Bonus Currency Weekend!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 26, 2020.

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  1. Jensu Well-Known Player

  2. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Wow, this is perfect timing for the Demonheadrons because I’m so close to finishing the OP Back (just want the style).
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  3. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    Instead of double artifact XP... I want the Member Appreciation sale to come back. It's been over a year, and I'd like to change some powers and names without having to pay the full $10 each. Then I can also buy the Artifact XP at 50% and it'll also kind be like double artifact XP.

    EDIT: Oopsie, it hasn't been over a year. We had the 20%/50% sale last Summer. I guess I'll just have to wait until Summer then.
  4. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    It not about money only that everything burns. ;) I am sending a message.
  5. spack2k Steadfast Player

    Nah on 3rd march it will be 6 months ago therefore the xp artifact weekend should happen next weekend on 5th march if they stay with the same schedule of every 6 months but i doubt it because they usually do a xp bonus weekend when the new artifacts/episode is on test server and i dont expect that to happen till mid-late march.
  6. MrStoob Well-Known Player

    No Thanagarian or Source Marks? Booo.

    I know we just had them as double, but the other episode currencies are pretty redundant due to the better equipment available at Thanagar, cosmetics notwithstanding.
  7. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    Looool, Mepps :)
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  8. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Hahaha. Nice

    "Ill turn this car around right now keep it up"
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  9. Morcegoitu New Player

    Yes i too!!!
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  10. Morcegoitu New Player

    yes great, my drachma material is coming
  11. TymeBlast Well-Known Player

    Thank you!!
  12. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    most unexpected, much appreciated. cheers, guys.
  13. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    I hope they do a Double Artifacts XP when the next set of Artifacts are introduced into the game, i'm guessing it will be when Birds of Prey goes live.
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  14. OdoyleRules New Player

    Please double artifact xp. Also just curious, with all the money everyone blows on time capsules, can we get a new power (black lantern) or at least a graphic update?
  15. Zanaxdue New Player

    Where can I find Metal Part I ?
  16. Brit Loyal Player

    Crazy suggestion here that is not related to how this would have been better as double Nth Metal XP weekend.

    What if, when we do these double Episode Currency weekends, we turn back on the Event versions of those respective Episodes.

    Since in it's current state, E34-35 is only available to people who are appropriate CR for 34+, this specific weekend provides little to the endgame players who no longer need those marks, and provides NOTHING to the players who are lower than Episode 34, since they can no longer access that content.

    If I could run alts through for double currency and gearing up, I probably would. But doubling back my main to run stuff I've outleveled, just to farm marks that I don't need so that I can buy an OP collection piece that doesn't matter because I'll never actually get the dropped ones to drop... yeah.. that just wasn't going to happen.

    Turning on the Event modes makes this useful to everyone, instead of just one very small sliver of the population.
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  17. Zanaxdue New Player

    nwm.. I found out .. LOL
  18. DCspawn87 Well-Known Player

    Some people may find this funny but I call it arrogance. You guys know that you have the so-called elitists on this non-elitist game **expletives** in vice-grips and you come on here and say something like that? Must be fun to play God.
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  19. mrcheap Well-Known Player

    DCspawn87 this is what is making the world less fun at the moment: no-one is allowed to make a joke about anything because there is always someone who is offended.

    I got the joke Mepps, +1 to you. :D
    • Like x 2
  20. Exodusblack Well-Known Player

    So, when is the bonus artifact XP weekend?
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