Stabilizers or new PSN game ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by HYPERi0N, Jan 11, 2020.

  1. HYPERi0N New Player

    Hi Devs. Already asked about it before but gonna ask again, even if you obviously cannot say anything official before the good time. So ... should I use my remaining PSN cash to buy a bunch of stabilizers for a new Time Capsule that may be released in the two next weeks or ... should I use this cash anywhere else ? Any answer would be appreciated. Yeah yeah ... trash talkers from here and there ... I’m escaped from Arkham Asylum as someone said earlier in my previous post ... that’s it ;). Peace anyway ^^
  2. HYPERi0N New Player

    Lets bring the next TC. Ready for it xP
  3. hoaxone Committed Player

    Your excitement to throw money at your screen for a carrot to chase amuses me.
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  4. HYPERi0N New Player

    • Warning: The DCUO forums are for everyone. Please be respectful, constructive, and kind. Please welcome contrasting views and stay on topic. Do not insult or attack anyone.
    Nice to hear. Be amused, son. That’s called entertainment. To throw a bit of money at my screen is a way for me to enjoy a bit of my free time indeed. But who are you to judge ? Do you know my ressources ? How hard I work ? What I own ? You know nothing, and while I own my house and more, have married my lady, educate my son, and yup throw a bit of money with some hype in a virtual entertainment in the few moments in which I can relax, you just come and play the big dude on your keyboard with your big mouth and your so tiny and so cute little brain. I like you already. Keep up ;). French btw, so ... sorry for the spelling mistakes :).
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  5. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    given the fact the drop rates out of tc are just garbage id say get a game. at least then you KNOW what you are getting for your money.
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  6. Wallachia Devoted Player

  7. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    New game, it would be better money spent.
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  8. hoaxone Committed Player

    Well, I obviously hit a soft spot. While I posted 1 sentence you felt the need to defend your spending habits. I never directed insulted you but you call me son,tiny and little brain and say I'm trying to be a big dude on a keyboard. That again amuses me. We call that a contradiction.
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  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    he has super-try-hard-itis. don't worry.
  10. Wildcat Committed Player

    Why You buy stabilizers?
    You can get them for free, I have about 10 on my account - from event duo mission
    You can get all collections and emblems from the broker too.
  11. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    Honestly do what ever you want to do. Not being snarky here being serious. You can only use those playstation funds for some gaming content so do what you enjoy with it. If you want stabilizers for the tc then buy them. If you have your eye on a game. Buy it. It's all about what you will enjoy. They are games. Sure you have to put in the effort. But at the end of the day. You just have to do something you enjoy. With Time capsules it isn't a guaranteed win but neither are the slots in a casino. Sometimes the thrill of pulling the lever or betting against the house is enough to overset the loss. So I know I am not helping with the decision. But just do what ever you will enjoy.
  12. Brit Loyal Player

    Batman Who Laughs Time Capsule released in August and ended in October, lasting about two months.
    Dark Hawgirl Time Capsule released in November. It is early January now. It has been close to two months.
    (Ressurgence took place from October to November between the two).

    While nothing has been announced officially, in a case of You-Do-The-Math, we're probably within a couple of weeks of new Time Capsule.

    I don't presume to know what you'll get more enjoyment out of, but since you specifically mentioned wondering when the next new one was coming, I figured I would provide what information we have.
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  13. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    face it. youre going to buy a new game, play it for a little bit...then come back here and buy stabilizers anyway.
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  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    but to answer this question - I spent the money on King of Fighters XIV instead.
  15. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    see above... and you're not wrong...
  16. HYPERi0N New Player

    I’m a Law Man you know. We like big sentences with very clear explanations. We do like to justify ourselves by nature indeed. Most of us do ah ah =P. And short sentences as yours btw can often be so much more insulting. No need lots of words to spit on somebody. That’s what you did. I just like to be clear no matter how long it takes ... using more words to be sure to be understood by the smallest ones. Be amused, again. If it can be THE ray of light in your dark and sad day ... my duty would have been accomplished. Batman out ^^
  17. HYPERi0N New Player

    Thx for your answers guys. Good points.
  18. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Birds of Prey hits theaters February 7. I would bet on the new time cap coming out close to that date. I would also bet that the cap will be Harley / BoP themed.

    Now the question is - will we get a head spinning tweety birds accessory?

  19. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    as long as we don't get the batnipple suit in the tc I will be happy......
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  20. Black Peacock Active Player

    My bet is a pair of fishnets for the new body models because they can't be bothered to fix the ones we already have. And oh! We'll need to pay for the new ones too, because they'll be in a random box!