about 4x less than buying 1 month every month (1 month is so expensive if I payed for it since I started playing I would be able to buy a new car) for my psn friends.

    If I'm not mistaken it's been at least 4 to 5 years (maybe even 10) they didn't update prices, but in reality it's only fair I guess, on PC we pay less than half as much US citzens do.
  10. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    The thing is, essentially Canadian players have been getting an unintended discount until those prices were adjusted.

    For example, a single months membership costs 14.99 US, which is 20.06 Canadian at the moment. If they were paying 14.99 Canadian instead, they actually had an unintended discount on membership (that comes to 11.20 US). From my understanding, the prices for things for the game are "set" in US dollars, and charged to customers in their native currency equivalent. And from the sounds of things, someone at Sony recently figured out that they weren't charging the exchange rate for Canadians, so they were "losing" money.
  11. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    We went over this some time ago (a month or two?). The currency conversion was updated by Sony to reflect the actual value of the Canadian Dollar. Before, people in the USA were paying $84.99 USD and people in Canada were paying $84.99 CAD... which meant the Canadians were getting a huge unintended discount, since the CAD is much weaker than the USD.