Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Oh. I completely agree about the outfit styles.
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  2. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    I know Meg said there wil be some new slimline styles in the future but can we Please get a one colored slot slimline chest then ? Sometimes we just need it simple ;)
  3. NeightShade89 New Player

    @mepps I’m still waiting for the only dark knights metal left like I really want the murder machine style there’s also the devastator and a barbatos bat hood can we get it in a time capsule or something or a trinket to turn into the devastator please mepps work your magic
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  4. ScottyWesley New Player

    Id really like to see some different styled powersets. 3 off the top of my head Antimatter(AntiMonitor), Metal, Stretch
  5. X13-KING Well-Known Player

    I made a similar posting for a head style based on Despero's third eye.
  6. X13-KING Well-Known Player

    Can we please get a waist style based on the belt Hawkman wears in-game?

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  7. OVERCAP Level 30

    May i suggest a weapon style? it would be great for the Summer Event! Only for one-hand or dual wield. I would like to see a Chancla (flip flop or slipper) weapon style! That is for one handed and for dual wield it would be 2 chanclas (flip flops or slippers)! Please Please!
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  8. Charlieboy Well-Known Player

    I would like some more sleeveless options and if there is any way you can create a better quiver as the original one looks so outdated now. I know we have the High-Density back quiver but you can't see anything from the front so you never know it was there.

    And more hoods would be cool cos the ones we have, besides HIVE aster hood, only go with their original outfits and don't mix well at all with different chests.

    Also can we have the Split Personality mask, that is only available for female characters, available for males please. It's such a simple mask but works so well on my female toons.

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  9. X13-KING Well-Known Player

    As someone who uses the Viking set's chest and legs styles for his Hawk Man inspired main character. I'm BEGGING YOU to please UPDATE THEM!!!!! As much as I would love to use the thanagarian emblems on the chest's battle harness. That is only a secondary NEED of synchronizing the legs color channels with the chest's.

    At first it was no big deal when I could customize the colors to make them mach, but that doesn't work with Chromas. I need two Chromas to do that and thus far only the Bronze Metal has allowed me to do that. So PLEASE FIX IT!!!!!
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  10. ArawnFell New Player

    Not sure if anyone brought this up but what about styles from justice league odyssey like blackfire, darksied, and azrael they all look really amazing an I would love to see new darksied styles added to the game
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  11. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    Bodybuilder skin
  12. Brit Loyal Player

    Could we get some sports uniforms, preferably with space for large emblem placement. Basketball, Hockey, Football, American Football, Cheer. As it stands right now, the closest thing to something athletic I've been able to pull together is a Letterman's Jacket from the seasonal, which looks a little awkward since it's zipped up.
  13. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    We've had it since the Beta Test days, it's the Brute Body Type. That's the DC Universe Online "artistic interpretation" of that type of musclebound body type and the Devs have stated repeatedly that there will be NO new Body Types coming to the game, not EVER. So like all of us, you'll have to stick with the one we have.
  14. Jlio New Player

    I would like the Laughing Fish gun of Joker, it would be really crazy lol[IMG]
  15. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    The brute looks more like a fat midget compared to this skin this isn’t a body type it’s more of a retexture Model more define and HD similar to what they did to some updated skins
  16. BanesRampage Well-Known Player

    I think he wants a updated brute model I personality want brutes to be just a head taller that shouldn’t be to much
  17. ArawnFell New Player

    About the body builder skin I think we should get some new more of a new updated body type that's a bit taller then the rest kinda like a giant body type not saying we should be huge but having the males able to be around the size of mammoth or atrocitus and females like a smaller giganta I fell this could give players who want to seem and feel like true giants like those characters and I know we have the brute but the brute is around the same size as the striker and for most ppl who want to truly look brutish like a tanky wall that's unbreakable it's kinda disappointing. But with a updated body type it could bring a fresh new look and feeling for players.
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  18. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    I been saying this for the longest but nobody ever supports it brutes looks like fat buff midgets they should be hulk size I have a thread about this topic coming up with the perfect points
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  19. Halcyon81 Level 30

    I would like to see the blind envy hood reworked, it is too tall. I feel it would look better if the bend/flop started closer to your characters head than at the tip, looks like too much starch was used on it in its current state.
  20. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

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