Metal ll help..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BrookynRogers, Jan 31, 2020.

  1. BrookynRogers New Player

    I'm new to this game, I've only been playing for like a week now and I just finished the metal ll event and I'm trying to open the treasure boxes but it says I have to own metal ll what does that mean?? Tia
  2. Aspar Agus Well-Known Player

    It means you need to either be a paying subscriber or to have specifically bought access to the Metal II DLC. If you are accessing the Event versions of Metal II content as a free-to-play member, you wont have access to the content of that extra loot box. It just contains a random drop from an exclusive style, extra marks or base items, there is no gear in the box.