Artifacts for water healer

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Jensu, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. Jensu Well-Known Player

    So I have a water healer I have been working on, and here's what artifacts I have at rank 120, soul cloak, page of destiny and manacles of force, I did try the orb one, but didn't care for the power it took away whenever I use my main heal, let me know your thoughts
  2. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Personally I use soul cloak and Gemini for SC, flood of power is used religiously as healing. Demon fang as 3rd. Personal preference makes the difference with water.
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  3. L T Devoted Player

    If you still have the orb leveled, it works great for water if you're using the flood of power supercharge.

    Orb/soul cloak/page is great. Can sub the fang for page if you're always out of power, but with flood of power that should really never be a problem.
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  4. Sl0ptimusGrim3 New Player

    I don't run a sc as a water heal I feel it's a wasted slot. I run a solace with riptide for the double hot. Tempest. Priority heal. 4 man heal ( buffed ton7 man with page) and depending on content and if I'm solo I run either the 4 man shield or the 7 man heal. I use dual pistol with power regen mod. And spam the hold triangle for power regen. My arts are page, transformation and orb 160+ as long as u can power manage properly the orbs drain isn't that big of a deal don't be afraid to drink sodas for power.
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  5. Brav Well-Known Player

    Definitely shouldn't use manacles if low on power as it doesn't give any power. Not that you can't, there are just better options available now at least for a main healing setup.

    Orb does change your play style a bit. You will have to get use to it as more of an emergency cast for the tank/lowest player. If you rather not deal with that type of play style then as the others suggested in this thread using the scrap, gem or fang combo is still a great choice, especially with the page/safety net as your go to heal for the group.

    Another possibility is what Sio above suggested as a non supercharge build though if if you prefer a non orb combo then either fang/omega is another option. Though the omega doesn't have any resto it is similar to the scrap as it grants more passive power regen instead of extra supercharge regen/pool, which is good for a non supercharge load or both if preferred.

    I would suggest if you can, go to the test server and try them out. See which ones you prefer and what works for you. If you can't then another way to test most of them is getting them at least to rank 80. Most start their main function at 80 and it doesn't cost as much or take as long to get to rank 80 at this point in the game. Doing either should give you a better idea of what to expect from each setup/combo. Do some testing and try each setup, see whats more comfortable and works with your build/play style. Good luck and have fun.