Adaptive augment: To keep or not

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BDA_HitMan, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. BDA_HitMan New Player

    I wanted to know if it is was worth keeping Adaptive augments from other EP , I have Metal, dark, Coral ( 2 of each max-out).

    My Question is, are the benefits of keeping to use max-out Adaptive augments : Exmp-( Enchanted Coral ) for running Atlantean EP with all it's benefits ( Reduces Damage of King shark 15%, sea beast Slam 20%) Vs running the same Atlantean EP but with max-out Metal Resonator with out the rank bonuses but higher stats. In a nut shell ; Dose the higher stats out weight the rank bonuses when playing that EP; and weather the worth keeping or let them be absorbed into the Newer Adaptive augments.

    Any Thought on it : Thank You for any Advice
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  2. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    I was wondering this myself!
  3. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I wouldn't doubt there's a breakeven point. I know, for instance, the OP pieces are roughly good for two episodes. Wouldn't surprise me if the math works out that way, but I haven't put pen to paper.
  4. BDA_HitMan New Player

    thank you
  5. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    A lot is going to depend on whether or not you need to go back into that content to do some feats you haven't picked up... for example, a level 23 Dark Phylactery (Justice League Dark) cuts the madness damage tick by 25% in Shattered Gotham. If you still have stuff to do in there, it's going to be useful. Same is true for Cybernetic Core and any Teen Titans: Judas Contract stuff... a level 21 augment will cut environmental damage by 5%.

    Basically, if you are NEVER going back and doing anything in that content, you can consume them. If you still have stuff to do, hang on to them until you finish what you need to do.
  6. BDA_HitMan New Player

    thank you I will untill i have done all feats... thank You From: ( Darkred Dragon )