Skip to CR 250

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Captain1Dynamo, Nov 15, 2019.

  1. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Hate to break it to ya, but I've never had 6 artifacts, or dual role of anything since artifacts and augments came out. So you cant speak for everyone, definitely not me and few friends I play with.
  2. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    I glanced at the previous comments so if this info is redundant sorry...

    I was able to take the whole unopened artifacts box and put it in my shared bank. My main then opened it and got all the goodies.
  3. Brit Loyal Player

    Personally, I think the CR Skip wasn't really intended for us as the experienced players; it's supposed to be something for newer players to skip them over all the dead space and get them up close to the endgame so that they can play with their friends. They give one to everybody, but honestly, the game doesn't hold a strong value for alts. There is only one path of progression, so it isn't like there's a new experience for leveling, and with gear being character-bound instead of account-bound, it just means progressing multiples results in a ton of extra work so that you can split your rewards multiple ways and have a couple of slightly inferior characters to show for it. They could give me a CR Skip that gets us to 270 with 300 skill points and it would still be a downgrade from my main and not really have a reason to play them.
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  4. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Seems like some players have the wrong idea about the Skip. The Skip costs FIFTY DOLLARS. Yes, 11 months out of the year the Skip costs $50. It doesn't matter if you got one for free; the Skip should include $50 worth of stuff. There are lots of full games you could buy out there for $50. As such the Skip should give you everything you need to play CR 255 instances. In other words 8 players should be able to take the Skip, immediately go into Shattered Gotham or Fellowship of the Arcane & successfully complete the Raid. If you can't do that because the team's stats are too low, then you got shorted.
    So look at what you get in the skip. Is it $50 worth of the stuff? If no, then you should be complaining, regardless of the fact that you got one for free.
  5. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    Let's go back to the '90s / '00s, and say we're back to a $5/hour minimum wage. Pretty sure it takes more than 10 hours to get from 1 to 255. So with the time saved, especially now that time is worth more than $5/hour, $50 to get a character to 255 alone is worth the price of admission. However, I do agree that it would be nice if more feats were given... but the skip gives just about all the feats from non-DLC content. It would make the customer less likely to purchase/play the content or subscribe if the feats from the older DLCs were given to them.
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